Lack of network neutrality rules enables the internet service providers such as Verizon and Comcast to hinder the internet user's from accessing various websites, provision of low-speed internet services such as Hulu and Netflix and redirecting the internet users to another competing internet site (Schuett, 2010). Network neutrality is the principle that ensures people are free to access all information and data equally despite the sources of the formation, with no discrimination on specific websites or other online services. The network neutrality rule ensures neutrality by making sure that all the internet service providers link the internet users to the internet without giving advantages to specific sites or services. In case of absence of network neutrality, most companies could buy the priority of access from the internet service providers. For example, the large and prosperous companies such as Facebook and Google have the potential to pay the internet service providers to offer them more reliable and faster access to their website as compared to the competitors. This could affect other company's services since they are unable to get or buy priority access from the internet service providers.
On the other hand in case the internet service providers impose charges on companies in order to connect them to the consumers, the internet consumers would carry the burden of the additional cost. For example, the cost incurred by the internet users due to the access of data in various websites. An example of a case of violation of the network neutrality principle is the case of the internet service provider Comcast is whereby they secretly slowed down the upload of peer-to-peer file sharing application with forged packets. Comcast continued to violate this principle until they were ordered to stop by the federal communication commission (Schuett, 2010). This study is aimed at discussing the issue of network neutrality in the United States.
The issue of network neutrality has had a range of public opinions which led to the government getting involved in the regulation of the massive number of internet services Similar to the way electricity and gas are regulated. The government is aimed at controlling the internet service providers and the various options offered by the service providers. In 2015, the federal communication commission introduced an open internet order, which was aimed at reclassifying the internet access. The law led to the creation of network neutrality rules that restrict blocking lawful internet contents, services, and applications. The order also restricted the issue of paid prioritization, which led to the creation of favored websites. For example, Amazon could pay any internet service provider such as Verizon to increase the internet speed in its website to gain an advantage over the other competing companies. However, in 2017 the communication commission went ahead and voted to revoke the 2015 open internet order which led to the classification of the internet as an information service (Schuett, 2010). This led to the public outcry due to the elimination of the network neutrality rules that had been put in place. The approval of the order led to various effects in network neutrality such as, elimination of the rules that prevent blocking of online content and websites, and the rules controlling the slowing down of the online services and websites. There were also no restrictions on the paid prioritization thus the internet service providers offered preference on some of the companies.
Swot analysis of network neutrality
Swot analysis is the study carried out by an institution or organisation to identify its strengths and weakness alongside the expected external opportunities and threats. Swot analysis on the network neutrality involves
The internet service providers do not restrict the user's ability to send, receive, and display information on the internet. The service providers usually offer the consumers the free will to interact and use the internet as per their own will. The information that the user also intends to use from the internet is also not restricted, therefore the internet is considered a neutral ground for everyone to access information. Secondly, the internet users have a right to expression on the internet. The internet service providers do not restrict the consumer from expressing himself or herself on the internet. The internet users have the right to use and share information with others, they may also express their specific concerns about the internet. Thirdly, there is the right to access all the internet websites at the same speed. Network neutrality ensures that every internet user has the right to access all the available internet websites without restrictions and at the same speed. Network neutrality ensures that no specific company enjoys higher website speed from the internet service providers as compared to other companies. There are also no charges or restriction for one to access the various websites. Fourth, helps in minimising digital divide. In a situation whereby there is network neutrality, the internet service providers tend to operate the same way. The level and nature of services provided are all the same, this helps to ensure that there is no digital divide among the various internets providers since they do not compete but always work together.
There are no firm laws that ensure the network neutrality. The set laws usually changed from time to time for example in 2015 the federal communication commission issued the open internet order that provided the regulation of the internet to facilitate neutrality. However, the set laws were altered in 2017 whereby the open internet order was revoked changing the internet to an educational system (Economides, 2012). Currently, due to public concerns, measures to improve the laws on network neutrality are underway. Secondly, there are increased chances of throttling or slowing the speed of access to the website or other online services. This mainly occurs due to some large and wealthy companies paying the internet service providers to increase the speed of access to their site as compared to the fellow competitor's website.
Thirdly, the bandwidth is minimal and shared. The band with is the amount of information or data that can be shared within a given period, network neutrality will lead to the reduction in the amount of bandwidth since every internet user has a right to access the information thus the amount of information gotten by each person within a given time will be minimal. Fourth, over the top media services data type. There is a concern about the kind of data that is shared by the over the top media services. The information shared may be more detailed thus affecting the level of internet access considering that over the top media services usually stream their media directly to the customers through bypassing the internet and other telecommunication channels.
First, increased growth in digital cable and internet access market, the United States has been experiencing massive growth in the level of internet use and growth in digital cable thus the need for creation of strict rules that ensure network neutrality among every individual in the United States. Secondly, there is increased response to information used to help reduce the bandwidth and avoid clogging of data. This will help ensure that the amount of information accessed by each internet consumer in a given period increases. Thirdly, the network growth into triple play services may trigger future internet growth. This will facilitate or improve on the level of services provided by internet service providers thus ensuring network neutrality. Fourth, there is changing trend towards services such as third television which tends to be immune to piracy. This ensures that the information obtained is of good quality and the speed of access to services is of good. Fifth, there are increased opportunities for start-ups. Network neutrality provides an enabling environment that facilitates other companies to join the market. The market is usually free, less competitive, and controlled by strict laws thus acting as an advantage for those who wish to participate.
First, the various regulatory changes by the government and states could affect the future growth opportunities in ensuring neutrality. Some of the regulations that are created and implemented by the government include revoking on the open internet order in 2017.
Secondly, the free services favoritism mentality. The internet users usually prefer free services as compared to the paid internet services, the creation of the paid internet services will hinder network neutrality since there will be no proper access to information.
Thirdly, the telecommunication is supporting different rate. There is no agreed upon price on which to charge for the provision of information. Thus there is lack of network neutrality. Considering that the charging rates are different hence to some of the data from the internet may come at a cost.
Fourth, services like the free basic. This is usually a partnership between different internet services companies such as Facebook and any other companies aimed at bringing affordable access to the internet.
Fifth, the satellite communication providers may threaten the cable providers. The satellite communications are considered fast and effective compared to the cable services. Therefor the amount of services or work achieved with the satellite services is high thus threatening the cable services. Even in situations of internet access, the wireless internet services are considered quicker than the cable internet services.
The ethical and logical concerns surrounding network neutrality
Ethical concerns
There are various ethical concerns in network neutrality, they include. First, localization is considered to give the actual meaning of network neutrality while there is no such thing as the general neutral internet. The term neutral is used when determining the referents regarding which internet area is affected, the kind of user or services provider involved and the type of prospect adopted that are either technical or economical. Secondly, the locality of network neutrality usually translates to its ethical contingency. A neutral situation or relationship on the internet may be wrong, sound, or ethically neutral depending on the possible evaluations regarding specific stakeholders or other information entities. That kind of assessment should not be generalized to the entire internet (Tariq et al. 2009). While in certain specific situations, a neutral relationship between two stakeholders may be positive while the global effect of that kind of relationship could turn out to be negative.
Thirdly, it is essential to maintain and promote the existence of the excellent internet. An internet whereby the relevant stakeholders can put into practice their interests and freely interact. To assure minimal conditions for the prosperity of the internet as an environment, the global principle concerned with information diversity should be increased while the ethical framework such as information ethics should be initiated. The difference is crucial since without its existence there is the absence of innovation, competition and no possibility to pick among the alternatives. With the lack of globalized a sustained information diversity, the internet would develop into a communication network thus losing its initial environmental characteristics.
Logical concerns
The logical concern involved in network neutrality includes the public outcry concerning the various issues...
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