Discussion Paper Example on Christian Spiritual Vision

Paper Type:  Course work
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  457 Words
Date:  2022-12-06


Spirituality is a form of commitment that brings different people together to embrace certain beliefs. This paper focuses on discussing important questions on Christian Spiritual Vision.

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"Faith Seeking Understanding"

The motto is considered as one of the classical theology definitions which mean that having faith in God is revealed in Jesus Christ and prompts searching of questions for deeper understanding. As an integral process of serious thinking about the objects of worship in theology, the motto is solely intended for those who have already believed in faith but the non-believers (Muller, 2016). As a result, it is capable of balancing between beliefs and reasoning amicably. The revelation of God in a particular historical way such as Abraham as opposed to the natural reasons through creation is to use the past to back up the present for proper establishment of faith and sensitization of beliefs among Christians.

The concept of God's overlap

The Jewish, Islamic and Christian belief in the existence of one God, and most of the big names mentioned in the Bible like Noah, David among others are God's people. However, in Trinitarian relations, the belief differs as the Quran does support the existence of God as three-in-one.

Concepts of God overlap among the Jewish, Islamic, and Christian

Lines of continuity between the New Testament and the later Councils in New Testament Christological models in Mueller is portrayed in the development that occurs between environment and tradition, and more specifically in the council application of traditions and Christian beliefs towards particular needs .

The New Testament Christological Models in Mueller (117-120)

Additionally, the Alba's analysis of the doctrine in the atonement for sins reveals that Jesus acts the point of reference for the tradition of the true manhood and true Godhead of Jesus.

Church as a Treasure House of Divine Goods and Sacraments

Moreover, Albl's Lumen Gentium reveals that the church is more resourceful than the perception which people have given to it as just a treasure house (Albl, 2014). It acts as a place for atonement for sins that distresses the human race as well as their Christian beliefs. However, the use of Sacrament serves as a symbol of visibility that unity Christians.

Why We Do What We Know To Be Wrong

In conclusion, the relationship between knowledge and free will in human actions both in reason and revelation deem sinful. In most occasions, we do what we know to be wrong because of the complexity and diversity of our spiritual life.


Albl, M. C. (2014). The reason, Faith, and Tradition: Explorations in Catholic Theology. Saint Mary's Press.

Muller, R. A. (2016). The Christological Problem in the Thought of Jacobus Arminius. Nederlands Archief voor kerkgeschiedenis/Dutch Review of Church History, 68(2), 145-163. Retrieved from https://www.jstor.org/stable/24009454

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Discussion Paper Example on Christian Spiritual Vision. (2022, Dec 06). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/discussion-paper-example-on-christian-spiritual-vision

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