Essay Sample on Theorizing Politics and Native Groups

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  401 Words
Date:  2022-11-16


Dian Million has used this story to justify the coherent facts and phenomenon that happens to the natives of the Western Nations. The relationship between story and theory in this context is that she has employed a story to expose a set of ideas that that explains the facts that she has since immemorial observed in the society. From her native studies, Dian Million came up with compelling arguments of importance which need to be addressed as fasts as possible. In Dian Million's essay "Theory from Life", she is trying to explain how politics has been prioritized to the extent that it brings suspicion to human coexistence.

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She argues that the political system of the western nations has colonized every facet of life yielding a more disadvantaged livelihood than the expected benefits that the natives expected to achieve after independence. The disadvantaged situations that she stresses on are the historical trauma, victimizations of the natives from time immemorial up to the moment. The political and larger institutional structures encourage inequalities among the citizens as per the regions of residence and political alignment (MacDonald, 2007). The other contemptible issue that has been theorized by the native activist Dian Million is racism contributed mostly by the political hegemony and influence. The political system of the Western countries has been and is still being influenced by race dominance, which negatively affects minority groups. The political alignment has also led to the displacement of some of the indigenous people making the groups traumatized.


The essay "Theory from Life" therefore emphasizes the need for the recognition of indigenous people as legitimate and need to be attended to accordingly. It also advocates for the acknowledgment of the native activist groups and the communities (Teves, 2018). Dian Million calls for more willing aboriginal activists to join hands in decolonizing and dismantling the settler state. This is a form of an indigenous theory because the theory revolves around community traumas, victimizations, and possible solutions. The theory rebukes attempts of any further separation of the native groups and advocates for the freedom to live peacefully in their native land.


MacDonald, D. (2007). First Nations, residential schools, and the Americanization of the Holocaust: Rewriting Indigenous history in the United States and Canada. Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique, 40(4), 995-1015.

Teves, S. N. (2018). The Theorist and the Theorized: Indigenous Critiques of Performance Studies. TDR/The Drama Review, 62(4), 131-140.

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Essay Sample on Theorizing Politics and Native Groups. (2022, Nov 16). Retrieved from

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