UAE's Economic Stability: Impact of Ethnic Diversity in the Emirates Group - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  627 Words
Date:  2023-02-27


Ethnic diversity has contributed significantly to the economic stability and growth of the United Arab Emirates. Emirates Group is among the leading airlines globally operating over 3600 flights every week in over 160 nationalities. One of the significant advantages that Emirates Group has over other airlines is its ability to integrate over 160 nationalities into one corporation (Hill, Hult and Mehtani 123). This has broadened the airline group an opportunities to attract the best talents and skills from different backgrounds. Cultural diversity inspires new ideas, unique marketing/branding strategies and drives innovations that set an organization ahead of its competitors. Besides a culturally sensitive organization can diversify its services through local knowledge of the target market, which helps to address every customer's individual need regardless of their background. Integrating many nationalities ensures a vast workforce which boosts an organization's productivity and business growth. On the other side of the coin, many challenges come with integrating many nationalities into one. A language barrier may lead to misinterpretations which may hinder the delivery of quality services. Communication narrows down to both verbal and non-verbal communication. Some gestures are understood differently based on the cultural background, which may cause misunderstandings at workplace (Minkov 48). When the workplace feels less inclusive, employees from marginalized some cultures may feel less empowered hence fail to open up and share new ideas. It is essential that organizations such as the Emirates Group create an all-inclusive work environment that values contribution from every team member regardless of their cultural background of position.

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Living in a city with cultural diversity brings unique experiences that have a significant impact on one's mental health. The best way to live in such an environment is to integrate with other cultures rather than assimilating with people of a similar cultural identity (Minkov 48). One main benefit of integrating with other cultures is that one is able to learn the different lifestyles of others and appreciate them. Common elements of integrating with other cultures include learning their norms, customs and language. This way, one becomes familiar with the mainstream culture of the host nation (Hill, Hult and Mehtani 123). Unlike integration, assimilation values the heritage culture more compared to the mainstream culture of the host nation which, creates marginalization and separation. Additionally, individuals who fail to integrate with other cultures in foreign countries report high depressive symptoms resulting in poor mental outcomes and increased substance abuse.

Dubai has become one of the most leading destinations for expatriates from different nationalities. Dubai is truly a cosmopolitan multicultural nation with over seven ethnic groups. This diversity eliminates the issues of marginalization of some ethnic groups (Hill, Hult and Mehtani 124). Even though Dubai's national language is Arabic, English has become the most widely spoken business language. This ensures effective communication and eliminates the language barrier. Since most expatriates do not speak Arabic, they still find Dubai a conducive environment to work since they communicate effectively and relate well with others. Besides, Dubai does not discriminate on other people's religion such as Christianity, Hindu and Buddhism even though Islam is more popular among the host residents. With cultural diversity, expatriates enjoy a more comfortable lifestyle with friendly accommodation (Minkov 53). The average age of people living in Dubai is 27 years. Dubai offers competitive salaries and allowances to expatriates which enables them to afford a luxurious lifestyle and fashion (Hill, Hult and Mehtani 124). As Dubai continues to grow and develop, there is no doubt that it will continue to attract more talents from other nationalities. This attraction will significantly boost her revenue.

Works Cited

Hill, Charles W, et al. "The Emirates Group and Employee Diversity." Hill, Charles W, et al. International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace. Washington: McGraw-Hill Education, 2018. 123-124.

Minkov, Michael. Cultural Differences in a Globalizing World. United Kingdom: Emerald, 2011. 48-77.

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UAE's Economic Stability: Impact of Ethnic Diversity in the Emirates Group - Essay Sample. (2023, Feb 27). Retrieved from

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