
How to Write a Special Occasion Speech: Outline, Topics, and Ideas

How to Write a Special Occasion Speech: Outline, Topics, and Ideas

Published by on July 12, 2021

If you have gained recognition as an ambitious and goal-oriented learner, you may be requested to produce a special occasion speech, sharing it during a prominent college event. Well, it means that the instructor trusts you and considers you to be responsible and creative enough to succeed with the task. Such recognition is usually pleasing so that the student will be ready to do everything possible to meet all the requirements specified by the scholar.

At this point, it is critical to mention that the anticipation of future success is frequently replaced with the fear of failure. After a while, the learners realize they have completely no notion of how to write a special occasion speech, making it stand out from the crowd. Nonetheless, you should not panic but rather calm down and stay determined, searching for effective ways out including asking for help from a speech writing service

In some instances, the teacher will provide you with a detailed outline of the text, which will completely simplify your burden. Nevertheless, sometimes, you will have to make maximum effort, creating the text on your own. At this point, it is indispensable to remember that generation of an occurrence declaration is related to immense responsibility, so decent planning is a must. 

Authentic, customized, creative, and remarkable speech is exactly what you aim for, so hold back your emotions and start working on the achievement of the desired results. 

Although the task may seem exacting, it will take a bit of effort and persistence to succeed with it. Therefore, learn the data about the paper and its specifications in order to advance your chances to prosper with its completion. 

What Is a Special Occasion Speech?

Primarily to the moment when you immerse yourself in project creation, let’s deal with the definitions. Some students get confused the moment they hear about the exacting project, but afterwards, they concede that it is one of the simplest and most beneficial types of college writing tasks. 

First of all, it is a type of creative writing that is concentrated on a distinct activity. The content of the text will depend on the happening a lot, so the main task of the student is to search the web, detecting valid and credible data. 

Once you have prospered with the first point, you are ready to proceed to the next stage. Working on the assignment, you should mind that it should be short and concise, presenting the key points and lasting approximately 10 minutes. 

Working on the assignment, the student should mind that the main goal of the talk is to amuse listeners, irrespective of the situation. In some instances, special event speeches will be enlightening and encouraging, so you should stay flexible, adapting quickly to the situation. 

Are you ready to dive into the process, or do you still doubt your ability to produce a top-tier text? Then, check out several most important questions, answering which you will get a better idea of the paper and its specifications: 

  1. What is the occasion? 
  2. What is your role at the event?
  3. Who are the listeners? Are they amateurs or specialists in a certain sphere?
  4. How much time have you been given for the completion of the task?
  5. Should the speech be formal or informal?
  6. Should you speak from yourself or others?
  7. What is the intent of your speech?

Primary Types of Special Occasion Speech

Recognizing the type of occasion speech you need to provide will draw you closer to the achievement of the necessary result. Additionally, it is inevitable to summon in mind that authentic writing methods should be used in different situations. Ceremonial and inspirational speeches may require offbeat approaches. Adhere to the list of the exemplary variations of the special occasion speech to select the corresponding items, making the text imposing and engaging. 

Special Occasion Speech: Types and Tips


This is one of the shortest speeches, as it is aimed at the presentation of the winner or giving honors to the participants of some prominent events. The learner’s objective here is to transform the speech into a brief and coherent message. 


When a person, team, organization, or any other group of people have made a considerable contribution to the development of a specific project or have done something ample, they should be given a well-structured commemorative speech. Point out the effort people made for the particular happening to become real. 

Farewell Speech

This type of speech is also known as retirement, since it refers to someone who leaves a place or position. In the vast majority of instances, students give farewell speeches to show respect and gratitude to educators and other individuals who made a considerable contribution to their advancement. 

Mention personal and professional traits of the character of the professor or any other person you are talking about, use other creative ways on how to write a speech about someone else. Focus on the attainments, according to a thank and respect for the presence in your life. 


If you have even been at the wedding ceremony, you are 100% sure of what toasts are. Shyness and fear of public speech make people scared of toasts. Nonetheless, the struggle is real, and it will not take you much time to learn how to create an exquisite and entertaining wedding speech. 

Adhere to your inner desires, congratulating people, sharing your appreciation, or giving wishes. The most compelling task here is to make the speech short, concise and emotional so that it will keep the audience involved. 

Acceptance Speech

Have you received the desired reward? Have your instructors honored you? An acceptance speech is right what you need to say, expressing the gratefulness. Feel free to share your emotions and feelings about the event.


Considering all the types of special occasion speeches, this one is the most exacting and challenging due to its controversial nature. Its purpose is both to praise and insult the person. Nonetheless, it is critical to summon in mind that roast is still considered to be a positive type of speech that should remain friendly and good-natured no matter what. 


If you have ever hosted an event, you should realize the significance of the introduction speech. In most cases, it is used to give brief information about the guest, who will talk next. No matter how short the speech is, it should be well-structured and logical in order to keep the folks curious.

Commencement Speech

Unlike most of the speech types mentioned above, commencement speech is related to college studying and graduation. The goal of the speech is to present students, giving them diplomas. People should not only talk about the past and present here but also make specific assumptions about the future. 


For most people, it is easier to talk about some positive life events. Nonetheless, sometimes it is inevitable to honor people who have passed away. The vast majority of eulogies are emotional, as they are tightly related to memories about the person who was close to you. 

How to Write an Occasion Speech: Starting with the Extraordinary Topic

Since you are already aware of basic types of special occasion speeches so that you can proceed to writing. Define the event you are going to talk about and follow the specifications of the speech type. However, no matter if your speech is informative, festive, or ceremonial, you should keep it well-structured, precise, logical and purposeful. 

Ask your instructor to list special occasion speech topics you can choose from if it is the first time you deal with similar assignments. It will considerably simplify your task, guiding you to the desired outcomes. Opt for the most appealing and appropriate theme, developing it into a thrilling speech. Double-check if your text has all the features and specifications mentioned below:

  • corresponding structure;
  • apparent and unambiguous message;
  • emotional part. 

The moment you know the topic, you can proceed to the outline creation. Consider various aspects of the event, its specifications, and peculiarities so that you can meet the expectations of the audience.

How to Write a Commemorative Speech Outline: Tips and Tricks

Every scholar knows that when it comes to a special event speech writing, you will not find a universal guide on how to work on the assignment. The process may vary, depending mainly on the occurrence and the audience, but the topic should also be summoned into mind. 

Irrespective of all the specifications, special occasion speech outlines should contain a standard introduction, main body, and conclusion. Contrary to other types of creative writing, these parts should be short and concise but still enlightening and meaningful. Adhere to the scheme mentioned below to get an idea of the speech constituents and their content.

Special Speech Outline Example

  1. Introduction. The benefit from your speech will depend on the introductory passage a lot. There is no need to stuff it with excessive words and phrases, making it simple, meaningful, and coherent.
    1. Attention getter.
    2. Thesis statement.
  2. Main Body. Expand the ideas you have mentioned in the first paragraph, adding emotional appeal and detail. Speak from your heart, avoiding artificial feelings and emotions.  
    1. The explanation of your thesis statement. 
    2. Personal experience.
  3. Conclusion. The main task of the concluding part is to give a favorable impression of your speech. The words you use will help you make it logical, impressive, and noteworthy. 

Extra Special Occasion Speech Ideas to Consider

At this point, it is possible to claim that you qualify for the creation of a special event speech. You have finally selected one of the funny special occasion speech topics and created a corresponding outline. In fact, nothing can prevent you from the achievement of the desired results. 

Well, it is all true, but what if you do not have enough time to go through all these preparatory stages and you need to produce a spending and influential speech in a matter of hours? Irrespective of the unambiguous considerations, you can thrive with the task if you stay determined and goal-oriented. You can surely get professional help with challenging assignments, but that is not the best option for hardworking and ambitious learners. 

Instead, you need to act fast and successively, advancing your chances to craft an impeccable speech. Adhere to the top ten persuasive speech tips that will draw you closer to prosperity, leaving no chance to fail. 

Search for examples of famous special occasion speeches that can inspire you and provide a myriad of ideas.

  1. Do not panic, but rather prepare fast. 
  2. Keep the desired result in mind.
  3. Do not create a speech that will seem interminable. 
  4. Ascertain you use suitable words and phrases that correspond to the situation. 
  5. Mind the audience, using different aspects of your speech. 
  6. Stay sincere. 
  7. Avoid artificial emotions. 
  8. Rehearse at least once. 
  9. Stay confident, no matter what.