Gender roles can be defined as the socially acceptable behavioral of the male and the female to carry out different duties and tasks. Every given society has its norms, beliefs, and traditions that define how the different genders should behave. Each culture has given activities that they consider acceptable to a given gender (Ba, 5). In every society, the biological differences are used in assigning different duties. There has been a lot of changes in gender roles as between the past years and the current days. This has been so due to the high increase in the cost of living and growth that has left no room for such rigid roles maintenance. Though some other gender roles have remained. This paper will evaluate and discuss the gender roles between now and the past years. It will also distinguish the gender roles that have persisted and those that are changing daily.
Male was considered as the sole breadwinners. There were considered the head of the family both financially and decision making. Every decision had to make by the man in the house even for the small decisions. Women were considered inferior as such they could not make any family decision. They remained at home at all times to nurture the children and the home properties as men went for formal jobs. Also, they were considered homemakers as such they had no chance for formal employment but remained at home at all times to take of the children and the home. This has significantly changed due to the high demand for living and other factors. Presently, both men and women can perform either of the duties. Decision making is done by both parties. Most men are not the sole breadwinners in a family as also women have formal employment thus contributing to the family budget. Both genders can take care of the family and nurture children although this has changed with very few milestones. Although in most families men have remained the head they can help and be part of nurturing and taking care of the family without wholly abandoning the tasks to the women. For men at that time to get employment that would be enough to sustain the family was easy rather than the current situation where both the parents in the family have to work to support the family. The economic changes and the low value attached to our culture and our norms have significantly contributed to the gender roles change regarding the breadwinner
The education system has dramatically changed as both the male and female are acquiring formal education (McBride, et al., 33). Previously, the education system was only considered a male business to equip them to obtain better jobs and for them to have better salaries for their families. Women just acquired informal education from the old grandmothers who taught them how to take care of the families and to be better wives. With the significant change in this aspect as both the male and female are acquiring same formal education the behavioral occupations have considerably changed. Women have formal education thus in every field they can be absorbed just like men. This means that they are no men job opportunities, but both the genders have equal chances. The education system has changed most societies as everyone gets better equipped for the future. When either of the genders is taught on the different occupation, both will suit them well, and this has meant that every woman can do every profession and the vice versa.
There is also freedom for both male and female to explore their abilities without necessarily the society determining your future (Haines, et al., 356). In the past, even some simple decisions like ones future marriage partner was chosen by the community especially for women. In the past men had the privilege to select the woman they wanted to be their future wives but women did not have that freedom but were expected to follow what was chosen for them. In the current days, both genders have the freedom to choose, and in case one is not interested they can reject the offer, and there are no dire consequences like they were before . Men were also considered strong beings with no emotions for instance in case of death of a friend or relative they were expected to be strong and not shade tears. Currently, this has changed as both men and women can cry and have the freedom to express themselves.
Males whether young or old were considered more important than females. From a tender age as small boys, the male would be regarded as superior to females who were only regarded as important after marriage. This meant that the male was always superior without age consideration than females of the same age. Today, in this aspect things have changed and people consideration and value does not necessarily depend on their gender but on other factors like the profession and their ability to influence people.
Clothing and dressing code has significantly changed (Lindsey, 15). In the previous years, every gender had their distinct clothing that would distinguish one another from a far distance. But currently, they are no highly distinguishable dressing code for both the genders. For example, traditional females were only allowed to wear dresses and skirts, but currently due to westernization and other profession females wear trouser and other men's wear. Also due to the different sexual orientation that was not profound in the past years, there is cross-dressing among the gays and lesbians (Fields, et al., 130). Sexual orientation remained personal and thus traditional there was no cross-dressing in this area. Other than dressing and clothing there has been a lot of changes in fashion and jewelry wearing. It was perceived as a female business and only them that were socially acceptable to use them, but currently, every gender has a right, and both the male and female are using makeups and jewelry.
All these gender roles perceived the female as weak and were subjects to the males. These gender roles undermined women and gave men the advantage of misusing women. There are no adverse effects in the change of these gender roles as currently, it is evident that they are serving everyone and everyone's needs and opinions can be taken and respected. Though this is the case, they are still some distinct roles like men being the head of the family if well utilized it serves for the best of everyone in the family and the society. The gender role in nurturing, education and occupation that have positive effects should be advocated by everyone in the society, and those undermining women should be abolished.
Work Cited
Ba, A. Process Paper# 1 English 1020 (March 1, 2011) 4-6
Fields, Errol Lamont, et al. ""I always felt I had to prove my manhood": Homosexuality, masculinity, gender role strain, and HIV risk among young Black men who have sex with men." American journal of public health 105.1 (2015): 122-131.
Haines, Elizabeth L., Kay Deaux, and Nicole Lofaro. "The times they are a-changing... or are they not? A comparison of gender stereotypes, 1983-2014." Psychology of Women Quarterly 40.3 (2016): 353-363.
Lindsey, Linda L. Gender roles: A sociological perspective. Routledge, (2015): 12-16
McBride, Dorothy E., and Janine A. Parry. Women's rights in the USA: Policy debates and gender roles. Routledge, (2016): 32-35
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