Should Morning-After Pill Be Sold to Underage? - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  564 Words
Date:  2023-02-13


The morning-after pill is among the contraceptives that are used to prevent pregnancy in case of unprotected sex. The usage of this contraceptives has brought in a heavy discussion in most of the countries across the world. The age at which morning-after pills should be allowed for its consumption has been a major point of debate. Therefore, I will be against the opinion that the morning after pill should be sold to the individuals of age less than 17 years and will I support my stand with the points discussed below;

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Firstly, the morning-after pill should not be allowed to be sold to children with less than the age of 17 years because it encourages early abortion. As a result of use of contraceptives by the young teenagers as a way of aborting the child which is thought to be from unprotected sex, it will end up interfering with their reproductive system since this contraceptive contains certain chemicals which makes them function effectively within a given period of time specifically during the act of eliminating the unborn baby from the infant (Yen, S., Parmar, Lin, & Ammerman, 2015). The interference of the infant reproductive system through the use of contraceptives will lead to infertility (Dean, T. 2015).

Also, I oppose the usage of the morning-after pill by teenagers with less than 17 years of age because it can lead to the death of an infant due to the side effects of such contraceptives. Side effects that are usually associated with the morning after pill include excessive bleeding, specifically in the virginal part (Durrance, 2013). The excessive bleeding in the virginal reproductive system leads to excessive loss of blood and may finally cause death.

Also, the morning-after pill may cause headaches, nausea and vomiting among the infants involved. The body immunity of the children with less than 17 years of age is thought to be still undergoing some build up because their cells are actively dividing. When their parents allow them to access these contraceptives, it will be difficult for them since their body immunity is very weak. As a result of these side effects, this will force the pre-adolescents to go for further medication to recover to their normal health conditions. Contrarily, when these side effects occur to the pre-adolescents, they will become worried about themselves on the issue of their health conditions especially for those who are taking the contraceptives for their first time.


The morning-after pill should be discouraged because it will encourage immoral behaviors among the pre-adolescents. Teenagers involved in the act of accessing morning after pill will tend to spread this idea to young adolescents hence encouraging them to engage in unprotected sex (Winkelman, 2015). They will not fear involving themselves in unprotected sex since they will think that immediately after they have undergone sexual intercourse, they will then look for contraceptives that will prevent them from getting pregnant.


Dean, T. (2015). Mediated intimacies: Raw sex, Truvada, and the biopolitics of chemoprophylaxis. Sexualities, 18(1-2), 224-246.

Durrance, C. P. (2013). The effects of increased access to emergency contraception on sexually transmitted disease and abortion rates. Economic Inquiry, 51(3), 1682-1695.

Winkelman, J. W. (2015). Insomnia disorder. New England Journal of Medicine, 373(15), 1437-1444.

Yen, S., Parmar, D. D., Lin, E. L., & Ammerman, S. (2015). Emergency contraception pill awareness and knowledge in uninsured adolescents: high rates of misconceptions concerning indications for use, side effects, and access. Journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecology, 28(5), 337-342.

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Should Morning-After Pill Be Sold to Underage? - Essay Sample. (2023, Feb 13). Retrieved from

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