What Are Our Responsibilities as Members of Humanity? Essay

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  619 Words
Date:  2022-08-23

Ideally, the concept of humanity involves the human beings collectively and how they get assistance from one another at the critical times in life (Stamatis, 55). On the other hand, members of the society perform a sole responsibility of developing social skills to become functional members of the community. It is imperative to note that, our only duty as members of the humanity differs from those in the social aspects in some ways.

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Notably, the central concern of this paper is to unravel the innate responsibility of the members of the humanity incomparable to the members of the society (Stamatis, 55). Based on this account, an inherent driving virtue of the members of humanity is human and benevolence to the vulnerable members of the society by offering the needed support on the human rights. Besides, the members of humanity which also encompasses the individuals, groups, institutions and non-governmental organization which operates to ensure effective promotion of the rights and freedom to everyone to the international standards. Among the responsibilities accorded to cooperate members of humanity also includes, the ability to reaffirm, observe and promote the respect as a fundamental guiding principle in improving the human rights for the harmonious coexistence in the society (Stamatis, 55). Significantly, when the connection is universally promoted in the society, the implementation, as well as the adoption of the essential elements of human rights, becomes easy, and the fundamental freedom achieved. It is the sole responsibility of all members to work in line with the international standards to effectively eliminate all forms of racial discrimination, aggression or threats, as well as failure, recognize the people's sovereign power and their natural resources.

About all these roles, cooperates members of the human groups, are often seen to be kind heated with the attributes which seem compassionate enough to assist members of the society in dire need of assistance. Tentatively, the humanity group helps facilitates the implementation of the international standards and guidelines with the aim of promoting the human right in the society. The humanity category is purposely encrusted with the primary role of ensuring the cordial relationship between the members of t society and the international peace and security is honored and implemented to the latter. The friendly relationship forms the backbone of peace as well as security which forms the chief elements of harmonious existence in the society. It is imperative to note that, the organization wholly depends on the massive contribution of the cooperate members of humanity enlighten the members with the relevant skills needed for the interpretation of the human right. All aspects of the human rights as well as their sole responsibility involve the entire society which is interdependent, interrelated and also aimed at promoting the implementation of the rights and freedoms of people in the community. On the other hand, promotion alongside the protection of human rights to facilitate the peaceful coexistence in the society is only made possible by when the members of the nation are conversant with the knowledge on human rights (Stamatis, 55).

Therefore protection, enlightening the entire community on the basic knowledge also lies with the humanity groups such as the United Nations Commission on Human Rights to ascertain peaceful coexistence among the members in the society.


In summation, based on the ethical theories, the sole responsibility of the members of the society is to conduct effectively their civic duty, and general accountability in both social, economic as well as the political realms. Therefore the members of humanity groups are purposely entrusted to different perfume responsibilities related to the human right.

Works Cited

Stamatis, Kristina M., and Mary Rose Kelly. "Wait, What Do You Mean by Project?: Exploring Project Based Learning within a co-designed English Language Arts curriculum." 45-76 (2018).

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What Are Our Responsibilities as Members of Humanity? Essay. (2022, Aug 23). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/what-are-our-responsibilities-as-members-of-humanity-essay

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