Pluralist and Power Elite Model of America on Sociology - Essay Example

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  635 Words
Date:  2021-06-24

The US government is categorized into two theory systems: pluralist model and power elite model. The two models do not conform to the democratic ideal of the states individualism, but instead, they delegate the states power to given groups of people. The similarity in the two models is that they both come to terms that interests groups are entitled to participate in the American systems of politics. The difference they portray is about the extent at which the interest groups utilize their ability to participate on some equal footing. For pluralists, interests groups are entitled to take part on a given level playing field. They specify that the interest groups with the largest portion of the membership. The power elite model consists of wealthy males who are in the Congress and also the CEO of large corporations with the ability to control the populations life by the decisions of their policies. This article is going to focus on the pluralist model of sociology since it this model considers the conflicting interest of people in special interest groups and those in power have little power against the interest groups (Morone & Rogan, 2016).

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In the pluralist model, the society through the interests groups is empowered to exercise their democratic rights through the formation of special interest groups who compels the government to implement some reforms in which are demanded by the interest groups. Special interests groups empower democracy since they pressurize the government to handle a particular matter by use of all means possible to ensure that the government takes into consideration special interests. For instance, special interests groups like the American Bureau Federation enlightens and inform the general public of issues in government and political developments. The teams employ all possible means which include involving lobbyist to come up with enough evidence for an individual implementation. Special interests group enhance democracy by reinforcing the needs of the society through improved strategies that pin down the government to address a particular public interest. AARP, group is one example of an interest group which entails over forty million people who advise the government to address issues concerning insurance and other financial information (Almond et al., 2015).

The interest group works as intermediate groups between the people and the government. Through the public interest group, the government can work in the direction of the issues represented by the groups. On the other hand, public interest aims at coming up with sound decisions that are not directed by the ideologies of one person. They enhance a constant communication between the government and the compact majority in groups which can air out their views in a systematic manner (Morone & Rogan, 2016). According to Moron & Rogan (2016), interests groups mobilize the public; that is, they get groups of people to act politically. That shows that interest groups boot the rule of democracy and empowers people to exercise their democratic rights. Even though some joy riders may fail to support interest groups by enjoying solidarity benefits,' it is evident that even though public interest groups are recognized by the government, they have to struggle and fight for issues using solidarity as their democratic right (Morone & Rogan, 2016).

The interest groups represent a wide variety peoples desires and social needs, and it offers a chance for everyone to belong to at least one interest group (Witt, 2016). The people get involved indirectly in democratic decisions and processes, but in this manner, the people chance to engage in the democracy is diluted since they get represented by a given interest group.


Morone, J. & Rogan K. (2016). By the People: Debating American Government. Print, 36-350

Almond H., Gabriel, A. & Sidney, V. (2015). The civic culture: Political attitudes and democracy in five nations. Princeton University Press, 11

Witt, J., (2016). Diverse Lifestyles. In. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 158-163)

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Pluralist and Power Elite Model of America on Sociology - Essay Example. (2021, Jun 24). Retrieved from

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