How to Revise a Paper for College: Tips
There is no educational institution where you do not have to face tasks. You will have to write papers almost every week. Do not worry. The most common assignment will be an essay. Depending on the ultimate goals, you have to write about your impressions, emotions or critically evaluate any statement. In general, the process of creating a draft is quite simple. But how to revise an essay in college? What are the first steps to take? Here are the most important steps of how do you revise an essay.
Five Steps For Revision Essay in A Right Way
Let's start with some basics in the essay revising. Many people think that it is enough to write the entire text and forget about the key goals. Some students may even ask a reasonable question like, "What does it mean to revise a paper?" This word means a whole range of actions. But you need to focus on five key aspects.
1. Find the Main Point
This step is about checking your thesis. Check whether your topic matches your main point and primary evidence. You can stick to this advice from the very beginning. The point is that your judgments and thoughts must be relevant and holistic.
2. Identify Your Purpose
What is the best way for the student to revise the essay? What is your goal? Would you like to write a narrative or persuasive essay? Maybe it should be descriptive, informative or even autobiographical essay? Or do you need to describe something? This is why you need to identify your purpose. It is best that you initially try to follow the set goal. Then you will not need to make a lot of edits and waste time.
3. Evaluate Your Evidence
Any task has a specific purpose. It is the student who must choose the path to achieve it. How to revise an essay? Take a look at these three points. This will help you determine how well you argue your point of view:
- How strong is your evidence?
- Have you been able to confirm your claims?
- Are there quotes or references in your paper?
As you can see, everything is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. But you shouldn't be overjoyed in advance. Study all of your body paragraphs, so you don't miss anything important. Try to focus on creating really strong evidence. Don't be afraid to rewrite or edit some parts if you think you can improve your paper assignment.
4. Save Only the Good Pieces
Any student needs to support the thesis. You will likely add a lot of suggestions when you create a draft. Don't be afraid to remove some parts that don't fit your original plan. As a rule, some of the sentences can be replaced with one phrase or statement. But there is one more question. Newbies often ask questions like, "What date should I put on my essay?" This is an elementary question. Please enter the date of its most recent revision.
5. Clean Up Your Language & Eliminate Mistakes
Typically, your draft is a mix of ideas and thoughts. Feel free to shorten paragraphs and rephrase individual sentences. As a rule, almost everyone should re-read the entire text several times and get rid of slang or incorrect wording. Then your professor will have no complaints about your assignment.
Many students ask questions like, "Should I revise an essay right away? Or should I wait a few hours and rest before the essay revise? "The second option is the most preferable. Take a break from your assignment and start editing and proofreading in an hour. Use proper grammar and spelling. Your task is to become a sculptor for at least an hour. Imagine that your paper is a statue, and you need to remove the extra parts to create a masterpiece and don't forget to chek if the essay follows the correct format.
How To Revise An Essay: Useful Tips You Should Stick To
Never Miss a Deadline
As a rule, you have about a week for such a task. Don't wait until the last minute. You have enough time to choose a topic and write each paragraph. Leave at least one day to re-read the entire text and find possible errors or inaccuracies. Then you don't have to worry and rush.
Use Transition Words
Take a look at each paragraph. Have you been able to achieve a smooth transition between ideas and your statements? Feel free to use such a trick. This is a great tool that allows you to "glue" individual sentences and paragraphs. Here are some helpful examples for you:
- on the contrary;
- on the other hand;
- in common with;
- otherwise.
As you can see from our "how to revise an essay in college" guide, there is nothing easier than this trick. Plus, your essay won't be overloaded with facts and statistics. But don't use too many of these words. Otherwise, you will make your paragraphs too blurry.
Ask for Help in Revising An Essay
Ask someone to read your essay aloud. You will most likely immediately find the specific parts you want to change. Plus, third-party opinion is the best option for an unbiased analysis of your paper. Just 30 minutes of chatting with friends or family are enough to eliminate some of the more obvious mistakes.