IC Code of Ethics Essay

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  607 Words
Date:  2022-06-22


The IC code of ethics reflects the values of the intelligence community. The code of ethics has the principles of integrity, excellence, diversity, mission, lawfulness, and truth. The code of ethics expects personnel of the intelligence community to reflect the ethical conduct standards that are of high professional standard. The code of ethics thus recognizes the principles as vital to the mission of the intelligence community. The mission is to have the dedication to the security of the nation. In light of the situation at hand, the national security agency program that allows the analysts permission to databases and emails without prior authorization ensures that the security of the nation is met but compromise on the rights of the individuals (Greenwald, 2013). The truth as a principle is meant to give intelligence objectively. In the case of the XKeyscore, the analysts are expected to use it get databases, and the only justification is through an online screen form that is not complex. The request can be seen as unethical since the court and intelligence personnel do not review it. Lawfulness is the principle that defends the constitution, complying with the laws set out. The principle of legality also respects human rights, privacy, and civil liberties. In light of this, the IC requires a code of ethics that respects the privacy of the citizens Greenwald, 2013). The code of ethics means that if any information is required, permission is required before using the databases. The principle of integrity means that ethics must be mindful of actions and which must reflect positively on the IC. The actions in question can be public or private Greenwald, 2013)

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Concrete and Workable Code of Ethics

A concrete and enforceable code of ethics would help the analysts to improve their job performance thereby establishing the scope, limits, and boundaries of undertaken tasks. The concrete code of ethics would ensure that the analysts become responsible stewards by use of intelligence authorities and resources profitably. The analysts will also perform better by using the code of ethics to protect intelligence sources diligently and to report any wrongdoings they perceive (Bazan & Yeh, 2006). Also, the analysts use the correct channels to report any oversights they might see and thus become accountable for their actions. The code of ethics also helps the analysts in improving their performance by measuring their current actions in light of the standards of the code of ethics. Thus they improve their performance gradually. The analysts will thus share information responsibly, and when they meet new challenges, they can be innovative in their knowledge. Finally, the code of ethics allows the promotion of the diversity of the workforce, thus enhance human rights at the workplace (Bazan & Yeh, 2006).

Fear and Uncertainty

Concrete and workable Code of ethics would not create fear and uncertainty since there are laws that are followed before the information is released to the analysts. In fact, uncertainty is created when there is no code of ethics since there is the fear that information may be used without the consent of the public thus infringing on peoples human rights (Bazan & Yeh, 2006). For instance, when an analyst reads another person's email since they have the addresses it would violate ethical behavior and infringes on the privacy rights of individuals. Therefore, encrypting personal data with passwords would alleviate uncertainty in ethics in the society


Bazan, E. B., & Yeh, B. T. (2006, December). Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004:" Lone Wolf" Amendment to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Library Of Congress Washington Dc Congressional Research Service.

Greenwald, G. (2013). XKeyscore: NSA tool collects' nearly everything a user does on the internet'. The Guardian, 31.

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