Text Analysis With the Help of Structural Diagram Exercise

Paper Type:  Questions & Answers
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  815 Words
Date:  2021-07-17

What is the main purpose of the structural diagram exercise?

The structural diagram reflects the structural biblical thoughts of the writer and the message. Understanding.

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What is the structural diagram?

The structural diagram refers to the single exercise in the inductive study of the text; it is a category of evaluation where specific texts are deeply analyzed.

What steps are necessary to prepare the structural diagram?

Copy the exact texts of words, by handwriting from the Bible, or copy-pasting from the Bible program on the computer program to the word-processing program.

Step 1: Starts with the distinguishing the first independent clause in the text
Step 2: Put supporting phrases over or under the middle of the words they change
Step 3: As a new statement, place all the direct quotations in the left margin.
Step 4: Place the connectives in brackets and separate them for stressing
Step 5: Emphasize the importance of the verbs by underlining them
Step 6: Highlight the phrases that have theological meaning
Step 7: Draw lines to link words that are parted by intervening phrases
Step 8: Distinguish the rhetorical function of phrase and words in a column to the left

List some of the benefits of the structural diagram.

Structural diagram offers more understanding into the connection of ideas in the text, such as:

- The key ideas in the script will appear with the support from subordinate ideas.
- Subordinate ideas in the diagram will present significant information regarding the concept that they support.
- In the structural diagram, there is relationship with regards to cause and effects
- A long, complex sentence structure will appear clearly with a structural diagram
- The development of thoughts will express the ideas of the writer coming to the conclusion.

What are the eight kinds of structure signaled by connectives?

Contrast, comparison, correlative structure, conditional statement, connectives of reasons, purpose statement and results.

What is meant by rhetorical function?

It refers to the characteristics of the structural diagram exercise.

What is the power of observation?

Refers to the watchfulness to the element of one who is proficient at looking and really seeing.

What is the skill the observation exercise aims to strengthen?

Skill to have deeper understanding on the different words in the text.

Identify the factors involved in strengthening your power of observation.

Someone's motivation depends on skills in observation:

- It requires an eye for the details
- It demands a healthy curiosity among the learners
- It calls for readiness to suspend judgment
- It calls for merciless realism about the facts
- It demands the knowledge on what to seek for.

What is the recognition factor?

Refers to the skills of identifying common biblical features and themes

What are three kinds of observations you will note from the structural diagram?

Analyzing a sentence, relating texts and the interpretation of the texts.

When making immediate observations, why is it important to suspend judgment?

It is important to suspend judgment in order to have time to have more facts that are precise to the matters on discussion.

What is the purpose of writing summary sentences?

To provide an accurate, objective illustration of what is said by the work

Why is it necessary for the preacher to use expert sources?

So that they can refer to the sources on what they are preaching and to have a professional approach to the conclusion of the text.

What are three major distances between the modern interpreter and the world of the Bible?

- The nature of believers
- The nature of the bible
- The distance of the biblical world

What are some of the resources the preacher will use for his research?

Bible, interviewing, and the psychology articles and books

What are the investigative questions?

They are the vital question that they aid in the research though they are not related to the main material (the Bible).

What are the interpretive questions? Why should the preacher number his questions and answers?

They are questions that seek the text's meaning:

- What are three basic questions for interpretation?
- What do we have here?
- What does it mean?
- What is its significance for us?
- What is the classic method of interpretation presented in this study?
- What are the four sentences in the classic method?

What are three reasons biblical interpretation is a challenge?

- Language barrier
- Cultural differences
- Misunderstanding of the scriptures

What principles of interpretation can guide the preacher as he interprets his text? What is the preacher's first job if he is to preach God's message to his own generation?

To interpret the biblical message to the believer for them to have a deeper understanding of the scriptures.

What are the three tasks in this section on theological interpretation?

Analysis of text.


McDill, Wayne. The 12 Essential Skills for Great Preaching - Second Edition (Kindle Locations 1211-1216). B&H Publishing. Kindle Edition.

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Text Analysis With the Help of Structural Diagram Exercise. (2021, Jul 17). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/text-analysis-with-the-help-of-structural-diagram-exercise

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