The play entitled King Lear as presented by William Shakespeare presents various issues that take place in families and the community. The game is believed to have been written between the years 1605 to 1606 and was basically about the legend who was considered to be a Britain Leir; a king from mythology who was a Celtic king in pre-Roman. King Lear presented by Shakespeare was shown to have an increased level of madness and depicted senility. As a father, he was taught to show love and care to her children since he divided his kingdom to his three daughters.
Materialism and spiritualism have been noted to be the leading cause of battle in the life of individuals. The book King Lear succeeded in presenting various characters who found themselves in the action of in between materialism and spiritualism battle that has a tragic end. The fact that exists in behind the relationship in between value of properties and love is that there is an excellent level of ambiguity that always manifests. The philosophical approaches have provided arguments that change in social development is highly centered on the interactions that occur in the individual's communications. The battle occurs due to the idea that the value of material wealth and love have different perspectives. For the case of the materialism, individuals have an interest in material things while in the side of love, the individuals value the immaterial possessions. In this specific paper, the focus will be based on the presentation of how the various characters in the book, King Lear. King Lear has made enough attempts of justifying that his love for his daughters by the approach of giving them the material possessions. In doing so, King Lear has made use of jurisdiction and wealth as a way of favoring the love he has for his daughters by use of the material things. At the end of it all the, that actions taken by King Lear backfires, and it is the high time that he understood the problem of valuing material things over value for love. This is a clear indication that they believe in the use of the amount of material wealth over value for money is the worst thing that an individual will commit in the struggle. At the end of it all, King Lear decided to sacrifice all that he had due to the wrath of his two daughters. In King Lear, many characters believe in the value of material wealth over love. After experiencing the negative consequences of this misplaced belief, they understand what is truly valuable.
Statement Exploring First Argument for Lear
The characters in King Lear play by Shakespeare seem to be more interested in the materialism and wealth over love. These characters get to a point realizing that love is more important than materials. Lear has two oldest daughters who in this context tend to express great appreciation for their daughters. The two daughters display top proclamations of respect towards their father. Looking deeply into the western conscience, the dilemma has embedded itself in between spiritualism and materialism aspect. The relationship appears to be very ambiguous since the materialism is taken to postulates that the occurrence of a change in society and development only takes place between the objects materials interactions. Material possessions appear to be valued more, but the characters in King Lear later come into the realization that love is more valuable than the materials.
Tragic Hero
King Lear was a tragic hero who later found out that wisdom and foolishness cannot be defined transparently. It is worth noting that madness and stupidity are the primary sources of knowledge to the individuals. A fool is that kind of an individual who is not in the position of doing things in the right manner. King Lear showed foolishness by the way he approached his daughters when he decided to show love to his daughters using making use of material possessions. The implication of this is that King Lear was mixing the concepts of materialism and the value of money to her three daughters. Two of his daughters are materialistic while the third one has value for love over material wealth.
Cordelia, a daughter to King Lear, helped him in experiencing the value of love over that depending on the material wealth possessions. In part four of King Lear, the reunion of King Lear and the daughter is an occurrence that has ended the whole narrative in a way that has indicated that tract on wealth materials have the highest possibility of making one a foolish. The allegory that has been included is on the prodigal son. Cordelia had left his father without blessings. When Cordelia comeback from France, she asked his father to bless her. About the actions of King Lear to her daughter at the start of the story was not welcoming. The reunion made King Lear have a clear understanding that he was very foolish in the way he was carrying out his activities. Cordelia had some cause of treating his father by treating him different from her sisters were treating their father.
Surprisingly, the genuine character of Cordelia was noted by the King of France who was asked her for a hand in marriage. Feeling appreciated, Cordelia accepted the proposal presented by the king of France. This gave her the chance to leave Lear place where she thought that now he would have better opportunities for interacting with the two cruel sisters. However, Kent was a trustworthy person who was meant to protect Leah from the destructive behaviors of the two remaining daughters. It, therefore, required Kent to act as a servant to Lear after he had disguised himself. Kent detected danger when Goneril and Regan began presenting their specific features after they acquired land and wealth from Lear.Finally, Lear ended up having his companions as; disguised Kent, a fool and some knights who enabled him to live together with Goneril. At some point, Lear plans to visit Regan, and thus he sent Kent ahead with a letter to allow the son to prepare for his arrival. However, when he arrived in the place, he realized some disrespect since Kent was set in stocks. Kent was set free, but it was impossible for Lear to tell who had put his servant in stock. This force Lear to be so sensitive since he suspected some things were not right.
The battle that that faced the two characters is on the on what would happen to them after the reunion. The decision to live a different life that was to be unique such that the approaches that they were to have in their remaining part of life. Cordelia was loving and a caregiver, but the father had not discovered that early before. The aftermath of the battle is that Cordelia resumed to the state of suffering that was her life before then. The understanding from this part is that Lear and Cordelia were that one should be ready to ensure the difficulties that one across in life, including his loss of life. The play appears to end with joy and at the same time is ending with frustration.
People will always try to cope with the atrocities with the use of material possessions. King Lear was upset when the youngest daughter told her the truth on his approach to show how he loved his daughters. The fact has been identified at the end of the play when King Lear discovered. The response is that there was a movement from emotion to the mental reaction. The wisdom of nature has the capability of quality separating personalities and at the end of it all helping them to realize their mistakes, strengths, weakness and the mistakes that one makes in life. It was not for the forces of nature; King Lear could not have discovered the truth behind all the happenings of the various concepts in the divine commands.
The characters in King Lear play by Shakespeare seem to be more interested in the materialism and wealth over love. These characters get to a point realizing that love is more important than materials. Lear has two oldest daughters who in this context tend to express great appreciation for their daughters. The two daughters display top proclamations of love towards their father. Looking deeply into the western conscience, the dilemma has embedded itself in between spiritualism and materialism aspect. The relationship appears to be very ambiguous since the materialism is taken to postulates that the occurrence of a change in society and development only takes place between the objects materials interactions. Material possessions appear to be valued more, but the characters in King Lear later come into the realization that love is more valuable than the materials.
The unfolding of the story has included the experiences of Edman. People are responsible for the violence. Our nature provides us with the responsibility of the making of the correct use of the Material things. The terrible experience by King Lear on the good behavior by Endger is that there is an implication that by not varying of the lives of others, has an effect that most of the characters in the play has shown that the evidence of letting Gods to take control of the nature, is one way that can help individuals in avoiding the tendencies of relying much on material things in place of love to the human beings.
The main problem that was created by the King Lear story and the characters in the book is full of confusion in between foolishness that has been shown by many characters in the play and the acts of the morality that have been committed by several characters, including King Lear himself. The good generalization and the duty of men in the approaches to love and wealthy possessions and the love value. The meaning that has been brought out clearly that the base root of the human kind is love and not the material properties. You must go to the reality of life to have a clear understanding of the real meaning of the various events that took place in the story of King Lear essay. The knowledge that has been brought out by the literature is that the Characters in King Lear have taken part showing how time and situation can affect feelings of the individuals of the overall actions that have been made by the various occasions in the play.
The supernatural beings have been identifies as the key in the the approaches that the human beings make use of when they are making decisions on how to deal with the various life on the material possessions as well as the multiple choices that should be made by the human beings in reference to the happenings of the overall circumstances of the total dedication to the well being of the affected individuals. The approaches that have been used by the author of the work of the narrative have succeeded in showing how love for money and wealthy possessions can make an individual appear as fools while compromising the concept of upholding respect for the family members. The established ethics would control the deficiency of realization of the importance of dealing with the dilemma of giving value to money and love. It much of significance for the human individuals to have a critical analysis of the situations that they come across in the efforts of determining the overall definition of the concepts of realization of the difficulties they come across in the description of the various unethical instances that they come across. The best approach that King Lear could have followed was by ensuring that the overall actions that were taken by King Lear were such were against the requirements of the ethics and defined by the community.
Statement Exploring First Argument for Gloucester
Comparison Paragraph
King Lear was source inspiration to Gloucester, Edgar, Kent, and Cordelia. When a person has been inspired by somebody else, one can do anything to make the person that is the source of the inspiration happy. The four characters that were inspired by King Lear, Edgar, Kent , and Cordelia were ready to do anything for King Lear as they had a s...
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