Paper Example on Border Control: Interview With Carla L Provost, Chief of US Border

Paper Type:  Course work
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  565 Words
Date:  2023-01-03

As a prerequisite to writing about border control as a social change, I interviewed Carla L Provost. Carla L Provost is the chief of the US border; therefore, she had the upper hand to assist me in answering my questions regarding border control. I contacted the interview via phone because Provost was busy and could not schedule a live interview. It was a privilege to talk to Provost, and she is good at answering questions in a precise and simple way. Provost experience in border control patrol made her the best candidate to help me understand border control as a social change. She is informative and understands all that it takes to be a leader under a docket that has faced controversies.

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My first question was to get to understand Provost's moral position regarding border control. She responded that in every set of work morals guidelines ensured best work performance. She did not shy away to admit that politics play a critical role in putting pressure to border control staff. Immigrations and border control are always facing criticism from the political arena. As a head officer that is tasked with protecting the US border, Provosts admitted that politics increased pressure on her. She believes that employees at border control department should follow already set out guidelines in order to avoid political pressures. Enforcement of border controls always face attacks from groups opposed to the process. She, however, said it was necessary to remain focused on delivering her duty and not be pulled down by politically motivated attacks.

Provost admitted that working as a border control officer had shaped her life for better. According to her safeguarding, the borders played a critical role to get away with terrorism. Advocating for safe borders makes her want to continue the work. Her work goes towards ensuring that drugs from neighboring countries do not find their way into American streets. She, therefore, admitted advocating for border controls as served her purpose of ensuring drug-free society. When I asked Provost about the new rules imposed at the border, she was in support of imposing of strict search rules for both non-US citizens and US. According to her, she was satisfied with the regulations already set by immigration departments and was confident that it would go in hand to protect US citizens. According to Provosts, it would be a plus if the government set up rules to guide Citizens moving into the US regarding digital media that can be allowed when coming into the US. There have been debates about media privacy. Therefore it would be important if laws are established regarding digital media.

When I asked Provost to talk about how her personal beliefs have affected her duty performance she was hesitant to reply. She, however, was in support of Catholic teachings about immigrants. The Catholic beliefs that immigrants should remain obedient and law-abiding by the US constitution. Immigrants come into the US with the hope that they will get employments. The Catholic Church teachings are that immigrants should be given an alternative source of income in their respective countries to avoid them getting into the US illegally. She decline to comment on whether immigrations violates the rights of immigrants entering the US illegally. I respect Provost position for not commenting on immigrants' rights violation since her position as chief of the US border requires her to protect US laws.

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Paper Example on Border Control: Interview With Carla L Provost, Chief of US Border. (2023, Jan 03). Retrieved from

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