Entrepreneurship, as a character, differs from person to person, to determine whether one is an avid risk entrepreneur. The general measure of the enterprising test is an ideal measure to determine how good one is in starting a business and running them. The test is suitable for educational and self-assessment purposes. It focuses on five human attributes mainly which are the need to achieve, personal desire for autonomy, creative tendencies, taking calculated risks and individual locus of control. It sums by giving an interpretation for the different results obtained from the test. The primary working of the test is based on the premise that entrepreneurs share entrepreneurial characters (Da Silva et al., 2019). The report provides a comprehensive summary of the writers results on GET2 results got during the sampling sessions; an analysis of the impact of family and previous work experience on the writer's traits is also evident. A conclusion is provided on the personal traits and the effect that they have on professional aspirations.
Enterprising Tendency Test
The overall GET2 test had a score of 81%; this means that I have a high enterprising tendency. As an individual, it is easy to start and manage innovative projects, working alone or as part of the group. As an enterprising individual, I have a strong need to achieve, prefer being in charge, make great use of resources and a belief that one can be successful. In a nutshell, as an entrepreneur, I am innovative and ready to take calculated risks to achieve goals.
Need for Achievement
The personal need for achievement is high, as an individual. I have a higher orientation towards the future; a high level of reliance on owns ability, an optimistic look towards risk and the proper time management skills. Moreover, I have high energy levels that drive the relentless need for success. There is a desire to see that objectives are attained despite the difficulties faced. Setting realistic but challenging goals is an internal trait achieved by the willingness to work long and hard to complete the task. The family setup has proved to be an essential tool in ensuring autonomy (Randerson, Bettinelli, Fayolle, and Anderson, 2015). The personal achievement traits are a reflection of personal life since I prefer taking up leadership positions but incorporating the feedback from team members to draft a performance or work schedule.
Need for Autonomy
The need for autonomy in entrepreneurship is seen as a desire to work independently and achieve results. In my case, the need for autonomy is high pushed by a desire to work independently to achieve results faster. From personal experience, when I am sure about something, I go ahead and complete doing it. On the other hand, I also stand alone to defend my ideas and push through to see that they succeed. In meetings, it is common for autonomous persons to air their thoughts and being determined to see that they succeed (Duh, Belak, and Milfelner, 2016). Being in charge is a common trait and thus, the explanation of why it is difficult to work for others. In small business, the attribute is essential as a determinant of success.
Creative Tendency
The level of creativeness is high, as an individual. The trait is evident since I see opportunities in diverse places. Creativity as a personal trait is essential in ensuring that an individual can express themselves through art or innovation activities (Cuesta, Suarez-Alvarez, Lozano, Garcia-Cueto, and Muniz, 2018). More enterprising people are highly creative as they tend to push ahead with their ideas. In an ideal scenario, a creative individual is seen as abstract, being able to get concepts from ideas. There is also a high ability to connect things that have no connection. Their perspective is high since they can view ideas from different angles. With their curiosity, they are able t change and improve things that are seen as normal by others.
With the GET2 test revealing that I have a high level of creativity, a test on the AULIVE creativity test revealed that I have a high level of creativity. From the test, the creativity level stands at 68.8, slightly above the typical level of 63.3. Complexity, persistence and different perspectives raise the level of creativity while connection and curiosity are quite low.
Calculated Risk-Taking
The assessment on calculated risk-taking reveals the score to be medium. Despite the creative nature and lots of ideas that can be materialized to business opportunities. Too much consideration is done before any step is taken. There is a tendency to observe what others are doing and using time tested ideas to start a business; this is more evident from existing businesses (Da Silva et al., 2019; Dada, Watson, and Kirby, 2015). From this, it is evident that many opportunities have been lost, either during the contemplating period or lost opportunities. However, before trying out on new ideas, enough background information is sought on an issue. For instance, the fear to buy Bitcoin when it was trading at less than $1000 made me lose on a potential income.
Locus of Control
The score at this point is medium; the tendency to pro-activeness and being opportunistic is fairly minimal. With a high level of creativity, desire to achieve and the ability to work independently, the individual finds it hard to push their ideas before others. The person has a low ability to take part in challenges and inability to express.
Influencers on Character Trait
Family Background
As the firstborn in a family of four, it is evident that I took up guardianship roles from an early age. They need to be accountable over what my siblings did and report to my parents may be responsible for some characters exhibited. For instance, the need for autonomy and achievement may have been as a result of the desire to appease my parents. On the other hand, a lower creativity score and calculated risk-taking may be attributed to persistent supervision. Since no immediate member of my family is engaged in business, it may have been hard for me to acquire an entrepreneurial character (Brice and Richardson, 2015; Sanchez et al., 2016).
Work Experience
The place of work calls for the workers to be autonomous. By encouraging people to set their targets and hit them, it becomes possible for the workers to understand their real potential (Bouncken and Reuschl, 2016). As a trainee employee, the goals set by peers were quite challenging. Over time, I took up the challenge to the point that I also set up targets far above those of peers. Work experience has pushed for the need to be autonomous, a desire to achieve, improved creativity and the need for calculated risk-taking (Obschonka, Goethner, Silbereisen, and Cantner, 2012).
By working in a competitive environment where results are the reason for workplace success. One has to learn how to work independently to attain goals. On the other hand, the desire to achieve and being accountable for whatever happens may be the reason for a high level of calculated risk-taking trait. With most people focusing on their goals, the creativity level goes a notch higher as one has to find solutions to issues much quicker. The family background created a foundation while workplace perfected the traits for entrepreneurship character. With the enterprises' tendency test, it becomes clear on the strongpoints and points out where more effort is needed to be a successful entrepreneur. From the discussion, an improved risk approach is needed to be a successful entrepreneur.
AULIVE (2019). Free online creativity test - TestMyCreativity. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Sep. 2019].
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Da Silva, S., Chaves Anunciacao, L., Rubio-Rodriguez, G. and Guberovic, S. (2019). General Enterprising Tendency (GET) in Brazilian Taxi Drivers: Alternative to Unemployment or Form of Action?. Innovar, 29(73), pp.85-98.
Dada, O., Watson, A. and Kirby, D. (2015). Entrepreneurial tendencies in franchising: evidence from the UK. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 22(1), pp.82-98.
Duh, M., Belak, J. and Milfelner, B. (2016). The importance of culture for enterprise dynamics: the role of type and strength of culture. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja, 29(1), pp.263-285.
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Randerson, K., Bettinelli, C., Fayolle, A. and Anderson, A. (2015). Family entrepreneurship as a field of research: Exploring its contours and contents. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 6(3), pp.143-154.
Sanchez Marin, G., Carrasco Hernandez, A., Danvila del Valle, I. and Sastre Castillo, M. (2016). Organizational culture and family business: A configurational approach. European Journal of Family Business, 6(2), pp.99-107.
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