Masterplan of Vacant Land Use Strategy Paper Example

Paper Type:  Report
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  523 Words
Date:  2022-06-19


The proposal presents an innovative plan that contributes to the placemaking agenda, as well as one that aligns with The Public Works Authority derelict and vacant land use strategy in principle, the project will focus on supporting and promoting development of the area within the existing settlements to ensure it aligns with the policy on regeneration and placemaking. Specifically, the proposed development will foster the re-utilization of the already identified locales for a wide range of use for the achievement of placemaking agenda. All the initiatives mentioned above will be subject to the effect on the encompassing amenities, appraisal against the placemaking policy and specifically their impact on service and utility capacity. It is important to note that plans for critical footfall producing uses taken into account against the system will align the State principles and will not undermine the viability or imperativeness of the surrounding city centers, or the provision of an adequate industrial and housing supply except in areas where the principle of sustainable development will be prioritized.

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Project Vision and Goals

The site is the heart of economic and social of the communities, delivering homes, jobs, and employment. Suitable in the villages is channeled in ways that are most beneficial to the locals and the visitors. On a fundamental level, the plan will support a sequential approach for the coastal area. For proposed development, which can generate critical footfall, the focus will be to create significant footfall. The objective will be achieved through commercial and retail uses, community, offices and cultural facilities and where necessary, public buildings, including health and educational facilities. The adjacent vacant will be considered within a reasonable distance from the coastal area to foster sustainable development. The order of preference for the proposed development is as follows: coastal areas, the edge of the coastal areas, town centers and out-of-center locations.

Project Implementation

The plan will support development that delivers a positive impact on the vibrancy, vitality, and viability of the coastal area and prevent unacceptable adverse effects on the environment, tourism business and amenity of the city. It will advance a preference, the present settlement pattern in the provision of the best-placed locations since these are likely to have prime access to the services and utilities and ensure an adequate range of workers that can access new businesses. The plan will demonstrate a sequential approach to the selection of the site in the following order of preference:

  • Adjacent and within settlements to established business and industrial locations
  • Edge of settlements
  • Within settlements
  • Within the present countryside buildings
  • Existing rural locations or ones that can be created will be easily accessible by a preferred mode of transport.

The framework will provide a flexible approach and a realistic application of the sequential approach where essential sectors and commercial uses prioritize the significant part of the investment. In the adjacent or within a conservation area, the focus will be on the preservation of the original character and attributes, and to ensure the development is aligned with relevant management and monitoring plan. Appropriate proportion, scale, design, siting and use of materials will be adhered to while preventing expensive designs.

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Masterplan of Vacant Land Use Strategy Paper Example. (2022, Jun 19). Retrieved from

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