Paper Example on Organizational Financial Sustainability: Book vs Journal

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  603 Words
Date:  2023-01-03


There seem to be some contradictions between the journal article and the book. One contradiction between the book and the journal is about how an organization manages to maintain its financial sustainability. In the book, it is the staff's handwork and input that determines the organization's output, the article clearly states that employees are capable of leaving their jobs even if they are convenient in the economy denying the point of organization sustainability being tied to employee's long term commitment to an organization.

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The article states that the handwork of staff is linked with better organizational performance. The book explains that the most experienced and smartest employees are so mobile and may leave an organization at any time than the ones who don't count a lot in an organization. This means that the loss of these employees who are likely to work hard most will negatively affect organizational performance. The article states that unless the management puts an effort to motivate and retain these employees, they will still leave the organization. Staffing has to be strategic unlike in the book where it is almost assumed that staff will be self-motivated to deliver expected results.

Strategies in the textbook that align with the journal article regarding financial sustainability. What is the purpose of these strategies?

Marketing of the organization. This strategy is directed at ensuring financial sustainability by use of common marketing techniques. It helps to acquire something you in exchange for what you possess. Nonprofit organizations give sponsorships and giveaways.

For instance, when an organization offers adult education, it can acquire a skilled workforce in the long run needed to enhance their performance. How employees respond to your target market is essential when it comes to marketing as it may build or tarnish the organization's image.

Tapping other resources. These involve personal resources existing in other nonprofit organizations that are available for sharing at minimal or zero costs. These could include staff, interns or volunteers. The primary purpose of these strategies is to ensure the organization is acting in line with the objectives and the goals set. The strategy also enables the organization to maximize the opportunities and resources available which might be useful in its performance delivery.

Strategy to increase sustainability in a nonprofit organization.

Strategy best explains how the desired results will be achieved in the long-term; they could be actions or plans as long as they are directed to the overall aims. As a member of the board, the most effective strategy I would recommend to increase on the sustainability is; development of partnerships in a bid to enhance outreach.

The ability to reach many targets in a nonprofit organization will be dramatically increased if there is an establishment of the right partners to work with. Both partners should equally benefit from the valuable opportunities available. It is also wise to consider choosing a partner whose goals, vision and mission are in line with the organization I am working with. This strategy will benefit my organization in many ways such as sharing of resources which will include but not limited to the ability to access new technology.

The partnership also will increase the coverage; thus more volunteers and donors will be acquired. The wide geographic area will also be reached, and this will help the organization to cover a wide area in its activities. Well-formed strategic partnerships will take the organization to a new height of performance. Both organizations must, however, support each other with both short-term and long-term opportunities for growth.


Abbasi, S. M., & Hollman, K. W. (2000). Turnover: The real bottom line. Public personnel management, 29(3), 333-342.

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