Personality is a set of behavioral patterns and cognitive patterns that a person possesses. It is how the person reacts to different situations and habits that the person repeatedly carries out. The personality of a person determines the abilities and capabilities of a person in performing specified tasks. Values are qualities that a person holds in high regard. The environment mainly influences the values of a person that the person lives. Values that are held by people in the environment of a person will affect the values and thought processes of the individual. Before recruiting a new employee, an organization should screen the personality of the potential candidate to establish whether he/she is a good fit for the position. This paper discusses the personality screening aspects that will be performed in the recruitment of a travel blogger.
There are two main methods of assessment of personality; these are; the big five personality traits model and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) model of personalities. The Big Five model is a personality traits model that uses normal words to describe the personality of a person. This model determines personalities based on five broad dimensions. The first dimension is an openness to experience. Openness to experience refers to the level which a person enjoys new experiences. A person who is very open is more likely to engage in activities that are out of the routine. Highly open people are more likely to achieve self-actualization (Sinha & Srivastava, 2013). The person focuses on being satisfied with what they are doing. The need to try out new things can make them unreliable to perform set tasks in the workplace. People who are not open tend to focus on routine. A closed person will focus on what they already know to the extent that they might bar themselves from new experiences. They are more reliable to carry out routine tasks in an organization. The position of a travel blogger is a highly creative job post. A person who is chosen to fill the position should be a highly creative person. The candidate should, therefore, have a high level of openness to experience.
The next dimension that is reviewed in the Big Five model is conscientiousness. A highly conscientious person is efficient and organized. A highly conscientious person is more likely to be dependable in the performance of tasks in the organization, they will be easy to manage, and they will focus more on their work. A highly conscientious person can end up being obsessive, they might adopt a perfectionist point of view. A person with low conscientiousness is flexible and easy going. They are more likely to act based on their instincts. They are highly creative and can be innovative in their performance. They are less likely to follow set performance standards. Low conscientiousness can lead to low level of dependability in the performance of functions (Parks-Leduc, Feldman & Bardi, 2015). The position of a travel blogger/videographer is a position that will require a high level of creativity. A person with a low level of conscientiousness will, therefore, be suitable for the position.
The third dimension in the Big Five model is extraversion. Extraversion is the level of being outgoing and socially active. This dimension divides people's personality into extroverted and introverted. An extroverted person is a person who is outgoing, he/she is very comfortable in social settings, and they are more likely to dominate over others in a social situation. An extrovert can be attention seeking and domineering at work. An introverted person is on the opposite end of the scale. An introverted person is more self-absorbed, shy, reflective and aloof. An introvert might find a hard time to interact with other people in social settings. An introvert can, however, be more focused on their work and insist on quality (Robinson, Shaver & Wrightsman, 2013). A travel blogger/videographer should be extroverted since the job involves continuous interactions with other people.
Agreeableness is the next dimension. This dimension focuses on the interactions of a person with other people. A person who is highly agreeable is likely to be friendly and trusting. The person can maintain social relationships with other people. They are more likely to be likable and easy to work with. A highly agreeable person can be naive. A person who is less agreeable is highly competitive and untrusting. The person is more likely to be suspicious of the actions of other people. They might get a hard time maintaining relationships with other people. Their highly competitive nature may lead to increased productivity. For the job of travel blogger/videographer, a suitable candidate should be highly agreeable. The job will involve traveling and meeting people of different cultures, and therefore the job holder should be able to have seamless interactions with other people.
The final dimension is neuroticism. Neuroticism refers to the emotional stability of a person (Schwartz, 2013). A person who is emotionally stable has more control over their emotions; they react more calmly to situations. They often do not let their emotions blind their judgment. A person who is not emotionally stable is a person who is highly reactive. Lack of emotional stability leads to a high level of sensitivity. Low stability leads to poor decision-making skills where the emotion that the person is experiencing at the time of making the decision affects the decision made. The position of travel blogger/videographer should be filled by a person who is emotionally stable for them to make good decisions concerning their work.
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator is a model that focuses on four main aspects in the determination of the personality of a person. Based on Carl Jung's conceptual theory, the self-administered model that humans at any point in time use four main psychological functions. The functions are; feeling, thinking, sensation and intuition. The dominance of these traits determines the personality of the individual. The individual will, however, use all of the aspects during their daily activities. The sensing and intuition functions are used in perceiving information. People who often use sensing function trust information that is accompanied by evidence. These people are untrusting of things that they cannot see or feel in their senses; they do not follow hunches. On the other hand, people who use intuition are more likely to trust information that cannot be proven. These people often have a futuristic view of information. They can trust their instinct when making decisions; they are more likely to be flexible and independent. The job of video blogger/videographer has a big level of autonomy. The person will be expected to make decisions independently during the performance of tasks. The job is, therefore, more suited for a person who is highly intuitive.
In the MBTI model, the thinking and feeling aspects are used in decision making. This is the next step after perceiving information. A person who utilizes thinking more tends to make decisions based on the logic of the decision (Espiritu-Olmos & Sastre-Castillo, 2015). The person will review the facts of the information. They will be more detached in decision making. A person who relies on feeling to make a decision based on what they feel towards the situation. They associate with the situation; they tend to look at the information from the inside by empathizing with the situation. People who use the feeling function can take longer to make decisions. The travel blogger/videographer should make decisions using the thinking function. The use of the thinking function ensures that the decision is practical. At work, everything that an employee does will not necessarily be fun and sometimes he/she may need to compromise, therefore, an employee who employs thinking in making decisions will be better suited for the job.
The personality of an employee determines how they react to different situations. It determines the emotional intelligence of the individual. The personality of the person should be matched to the job. In the case of extroverted vs. introverted employees, outgoing people will work better at job positions where they get to interact with other people regularly. An introverted person can perform better at jobs with minimal interaction. The level of extraversion of employees will, therefore, affect their suitability for a job and subsequently affect performance.
The personality of an employee affects their work ethic. The personality of the person will determine their level of dedication to their job (McShane & Von Glinow, 2013). Some employees might have a strong sense to follow the set rules; other employees might prefer a more relaxed system where they are free to do as they wish. Depending on the personality, the preferences of employees will vary. Matching the right employees to the right jobs will determine how dedicated they will be in their jobs. An employee who enjoys their work is more likely to perform and produce more results.
Personality determines the attention to detail of the employee. Some people focus more on the bigger picture; they look at where the organization will be in the future and how to alter the direction of the organization in the interest of productivity. These people may have a hard time executing the plans. Some employees, on the other hand, can be more detail oriented. These employees might not focus on the bigger picture but have more analytical capabilities. Such employees will be able to execute any plans that the organization has efficiently.
The motivation of employees depends on their personality. Management should motivate employees differently. There are employees who value recognition; they like being recognized among their peers. Other employees prefer to see the effect of their work. Management should collect information about the preferences of the employee to determine how to best motivate the employee. The method of motivation will determine performance.
In conclusion, the CEO should conduct a personality review based on the Big Five model and the MBTI model. These models will determine what personality traits are best for a travel blogger/videographer. The personality of an employee is predictive of the level of performance of an employee at work; it determines their motivation, work ethic and efficiency among other factors of performance.
Sinha, N., & Srivastava, K. B. (2013). Association of personality, work values and socio-cultural factors with intrapreneurial orientation. The Journal of Entrepreneurship, 22(1), 97-113.
Parks-Leduc, L., Feldman, G., & Bardi, A. (2015). Personality traits and personal values: A meta-analysis. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 19(1), 3-29.
Robinson, J. P., Shaver, P. R., & Wrightsman, L. S. (Eds.). (2013). Measures of personality and social psychological attitudes: Measures of social psychological attitudes (Vol. 1). Academic Press.
Schwartz, S. (2013, May). Value priorities and behavior: Applying. In The psychology of values: The Ontario symposium (Vol. 8).
Espiritu-Olmos, R., & Sastre-Castillo, M. A. (2015). Personality traits versus work values: Comparing psychological theories on entrepreneurial intention. Journal of Business Research, 68(7), 1595-1598.
McShane, S., & Von Glinow, M. (2013). M Organizational Behavior. New York, New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
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