Supreme Court Stands Up For Democracy: Ruling Voids GOP-Drawn Maps - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  539 Words
Date:  2023-05-21


The article by Andrew Chung is about the Supreme Court ruling against the Republican-drawn electoral map, where the Democrats alleged that they were illegally configured to dilute their voting power. The article shows the power of the justice system in the United States of America and proves the importance of every citizen in making his or her decisions.

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The Supreme Court's decision voided an order to rework 34 districts in the state legislature and the country's House of Representatives (Chung, 2019). The primary issue, in this case, is gerrymandering, where partisan boundaries are created to favor one party. In this case, Republicans are seen to be favored, and that is why the Democrats have aired the concern regarding their voting rights.

The issue is a compassionate one because it affects people's right to vote and express their desire. The United States of America is a democratic country, and every citizen has a right to vote and express him or herself. Voting rights are entrenched in the American constitution, and all people have the right to vote.

The case presents an event of gerrymandering, where some of the people are denied their rights to vote for their favorite candidate in Michigan. Democrats in this state are directly affected because the unfair political advantage is established for the Republicans because district boundaries have been manipulated, and hence the election process is affected. Andrew Chung, in this article, has presented the case without any bias and goes straight to the point (Chung, 2019).

It should be noted that this is a court's decision and is reported as it was made. Moreover, it is not any other court but the Supreme Court. Decision and rulings made according to the regulation are most of the time valid because the rule of law is used, ensuring that everything is in place, and the best judgment is made. It is also agreeable to say that the author, Andrew Chung did an excellent job by informing people about this issue and has cited and shown the power of the justice system in the United States of America.

Gerrymandering is an issue in the USA, and it affects society because it leads to unfair elections, and the 'people's choice' never happens in the electoral process (Chung, 2019). Therefore, the issue is essential for American citizens because it presents a piece of information that is crucial for them since it shows that they have the right to vote or elect their leaders in the most democratic way.

I believe that the Supreme Court's decision was a fair one, and sets precedence regarding the rights of every citizen to vote regardless of any partisan interests. The issue of gerrymandering can affect society because favoring is not democratic. The American government is of the people, by the people, for the people. As a Christian, the event is absurd, and every affirmative action has to be observed. All people have their right to make their decisions backed by their concerns regarding what they believe is right for their sake.


Chung, A. (2019). Supreme Court tosses challenge to Republican-drawn Michigan electoral maps. The U.S. Retrieved 21 October 2019, from

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Supreme Court Stands Up For Democracy: Ruling Voids GOP-Drawn Maps - Essay Sample. (2023, May 21). Retrieved from

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