Romans 13:11 "The Day is Near" - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  609 Words
Date:  2022-11-03


Romans 13:11 is a Bible verse that relates to some of the prominent verses in the Bible, for example, Matthew 24:42-44; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-10; Titus 2;11-13; James 5:7-8, and John 3:2-3 among others. According to Romans 13:1l the book explores the need of Christians to live the present lives in the presences of light of the future due to the return of Jesus Christ. Romans 13: 11 (KJV): The day is near states, "And do this, understanding the present y time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from the slumber because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believe." The verse enhances the second coming of Jesus Christ especially on how humans need to understand and acknowledge the right time when He will come. First, John emphasizes that difference between day and night; by referring that the second coming of Jesus will be during the Day also referred to as the Gospel day, the day of Salvation.

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The verse emphasizes on the day Jesus will come back as a day when the sun will embrace the meridian glory, where immortality and mortality will all be one and brought to light, righteous and salvation will be practiced. Moreover, it states that Christians and Saints need to actively exercise grace, love and rebuke darkness from their lives. Also, John encourages that people need to focus on unity and to help each other since these are some of the attributes that will mark the occasion of the second coming of Jesus, and since no one cannot anticipate the day, they need to change and embrace faith, love, and belief towards the light of Jesus Christ. The idea of sleep is for the night and day is for those who discharge their duties with grace exemplify that Jesus return will not be for the body and flesh but to the soul of the righteous individuals dead or alive. During the exercise of reaching out to the souls of the righteous God will be exercising his love, diligence, and care.

Moreover, John goes ahead to mention that the earthly salvation is not the same as that which will be received during the day of redemption. According to the verse, the experience humans undergo as a means of being close to God and Jesus while on earth is temporary salvation, but the second coming of Jesus Christ will mark the permanent salvation. Moreover, the verse enhances on the journey of Christians as a journey through the light and that which is full of temptations that require divine intervention to exercise patience, peace, humility, and belief in the Lord. Moreover, it is indicated that the Lord God will not only embrace His children but will welcome them into His home heaven and the everlasting kingdom. Much is understood that even the dead shall receive their salvation since their souls will awake and resume their place in the realm of God where there are glory and no sleep.

Romans 13:11 is a short verse that mentions the second coming of Jesus Christ as a day of redemption and a day the all the sleeping souls will awaken and be redeemed. Additionally, it will be the day of light where all darkness will be rebuked and those who exercised patience, love, faith, and righteousness towards others and rest of the world will be received by God and welcomed to His everlasting kingdom. The verse not only acts as a warning to the evildoers and tries to shape their behavior but it also a consolation to the righteous by telling them the return of Jesus is near, and they need to continue exercising the spirit and faith.

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Romans 13:11 "The Day is Near" - Essay Sample. (2022, Nov 03). Retrieved from

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