Using Soldier Fatality Data to Determine an Intervention Strategy - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  617 Words
Date:  2022-11-19


According to statistics, a lot of soldiers who are involved in the peacekeeping efforts aimed at preventing further genocide in Pelagir have died. There are many factors which have led to the death of these soldiers in Pelagir, the factors include but are not limited to poor living conditions in Pelagir which make it difficult for the soldiers to access basic services which are crucial for survival and the deaths which occur as a result of fighting between the conflicting groups in the country. An alarm has been raised because of the high number of soldier fatalities in the nation, because of this, there is a need to create a strategy to remedy this issue. There is need to develop a strategy which will help improve the welfare of the soldiers regarding leading a healthy lifestyle in Pelagir and also a strategy which will make sure that they fatalities on the battlefront are minimized. In this case, the initiative which when funded will reduce the number of fatalities among the members of the military serving in the country is; promoting health care services in the country and providing more resources and training to the personnel in the country.

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According to the statistics report from the country, there are inadequate health care facilities. The health care facilities are not developed to offer efficient care to soldiers who have been injured during the efforts to maintain peace and prevent further genocide in the country. There is a need to fund the government of the country to improve the infrastructure of the healthcare facilities in the country. Improving the infrastructure of the healthcare facilities in the country will allow soldiers who need healthcare to obtain the required healthcare assistance (Dell & Querubin, 2017). There is also need to increase the funding given to the military in the country; this will allow the military healthcare officials to get the required resources to offer proper medical care for the soldiers who need it. The strategy also needs to increase the amount of funding which is given to the military for resources. The resources allocated for training should also be increased to make sure that the military personnel in the country have gained basic skills which they can use to defend themselves when there is an attack. Training is also essential as it allows the soldiers to learn adaptation features which they can use to adapt to the environment and surrounding in the country. If there is a need to incorporate more resources to improve the training, the funding needs to be increased so that the soldiers can have a smooth time learning about the new environment and the way to survive. This way, the number of soldiers losing lives as a result of peacekeeping efforts will be immensely reduced (Grant, 2016). Funding should also be provided to make sure that the soldiers are provided with healthy foods which will allow them to survive in the country. From the statistics reports, it can be noted that the country's food reserves have been devastated because of the impacts of the war. There is also need to incorporate counseling in the promotion of the health of the soldiers, this way; the soldiers can cope with the pressure and stress that they face each time when they are involved with the peacekeeping mission. Through the use of this strategy, the solution to the high number of fatalities among soldiers in peacekeeping efforts can be found.


Dell, M., & Querubin, P. (2017). Nation building through foreign intervention: Evidence from discontinuities in military strategies. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 133(2), 701-764.

Grant, R. M. (2016). Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and cases edition. John Wiley & Sons.

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Using Soldier Fatality Data to Determine an Intervention Strategy - Essay Sample. (2022, Nov 19). Retrieved from

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