Advantages/Disadvantages of Quantitative/Qualitative Research - Free Report

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  436 Words
Date:  2023-11-22


Quantitative research accentuates the measurement and numerical analysis of the statistics collected through questionnaires, surveys, and polls or by manipulating the data that already exists through calculations (Park & Park, 2016). On the other hand, qualitative research involves descriptive statistics and is observable but is not measurable, for example, language.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of the Research Methods

Qualitative Research

The advantage of qualitative research is recommended for expository services since it provides in-depth information on a particular research topic (Rahman, 2017). This will give more understanding, to the MM Company, on the targeted market, and the customer expectations. This will help them to produce a phone that is most likely to meet customer expectations. The other merit of qualitative research is that the collection of data is commonly cost-efficient or affordable. This will enable the MM Company to obtain vital information at a relatively low price. Lastly, there are numerous methods of gathering sensitive data. By using these methods, the company will be able to gather data on customers easily.

The research method's con is prone to prejudice complaints and personal subjections (Rahman, 2017). An individual can intentionally alter the data to gain favors or protect a weakness. The other weakness of the method is, a lot of time is consumed during data collection.

Quantitative Research

The strength of the research method is that the data obtained is relatively easy to analyze. This enables the MM company staff to easily understand the data on the phones existing in the market without strain. Additionally, the data obtained by this method is precise, consistent, and reliable (Rahman, 2017). This will help the MM Company obtain reliable information on the existing phones and, therefore, introduce a superior brand.

However, the method's limitation is that the context of a phenomenon is difficult to understand (Rahman, 2017). Also, the data may not be detailed enough to explain complex issues (Rahman, 2017). Lastly, the information related to the secondary data is sometimes unavailable, making it impossible to access.

Recommended Research Method

The research method recommended for the company to obtain data on the new product's targeted market is the qualitative research method. This method is recommended because it enables one to understand underlying motivations, opinions, and reasons. Furthermore, it helped uncover trends in the opinions and thoughts of individuals who are using various phones.


Park, J., & Park, M. (2016). Qualitative versus quantitative research methods: Discovery or justification? Journal of Marketing Thought, 3(1), 1-8.

Rahman, M. S. (2017). The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches and Methods in Language" Testing and Assessment" Research: A Literature Review. Journal of Education and Learning, 6(1), 102-112.

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Advantages/Disadvantages of Quantitative/Qualitative Research - Free Report. (2023, Nov 22). Retrieved from

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