2020 Campaign: Exploiting Partisan Divide to Create Division - Free Paper Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  416 Words
Date:  2023-11-28

The 2020 Presidential Campaign is similar to the past campaigns in American History in that all are characterized by nastiness and divisiveness between the Republicans and the Democrats. This is evident in the 1860 and 1968 campaigns. The growing partisan division between the Democrats and the Republicans is everything to worry about because it increases the enmity between the citizens.

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In the 2020 campaign, Donald Trump seems to be exploiting the division between the rural and urban areas and creating racial differences as a ticket to get elected. Moreover, he spites the Democrats by questioning their patriotism, claiming that their primary objective is to destroy the country. On the other hand, the Democrats denounced the President’s allegations, claiming that Trump and his supporters are after destroying the country (The US Politics, 2020). In 1860, the division was caused by slavery and its geography. The Democratic Party split and two parties emerged: The Anti-Slavery Northern Democrats and the Slavery Southern Democrats. Lincoln, who was in the Republican Party, won (Sarat, 2020). However, the Southern Democratic Party did not regard Lincoln as the President since he prohibited the expansion of slavery to other regions. This rivalry triggered a civil war, which led to the death of 620,000 soldiers (Sarat, 2020).

Also, in 1968, the division was caused by racial discrimination. Nixon, the Republican candidate, opposed desegregation and stirred resentment by saying that there were two types of American citizens: the ordinary class with the white law abiders, and the people from the left, meaning the minority populations (Sarat, 2020). The growing partisan is quite alarming, and already, the roots of racial discrimination still exist. America does not need the spirit of racism to increase because when there is resentment, the Americans get hurt. Also, as Lincoln stated, a house that is divided cannot stand (Sarat, 2020). Enmity within the political leaders will harm the country because it will cause enmity between the supporters. Racial discrimination and political enmity can lead to civil wars.


Conclusively, the partisan division between the Democrats and the Republicans should be a major concern for the country. The three Presidential campaigns have increased enmity between citizens. This strategy used by Presidential candidates should change as they should focus on uniting the country and not tearing it down.


Sarat, A. (2010). What 1860 and 1968 can teach America about the 2020 presidential elections. Retrieved 01, September 2020 from https://theconversation.com/what-1860-and-1968-can-teach-america-about-the-2020-presidential-election-121294

The US Politics. (2020). Why the 2020 US presidential Race will be costliest in history. Retrieved 01 September 2020, from https://www.voanews.com/usa/us-politics/why-2020-us-presidential-race-will-be-costliest-history

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2020 Campaign: Exploiting Partisan Divide to Create Division - Free Paper Sample. (2023, Nov 28). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/2020-campaign-exploiting-partisan-divide-to-create-division-free-paper-sample

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