Essay Sample on The Baptism of Jesus: A Significant Event in Christianity

Paper Type:  Literature review
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  608 Words
Date:  2023-03-25


The baptism of Jesus is one of the significant events in Jesus's life. The event is described in the four gospels: Luke, Mark, John, and Mathew. It is said to have taken place in Jordan at Al-Maghtas. Many theologians view the baptism as a historical event, and of which is assigned a higher degree of accuracy. It is one of the many events in the life of Jesus, with others including Ascension, Resurrection, Transfiguration, and Crucifixion. It is viewed by many Christian denominations as a significant event and forms the foundation for Christian faith.

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Mathew, Luke, John, and Mark depict Jesus baptism in similar vital passages. In the four gospels, the Holy Spirit (in the form of a dove) is featured as descending upon Jesus Christ and being accompanied by God's voice. Following the baptism, the four gospels acknowledge that John baptized Jesus. It is also agreeable among the four gospels that the Spirit of God descended upon Jesus Christ.


The accounts of Mark and Luke record the Holy Spirit's voice addressing Jesus Christ, saying that 'you are one of my beloved Son and of whom I dearly love.' On the other hand, in Mathew, the voice of the Holy Spirit addresses the Crowd directly saying, 'this is my only beloved Son, and whom I truly love.' Particularly in the gospel of Mathew, upon meeting with Jesus, John is quoted saying, 'you are the one to baptize me for I am the sinful one and not you master.' However, after much persuasion, John agreed to baptize Jesus. It is also recorded in the Mathew gospel that a voice from heaven addressed the gathering of crowds. Recording of the Mathew is different from other gospels; for instance, the voice of the Holy Spirit addressed Jesus as a person, which is different from how it is written in Luke and Mark.

The accounts of Mark are considered as parallel to recordings in Mathew, except for Mathew 3:15, which describes John's considerable reluctance and consent to baptize Jesus Christ - the Mark gospel does not address this account. Instead, Mark makes use of unusual wording for heavens' opening, and specifically utilizes these words - 'rippling' and 'tearing.' On the other hand, in the John Gospel, the baptism narrative is not addressed directly; instead, John is depicted as the witness bearer to the descending Holy Spirit. John 1:33 is a narration of an encounter between Jesus Christ and two disciples who were the followers of John the Baptist. The episodes detailed in John 1:34 is an account of the formidable relationship between Jesus and his disciples. For instance, when John the Baptist refers to Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God, the two mentioned disciples follow Him.


The baptism of Jesus is a mark of rite of passage among the Christian believers. It helps Christians to strengthen their relationship with God through Jesus Christ. In other words, baptism is a symbolic way of enhancing the Church - water is used as a sign of washing away people's sins, which gives a person a new life. During the baptism of an infant, its parents and godparents are usually present to witness the ceremony. Readings from the holy bible are repeatedly quoted, with the godparents and parents taking vows, renouncing evil and Satan, and professing their strong faith to God. Godparents hold a lighted candle to depict Jesus as the Lamb of God. It is believed among Christians that baptism purifies the child and welcomes him into the holy Church. Baptism is also essential to ensure that the baby is brought up with the faith and love of God.

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