The main aim of this study is to investigate and establish how transformational leadership influences the shaping of job designs and the effect it has on the wellness of employees and their performance in an institution or a firm. To check on this, based on the data collected statistical tests have been performed in the SPSS softwareto check and establish the validity of the hypotheses developed for the study.
For all the hypotheses developed, linear regression has been carried out. For all the data collected, the main dependent and independent variables have been measured on a scale measure being continuous.Parametric tests have therefore been chosen to check and to establish how these factors contribute and affect the transformational leadership in the firms and organizations.
At least two factors are involved in every hypothesis being tested in this study. All the linear regression analyses are carried out at the level of significance being set at 0.05. This is considered to be most appropriate for all since in each for the two or more variables involved the aims are to check and investigate the existence of a linear relationship between at least the two variables and factors.
The first hypothesis seeks to investigate if the task variety and job discretion have any positive relationship of association with transformational leadership. In this case, linear regression analysis and bivariate correlation analysis are carried out. The tests are considered most appropriate to check on the values and significance level in the correlation of the factors. The linear regression is used to check on the coefficient values and validate if indeed the values are positive and how significant they are.
For Hypothesis 2a and hypothesis 2b, they are similar and thus the tests carried out are the same. The tests carried out are the linear regression analysis and the bivariate correlation analysis. The in-role task performance and the extra-role task performance are the independent variables in both the two hypotheses. The dependent variables are; task variety for Hypothesis 2a and Job discretion being the dependent variable for hypothesis 2b.The results obtained from the analysis, in this case, will help in explaining the levels of variation and the significance of these independent factors concerning the dependent variables. The tests are considered to be the most appropriate as the factors being variables involved are measured being continuous and the results will explain by how much each dependent factor is varied by the independent factors of in-role and extra-role task performance.
In the case of Hypothesis 3a, a linear regression analysis is performed. For this instance, the research aims to establish and indicate the link between the two variables which were measured on a scale. These variables are the task variety and organizational climate support. Further the dependent variable is the task variety and the hypothesis seeks to validate if they are stronger whenever there is a high organizational support climate.
Similar data analysis as that done for Hypothesis 3a is performed for Hypothesis 3b. The dependent variable is in this case taken as job discretion and the independent variable still being taken to be the organizational support climate. In this case, the most appropriate test carried out is the simple linear regression which gives the level of variation and by how much the independent variable influences the changes in the dependent variable.
In this study, for all the hypotheses assumed data analysis is performed and the results discussed if the hypothesis is valid or invalid. The results are used to investigate if the main aims of the study have been met. Conclusions on if working in a supportive organizational environment strengthens the effects of leadership on job design are made based on the results of the analysis.
Hypothesis 1. Transformational leadership will be positively associated with task variety and job discretion.
For the three variables involved, a bivariate correlation analysis is performed which evidenced various features. A positive, weak and significant correlation exists between task variety and transformational leadership (r=0.080, p-value =0.012, N= 995). Also it is evident that a positive, moderate and significant correlation exists between job discretion and transformational leadership (r=0.319, p-value = 0.000, N=995)
Linear regression analysis performed on these variables indicated that 11.1% of transformational leadership variation is explained by the task variety and job discretion factors (R Square =0.111). Prediction of the transformational leadership by the factors of task variety and job discretion is valid and also significant. [F (2, 992) = 61.882]. The coefficients for the job discretion and the task variety are; ss =0.286, and ss=0.118 respectively, with the p-values of 0.000, and 0.001.This indicates that both the coefficients are significant. Also a significant constant-coefficient exists for transformational leadership (ss = 2.367, p= 0.000).
The results above support the hypothesis that transformational leadership will be positively associated with the task variety and job discretion.
Hypothesis 2a. The positive indirect effects of transformational leadership on in-role performance and extra-role performance occur via task variety.
A positive, weak and statistically significant correlation exists between in-role task performance and the task variety (r=0.084, p = 0.008, N =995). The correlation analysis also indicates that there exists a positive, moderate and insignificant correlation between task variety and extra-role performance.
A multiple linear regression analysis indicates that 0.7% (R Square = 0.007) of variation in the task variety is attributed and explained by the in-role performance and extra-role performance. From the ANOVA for the regression with [F (2,992) = 3.589, p= 0.028 <0.05] it indicates that the model for prediction of task variety by the two factors is valid and the model is significant.Results further indicate that the in-role performance variation on the variety of tasks is significant (ss =0.089, p =0.018). The extra-role performance is insignificant in prediction of the task variety (ss = 0.007, p =0.827).
The results obtained support the hypothesis assumed that; the positive indirect effects of transformational leadership on in-role performance and extra-role performance occur via task variety.
Hypothesis 2b. The positive indirect effects of transformational leadership on in-role performance and extra-role performance occur via job discretion.
Similar approaches as those used in testing Hypothesis 2a are used. A moderate, positive and significant correlation exists between job discretion and in-role performance (r =0.202, p =0.000, N =995). Also a moderate, positive correlation is evident between job discretion and extra-role performance (r=0.386, p =0.000, N=995).
The multiple linear regression conducted in this case indicates that15.2% (R Square = 0.152) of variation in the job discretion is explained by in-role and extra-role performance.F (2,992) = 88.851, p=0.000, indicate that the model for this prediction is significant and valid. In-role task performance and extra-role performance are both valid and significant as indicate by the coefficientsof ss = 0.083, and ss =0.491 with p-values of 0.084, and 0.000 respectively.
The results indicate and imply that the hypothesis is in this case supported and proof that; the positive indirect effects of transformational leadership on in-role performance and extra-role performance occur via job discretion.
Hypothesis 3a. The positive effects of transformational leadership on task variety are stronger when organizational support climate is high.
A simple linear regression analysis indicated that 3.1% (R Square =0.031) variation in the task variety is explained by the organizational climate. The model for this prediction is found to be significant and valid for the prediction of the task variety with regard to the organizational climate; [F (1,994) =31.887, p=0.000]. A constant for this model is significant being; ss =2.793, p=0.000. The organizational climate is also found to be significant and has a positive influence on the task variety, (ss =0.160, p=0.000).
The hypothesis that; transformational leadership on task variety is stronger when organizational support climate is high is supported from the analysis carried out above. This is since the coefficient for organizational climate, ss=0.160, is positive and significant.
Hypothesis 3b. The positive effects of transformational leadership on job discretion are stronger when organizational support climate is high.
From the simple linear regression carried out, results indicate that 21.6% of the variation in the job discretion is explained by the supporting climate (R Square = 0.216).The model for the prediction as per the results of F (1, 994) =273.736, p= 0.000 is found to be significant and valid for the prediction of job discretion by the organizational climate.The influence of the organizational climate is positive and significant as indicated by; ss =0.585, p=0.000.This implies that an increase in the organizational support climate results in an increase in job discretion by the employees in an organization.
The results obtained and as explained above indicate that the hypothesis that; the positive effects of transformational leadership on job discretion are stronger when organizational support climate is high is supported. Hence it is recommended that any organization should ensure it has a supportive climate to ensure better performance of the employees and in return yield better results.
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