5 Crucial Computer Lessons: Possibilities, Security, Advancements, Security Systems & Versatility

Paper Type:  Report
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  555 Words
Date:  2022-12-29


The five most important lessons from the course are: First, the lesson that computers allow infinite possibilities in the modern world. The second is that one must use computers with security to ensure the security of personal and professional information. The third is that computers require regular advancements to correct errors and get the most out of them. The fourth is that computers can be used in security systems since they are versatile and can be interconnected. The fifth lesson is that the use of computers comes with responsibilities and ethics that must be upheld. The lessons are vital since they encompass all the tenets of safe and efficient computer use.

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I found the chapter on crime and security as the most resourceful and useful. This is because the chapter provided insight into contemporary issues in using computers such as cybercrime and internet security. The two issues are prevalent in society, and their address in the chapter is significant empowerment. Moreover, crime and security are global concerns in computing, and the book gives insight into the magnitude of their effect on society.

I found the chapter on freedom of speech least interesting. The chapter addresses freedom of expression in using computers and applies the same principles as those of overall freedom of speech as outlined in the constitution. The chapter is thus redundant and does not provide critical insights into the issue.

The information on the history of computers in the first chapter surprised me. I was surprised that the first hard disk weighed more than a tone and only had five megabytes of storage space. The information showed how computers have evolved to become the marvels of the contemporary world. It is surprising that some modern hard drives have a capacity of several terabytes while their physical sizes are significantly reduced.

I learned about internet security and cybercrime in the fifth chapter and intend to use the knowledge in the future. Crime and security in relation to computers are major subjects of interest that continue to puzzle many computer users. I plan to use the information to secure my computer data and practice safe and secure use of the internet.

I believe that Computer Law and Ethics is a required course for some degrees since the use of computers has tremendously increased and touches on all professions. The course should be a requirement for all degrees since it incorporates technology into learning. Having undergraduates take the course also enlightens them on how they can use computers in learning to achieve academic excellence.

The course will enable me to keep accurate records in my profession through the computers' immense data processing capacity. The course will also help me secure my professional information since I have learned about internet security. The course is useful in my personal life because it opens up a world of infinite possibilities that I can explore through computer-aided learning.


I think the book adequately covers the course content. The book is clearly laid out from the start when it offers the history of computers to its end where it gives insight to ethics and responsibilities. The chapters are clearly laid out to help learners advance from one concept to another. Additionally, the book also includes the contemporary issues of crime and security that are great resources for computer users.

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5 Crucial Computer Lessons: Possibilities, Security, Advancements, Security Systems & Versatility. (2022, Dec 29). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/5-crucial-computer-lessons-possibilities-security-advancements-security-systems-versatility

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