Abort to Save: Examining the Rights of Living in Contemporary Society.

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  648 Words
Date:  2023-03-04

The contemporary society is thrust in a myriad of issues that generated heated emotional conversations owing to their impacts on the current affairs. Where else would be a better place to get these controversial topics other than Op-ed editorials. The New York Times has a database for these controversial topics that have shaped public conversations. Everyone has right to life, however, that right is subject to termination if living would lead to more sorrow than happiness.

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Abort to Save a Child From a Life of Suffering?

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In a hotly contested ground, the issue about the right to choose life remains a matter of divergent opinion. Whereas many argue that every child has a right to life, a counter-argument is also placed in as far as the quality of life that the same child should be subjected to. As the author of the letter argues in her letter to the editor in the New York Times, there is more than meets the eye in as far as dealing with the challenges of raising a child. The opponent of abortion, while recognizing the right to sexual intercourse, realize that there are many ways to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Be that as it may, there are accidental pregnancies; therefore, the debate as to whether abortion can be authorized to save a child from suffering continues to split opinions in an almost equal measure. The suffering could be due to the abject economic condition of the parents or physical defaults with the child. Therefore, it remains one of the controversial topics. As to whether abortion should be procured to save a child from future suffering should be open for further discussions as both sides hold equal sway on the matter?

My Stand against Abortion

The issue of abortion has been argued world over for what is seen to be a violation of human rights. While the strong crusade that supports safe abortion as a way of saving the future life of the baby from further suffering, I strongly believe that there is always a way out of this procedure that entire debacle. First, access to legal and safe abortion is very limited. In turn, women turn to unauthorized medical attendants who end up endearing their lives. The contestation about the access to legal abortion to save children from future suffering is farfetched, in my opinion, because of most of the persons.

Whereas criminalizing abortion will not stop it, making it legal will not help either. Therefore, it is at the discretion of the society to understand that there are ways out to avoid unwanted pregnancies. For instance, I strongly advocate for the use of contraceptives, which have been known to be most effective in managing and bringing to an end the illegal practices surrounding abortion service. The use of family planning methods is a legal process and thus should help teenagers avoid cases of unwanted pregnancies.

The tough question has been asked about the cases of rape that lead to pregnancy. I believe that once a person reports a rape case, they should get immediate health attention that will help them beat such complications as unwanted pregnancies by taking emergency pills and sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, I hold to the same principle that abortion should be banned in totality as a measure to establishing an ethically upright society and also a way of giving every soul a chance to live, whether. Whether they live a life of suffering, they can change in the future through hard work and investments.

Work cited

Cosmos, Golden. Abort to Save a Child From a Life of Suffering? Opinion. The New York Times. 2019. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/02/opinion/letters/abortion-late-term.html

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