Appreciative Inquiry for Change Management Paper Example

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  5
Wordcount:  1116 Words
Date:  2022-10-08


Appreciative inquiry refers to the management change approaches aimed at identifying what works well, synthesizing reason for its specific operation and doing more research on it. The main aim of AI is to enable an organization to grow regardless of the direction and focus of the people in it (Lewis, Passmore & Cantore, 2016). Similarly, AI emphasizes the necessary language and questions used in the changes. Generally, when more affirmative questions are asked the change agents is efficiently executed.

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In early 2010, the World Health Organization did an annual general campaign. The campaign encompasses a broader range of healthcare centers. They came up with a new treatment technique, for example, free cancer treatment in public and private hospitals, free drugs to all patients on admission and proper promotion to the health practitioners. This motivated me to start one care center. Similarly, I was geared at providing modern facilities plus experienced professionals in the most affected areas. Free education was another area of concern discussed. From their meeting, it was easy to deduce a definite attribution to reshape the health department across the world. In the end, the following questions were asked: "with the new technology, which disease should be considered first? Which approach is explicit, and why? The respondent's agitated enthusiasm lead the shouted, "better service delivery." To which the interviewer responded, "your life our priority." As a result, the clarification of "which approach to be made" led to "better service delivery under affirmative action on the patients need." After the meeting, the conclusion was," your lives our priority." So the focus was made on express service delivery in healthcare centers.

My story is related to healthcare because it captures the WHO and their need to better the healthcare fraternity. More evidence is that interviewee upon asked a question the response was better service delivery. Besides, the story portrays joined effort to explicate Better Living Standard. However, I propose that cancer-related disease should be given immediate attention in most health center; this can be made possible by introducing modern machines whose results cannot be doubted. Additionally, the need for these gadgets is in line with my goal for quality healthcare service across all vicinities. The vision of my setting is to achieve the best in building bridges for more facility inventions.

SWOT Analysis

SWOT is an abbreviation of Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats. Strengths are weaknesses represent internal issues within the firm whereas opportunities and threats show external factors. For the setting of my firm I will ensure the people employed to provide healthcare service have complete knowledge of their patients, I will buy all modern machines to ease test for fast services delivery. The center will exhibit proper ethical values in all activities. My service fee will be moderate to accommodate more clients. However, a low turnout will derail the operations. Patients admitted on debts make progress stunt. Competition from other private sectors limit the participation and therefore rationing the fee will attract more customers. Loan payment in time will make future request possible.

On opportunities, I will allow medical interns to assist in minor duties at a reduced cost. I will organize for field works to reach many clients through home visits. All my employees will attend all cross-training session. The most concern areas according to my SWOT analysis includes the employees, the patients, government grants among others. This is purposely for a unified health care practices.

Comparison of Approaches

The comparison of SWOT analysis and AI implicated a need to listen to both parties before concluding. The AI generates questions which through SWOT analysis are well explained for a unified solution in the health sector. The approaches conjoin to reflect the intended goal, for example from the responses made by the interviewee it is simpler for SWOT to grab any available opportunity.

From the AI perspective, my care setting will rely entirely on the responses made by my clients. These will act as an eye opener for future expansion and vision realization. On the other hand, the SWOT will enable me to analyze any ups experienced in the dispensation of service and geographical tranquilities.

Additionally, in setting up the care, the following are some data and evidence retrieved from AI and SWOT. From the AI interviews it was concluded that the geographical location of the attention is paramount (Branson, 2016). Similarly, the respondents needed better service than never before. On the other hand, SWOT helped analyze all conditions and identifies potential clients and government grants that are cheap to access.

AI and SWOT portray mild similarities while interacting with colleagues. For example, the interrogations of AI during communication implicated a possible way out. This is the same as SWOT where the analysis of one's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threat make it easier to be an obvious solution to the problem. However, in AI some omissions may be experienced due to the language barrier.

Relevant Leadership characteristics and Skills

For one to a good leader, he must possess specific traits and skills different from the rest. He must act as the role and mentor to other junior personals. Actions and words from the leader must portray the essence of maturity.

Therefore, a person leading a potential project must have the following characteristics. He must be goal oriented to boost the desire for a comprehensive data analysis, he or should be focused and willing to learn. Similarly, about the SWOT the leader must be flexible to admit new changes that can help build on the weaknesses (Harding, 2017). In the AI, the leader must be interrogative and inquisitive to collect enough evidence for the project. Similarly, the leader should be an excellent team player and an apparent decision maker. Overall, in both AI and SWOT, a leader must be goal oriented with exuberant decision-making skills to enable make the project realize its mission and vision.


In conclusion, AI discovery provides a platform where parties can interact to execute a solution to a problem. For example, it has a 4D cycle with particular focus-Discovery, Dream, Design, and Destiny all combined for an organizational retreat. Besides, the direct observation and interviews from synthesized stories strengthen individual capabilities for effective functioning. On the other hand, SWOT provides a framework where the identified problem from the AI can be used to make an organization better through its leadership. Consequently, the AI and SWOT build leadership characteristic and skills desired in potential people regarded for potential projects.


Branson, M. L. (2016). Memories, Hopes, and Conversations: Appreciative Inquiry, Missional Engagement, and Congregational Change. Rowman & Littlefield.

Harding, S. (2017). MBA management models. Routledge.

Lewis, S., Passmore, J., & Cantore, S. (2016). Appreciative inquiry for change management: Using AI to facilitate organizational development. Kogan Page Publishers.

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