Evaluating Acute Psychosis in Geriatric Patients: My Practicum Experience - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  900 Words
Date:  2023-04-20


The implementation of curative and preventative measures for geriatric patients who have Acute psychosis requires a great deal of reevaluation from an individual's perspective. My practicum experience with working geriatric patients has proved to be an essential learning experience. The five smart objectives were designed to assist with preventative and curative procedures for geriatric patients. In the course of meeting my objectives, I encountered some huddles and progressed with the help of my preceptor. It is, therefore, time for me to evaluate my practicum experiences, individual performance, and progress towards meeting my practicum objectives that are consistent with the practicum focus.

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Practicum Experience

It was the role of geriatrician that I found to have the best experience, not just in terms of knowledge but knowledge as well. With the help of my preceptor, I developed observational, evaluation, and assessment skills. While assessing the geriatric patients, I learned to make judgments based on the evidence gathered rather than emotions. With the help of the preceptor, I learned the difference between rational and irrational decision making. The evaluation of the data collected was based on an agreed criterion between my preceptor and me. My assessment duties required patience and useful observation skills, which I learned very early that I was lacking. I needed to observe patients focusing on specific areas systematically. My preceptor taught me to slow down, which enables me to identify critical areas of the patient's life that may be contributing to their state of mental health.

With the help of my preceptor, I learned how to use the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS), which is useful for the assessment of patients' psychotic symptoms. I enjoyed the experience of working with geriatric patients since most of them have well advanced social skills that make them easy to work with.

Individual Performance

I spent a significant portion of my first days doubting what was expected of me. However, my preceptor was very understanding and taught me how to develop confidence in myself. Based on my preceptor's evaluation, my performance was better than most people, and I should focus on improving my skill. I received strong support in combining learning goals and activities. I was able to meet the performance standards that I set for myself and those stipulated by the organization. As part of the organization's requirement, I was expected to maintain certain behaviors such as friendliness, punctuality, courteousness, and friendliness. I made sure to be polite and address each patient with respect and care. The institution is close to my place of residence hence allowing me to maintain punctuality regardless of external factors such as traffic jams and weather. The human relation standards don't extend to my co-workers as well. I maintained courtesy and friendliness whenever I was interacting with my colleagues and superiors.

I was able to meet most of the goals I had set for myself, which makes me feel good about my performance. One specific goal was to integrate the Christian world view in my provision of care. That is one of the goals that were very important to me because I believe it had the potential to improve the quality of care I provide significantly. So far, the results have been promising as my patients appreciate my approach to the provision of thought because it allows for stability of thinking and coalition of comprehensive insight that bears on the whole thought. The Christian world view was not just beneficial to the patients, but to me as well as it is the framework for ethical thinking.

ProgressEven though I encountered challenges, I progressed, especially in personal relations. I found myself struggling with some tasks during the early periods of the practicum. Tasks such as interviewing proved challenging due to my personality. I am slightly introverted, and that makes it hard to interact with strangers or new people. My preceptor aided be to get through this hurdle by giving more tasks that require verbal communication. That includes tasks such as educational activities that required personal interaction between I as the practitioner and patients. So far, I have grown more comfortable with my ability to communicate. Furthermore, I have come to understand that geriatric people are among the least threatening demographic group and pose the lowest challenge.

My technological savviness, especially in the medical field, has progressed progressively. For instance, I have gained a considerable amount of knowledge regarding CT and MRI scanners. I was intimidated by the use of these technologies leave alone their operation. However, working with my preceptor, I have learned to operate them. I also understand a few concepts behind their technology. That is not to say that I am now an expert, but the fact that I can walk to a CT scan and turn it on and use it to examine a patient without asking for help is a form of progress.


Overall, I am now ready to proceed to the second part of my course, which would require me to develop more advance skills. The feedback I have received from my preceptor and my colleagues is encouraging. I am still struggling in some areas, such as the assessment of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetic changes. However, the areas of progress supersede the areas of setbacks. I am hoping to finally overcome these hurdles and advance my knowledge in these areas. That would improve my skills in the provision of care to patients.

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Evaluating Acute Psychosis in Geriatric Patients: My Practicum Experience - Essay Sample. (2023, Apr 20). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/evaluating-acute-psychosis-in-geriatric-patients-my-practicum-experience-essay-sample

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