Quantitative & Qualitative Research: Working Together for Maximum Results - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  5
Wordcount:  1339 Words
Date:  2023-06-09


Quantitative and Qualitative study designs both can be important in the research field. They both provide decisive options for researchers in the required areas. These research methods can either be used independently in a research field or they can be combined to achieve maximum results. Qualitative research involves the use of opinions, suggestions, and motivations. Smith(2019), describes it as that which makes use of procedures, findings, and based on human reasoning and behavior from a small sample of respondents. Its major goal is to uncover trends on all opinions while quantitative research uses quantification such as numeric data or just data that can then be easily transformed into statistics, and it measures behavior, opinions, and attitudes of a large sample of respondents (Smith, 2019). It majorly focuses on uncovering a systematic pattern in research. The qualitative analysis seeks to find the aspect of uniqueness in a concept whereas quantitative research seeks to find the definitive and operative of variables. Some common methods used in qualitative research are such as focus groups, interviews, observations, and participation while methods used in quantitative research include surveys which may be either online, paper or mobile, interviews, online polls, and even systematic observations(Saukkonen.etal,2018). Specificity is achieved more in Qualitative research as it is less generalizable and no statistical tests are conducted compared to quantitative research which is more generalizable on the research pattern conducted, however, statistical tests are done.

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The final result aimed at qualitative research is developing the initial understanding of the whole research process; on the other hand, quantitative analysis, in the end, aims at giving Recommendations on a final course of action.

Examples of quantitative data sets used in business research.


This involves acquiring and recording information about the population of a particular group of people. This is majorly used by governments to make plans about the economy of the country, distribution of resources, and ratio representation of a particular group of people.

Annual Incomes

Income is particularly used to determine the purchasing power of an individual or a particular group of people. It involves a research process that is majorly conducted before the launch of a new product or improvement of the existing product.

Data Projection

This involves a futuristic projection of data using mathematical and algorithmic tools (Tucker&Hoque, 2017). For example in a case where a firm wants to release a new product, they can make use of previous data from a past product to predict the sales that may be reaped from the new product.

Quantitative Data Collection Tools and Data Analysis Tools Used in Business Research

Data Collection Tools


This is a method of a random selection of some variable from a large portion data. Several selected units of interest are used in the research process (Smith, 2019). Sampling techniques used may vary from one research study to another, these include random sampling, systematic sampling, and stratified sampling.


This may involve a series of structured questions in which the interviewer asks the participants (Qu&Dumay, 2011). This enables the researcher to obtain feedback in the research process. Interviews may take the form of telephone interviews, face-to-face interviews, or even computer-aided interviews.

Data Analysis Tools

Excel Spreadsheet

Consisting of a series of rows and columns, it enables the researcher to tabulate data and categorize data in similarities and categories of interest.

Microsoft Access

This is a Microsoft tool used for reporting, analysis, and referencing. Large amounts of information can be analyzed using this application.


This is a statistical package used to analyze research data majorly by international agencies and used to get the most ultimate results on the research conducted.

Qualitative Data Collection Tools and Data Analysis Tools Used in Business Research

Data Collection Tools

Individual Interview

Involves a conversation between two individuals on a particular research topic. It may include key informant interviews, are useful for exploring an individual's beliefs, values, understandings, feelings, experiences, and perspectives of an issue.

Focus Group Discussions

This enables several participants to conduct group discussions and handle the particular topic of research. This brings in a range of ideas and variations and this helps in making comparisons and drawing an accurate conclusion out of the whole research process.

Picture Story

This is majorly used to get views and opinions from children. It may involve a series of drawings or a piece of art describing the story or event being researched on. The story may also be narrated by the researcher.

It is an inexpensive and efficient way to collect data.

Data Analysis Tools

A process to reduce the size of your data. This is done based on the research objectives that were aimed at being achieved. Brannen (2005) describes the method as an advantageous approach as it allows a person to focus on particular answers and abandon the rest. This enables one to remove biases and gain accurate research information on the business.

Pros of Mixed Methods

Correlation between the two methods leads to accurate results being achieved.

  1. Gives statistically verified and reliable results.
  2. It provides an opportunity to use the sharpest tool of knowledge.
  3. There is an offset of weaknesses posed by each research method
  4. Enables collection of rich and comprehensive data.
  5. Provides Flexible methodology.
  6. It gives a true reflection of the participant's point of view.

Cons of Mixed Methods

  1. It takes much effort to integrate the two methods.
  2. May create complexity in data evaluation.
  3. It is an expensive method and may require a lot of resources.
  4. It requires researchers who are well competent in both fields.
  5. May lead to biases.
  6. Different responses or results from the two methods may lead to inaccuracy.

Characteristics of Qualitative Research.

  1. The researcher gives more importance to the concepts, definitions, meanings, and detailed description of things and gives less stress to numeric data.
  2. Qualitative data is based on a real-world setting. Interviews conducted, discussions are done all are used in concluding the data.
  3. The researcher plays a very important role in the whole research process as he or she chooses the method of research conducts the whole research process and gives results.
  4. It involves a complex rationale to get the right results as sometimes answers are not direct.
  5. The role of the participant is very important as the focus of a researcher is to understand and determine the meaning that a participant brings to the research rather than the definition given or thought by the researcher based on the literature reviews.
  6. Qualitative research is very flexible as it can change any time based on the needs of the researcher.
  7. It involves a careful selection of random participants which increases the accuracy of the outcome of the research.


Brannen, J. (2005) "NCRM methods review papers, NCRM/005. Mixed methods research: a discussion paper", unpublished discussion paper, available at http://eprints.ncrm.ac.uk/89/ [accessed 25 July 2011].

Smith, M. (2019). Research methods in accounting. SAGE Publications Limited. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=TkK1DwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=+Research+Design:+Qualitative,+Quantitative,+and+Mixed+Methods+Approaches+(3rd+ed.),+Sage+Publications+Inc.&ots=VxgDZQ32t7&sig=lM_Z1erE4XXQBw_j-jMn-hHA3wc

Tucker, B., & Hoque, Z. (2017). Mixed methods for understanding accounting issues. The Routledge Companion to Qualitative Accounting Research Methods, 301. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=PzQlDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA301&dq=De+Loo,+I.+and+Lower,+A.+(2011),+%22Mixed+methods+research:+don%27t+%E2%80%93+%27just+do+it%27%22,+Qualitative+Research+in+Accounting+%26+Management,+Vol.+8+No.+1,+pp.+22-38.&ots=ta7qB_FvC9&sig=DMElpja8rsE_iveKgeQPM6Bqt-s

Saukkonen, N., Laine, T., & Suomala, P. (2018). Utilizing management accounting information for decision-making: Limitations stemming from the process structure and the actors involved. Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management, 15(2), 181-205. https://tutcris.tut.fi/portal/files/21335156/Utilizing_management_accounting_information_2018.pdf

Qu, S. Q., & Dumay, J. (2011). The qualitative research interview. Qualitative research in accounting& management. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/11766091111162070/full/html?src=recsys&fullSc=1&mbSc=1&fullSc=1&fullSc=1&fullSc=1

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Quantitative & Qualitative Research: Working Together for Maximum Results - Essay Sample. (2023, Jun 09). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/quantitative-qualitative-research-working-together-for-maximum-results-essay-sample

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