Paper Example on Hate Crimes: Understanding and Assessing the Set of Effects

Paper Type:  Literature review
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  524 Words
Date:  2023-02-20


The effect of hate crimes is not restricted exclusively to the person or scene of operation. Hate crimes have overwhelmed for ages globally. Lately, a rising trend in the occurrence of hate crimes has been realized. Hate crime is an unlawful offence against a human or possessions that are driven partially or entirely by a criminal's prejudice against religion, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity status, or gender distinctiveness.

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Understanding and assessing the set of reasons for emotional intelligence in counsellors is essential. Notably, it's not the most intelligent people that tend to be the most fruitful. Counsellors need to understand this since one can be intellectually perfect. Still, later in life, he or she turns to be ineffective at the job place or in their associations. It is wise to note that emotional intelligence will help someone to manage the stress and emotions when facing difficult situations. Emotional intelligence will always affect both physical health and mental health. Once you are incapable of managing your stress heights, you may experience severe health complicated issues. This may cause clampdown mainly in the body's immunity and the risk of heart attack and stroke too. Unrestrained stress impacts mental health also, making you vulnerable to anxiety and depression.

Moreover, there are various factors that contribute to the quality of life of mental health patients. Research has been carried out to help in determining these factors and has shown that marital status and household income as the most significant factors. Domestic life, jobs, and social doings were the most affected functional domains whenever one experienced stress.

Literature Review

According to McDevitt, J., Levin, and Bennett (2002), There are multiple psychological motives that inspire wrongdoers to perform hate crimes. Various reasons can be classified into four different groupings. The different clusters include; Thrill-seeking motive, defensive motive, retaliatory motive and the mission motive.

However, according to Dzelme (2008), the mental impacts of hate crimes are enormous. Multiple persons who might have agonized at the hands of the criminals before find themselves withdrawing from communal associates. They selectively choose additional persons who know their apprehensions are ready to offer continuous support. They also evade societal events due to the refutation, unkind past and the strange experiences encountered.

There are more interactive influences on persons. They include the rise in the psycho-physical vigilance. Individual household relationships and the children of the affected undergo quite a massive load of stress.

In relation to a study conducted by Dzelme (2008), open-minded deliberations can help in bringing people together. These deliberations may include topics from multiple areas of interest such as gender, faith, race and background. Discussions and adequate information adjacent to these topics' ease building of trust and provides light for very significant awareness.


In conclusion, persons who have experienced hate crimes should bring forth their experiences to the consideration of the agencies that enforce law and order. Both operative and well-timed psychological involvement and counselling are significant. This is because it enhances support for both the persons affected and the community in large. Moreover, educating the society on the significance of psychological involvements allows the affected persons to cope appropriately and recover from the trauma.

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Paper Example on Hate Crimes: Understanding and Assessing the Set of Effects. (2023, Feb 20). Retrieved from

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