Free Report on 2004 US Senate Election in Illinois: Peter Fitzgerald's Retirement

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  635 Words
Date:  2023-12-01

The article illustrated the US senate election in Illinois in 2004 after the retirement of a one-term senator Peter Fitzgerald. The election was held on November 2, 2004. The primary election for the Republican and Democratic, which was held on March 16, and Barack Obama won the Democratic primary while Jack Ryan won the Republican primary. However, Jack Ryan withdrew from the race four days after the California Court released his divorce case. Six weeks later, an election was held, and Alan Keyes replaced Ryan as the Republican candidate. The 2004 Illinois election was the first for the US Senate, where both main party candidates were African American. Obama won by 43%, the largest margin of victory (Ilelection data, 2017).

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Article Found Through Database—One Author

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The whole story is sincerely minor in tone, and upon this tone is where its great power rests. Gilead also elaborated that Hemingway’s six words initiated a whole story, essentially a universe, of sorrow, grief, mourning, solitude, among others. It is because the shows were for sale since the baby who intended to wear them died. (Gilead, 2008).

Short Quotation from Article

According to Gilead (2008), the shortest story contains six words. The six words analyzed indicated the presence of a book, a movie, a short story, and a poem. The words were spoken by Ernest Hemingway, saying, “… For sale: baby shoes, never worn” (p1)

Article Found Through Database—Two (or More) Authors

Paraphrase of Idea From Article

The main idea in the article written by Economy and Segal in 2008, focuses on how hosting the global Olympics by the Chinese, would have acted as China’s global come-out party. However, China failed to become the global leader due to internal protests and international criticism.

Long Quotation From Article

According to Economy and Segal (2008) china hosting the Olympic games would give not only a political and economic edge as a state:

Hosting the Olympics was supposed to be a chance for chinas leaders to show the country’s rapid economic growth and modernization to the rest of the world domestically, it provided an opportunity for the Chinese government to demonstrate the communist party’s competence and affirm the country’s status as a major power on equa; footing with the west. Wrapping itself in the values of the Olympic movement gave China the chance to portray itself in the values of the Olympics movement and gave China the chance to party itself not only on rising power but also as a peace-loving country(p 47).

Article Found on the Internet

Paraphrase of From Article Idea

The article discusses whether Iraq should use military force for resolution. The majority voted for the authorization of the use of military force. During the Senate voting, the majority of the voters were Democrats. The vote was based on the war power resolution in Congress in November 2002. The strike targeted Iran. The minority of the voters were against the resolution; hence the law was considered as one of the public laws in the US. The use of the United States armed forces was authorized by former president George Bush together with the leaders of the House and the Senate (Blades, 2008).


Announcement. (2017, October 18). About. Ilelection data. Retrieved from

Economy, E. C., & Segal, A. (2008). China’s Olympic nightmare: What the games mean for Beijing’s future. Foreign affairs, 47-56.

Gilead, A. (2008). How few words can the shortest story have? Philosophy and Literature, 32(1), 119-129. Retrieved from

Blades, M. (2008, June 19). Vote on Iraq resolution. Retrieved from http://meteor-blades.

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Free Report on 2004 US Senate Election in Illinois: Peter Fitzgerald's Retirement. (2023, Dec 01). Retrieved from

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