Essay Sample on Solving the Right Problem: Maximizing Chances for Success

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  953 Words
Date:  2023-04-08


Many organizations are faced with the challenge of solving problems where most of the are not sure of whether they are solving the right problem. In the process of developing new projects or business, most of these organizations are not extremely careful in describing the problems there are trying to solve (Smith, 2013). Due to the lack of this severity, many organizations fail to maximize the chances available at their disposal. Typically, the organization needs to find a better way of approaching the problems they're faced by asking questions related to the ones there are experiencing.

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Through innovations, the quality and efficiency of an organization are improved through its efforts and production results. Approximately more than half of the business in the last decade has benefited from innovations since the problem is approached in the right manner (Shakun, 2003). According to Albert Einstein, "if I were given one hour to save the planet, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problems and one minute resolving it". It's by now clear that the seriousness with which a problem is approached is crucial in providing a more accurate solution.

This article provides the right ideas with which an organization can approach their problems. Ideally, reframing is one way of solving a problem where the manager of an organization should have a different way of approaching a problem by having different ideas of dealing with it (Smith, 2013). An example is in the case of the lift, where employee's complaints the lift are slow. In this case, the manager reframes the idea by building a new one, replacing the motor of building mirrors for an employee to concentrate on something other than the lift. Itself it's not a solution to the problem but a different way of interpreting the existing problem. By reframing, the products are not wasted hence improvement in the company's resources. An organization that uses this easier option is better off in terms of discipline and skills. It is also good at asking better questions and also analyzing their problems with careful measures hence asking relevant questions yield good results. A managerial leader whose able to reframe his ideas can prevent himself from getting driven into corners that may be unavoidable at some point.

Reframing of Problems

Reframing of problems can be done in several ways, including the establishment of legitimacy where you create a conversational of space within the group. It enables members to familiarize themselves with the matter at hand, thus creating better results. Additionally, engaging the outsiders into the discussion facilitates an effective way of solving a certain problem by engaging more respondents.

Consideration of multiple categories to find out what kind of problem the organization is dealing with may be of use-looking for what's missing to find out that which is emitted due to an attentive audience (Smith, 2013). Analysis of positives exceptions to bring out factors that may not have been considered, getting people's definitions in writing for everyone to participate in the meeting, and questioning the objectives of both parties, then testing them help in coming up with better solutions.

Decision Making and Problem-Solving

Decision making and problem-solving go hand in hand since no action can be completed without the other. In solving a specific type of problem, the organizations must make a decision. Ideally, just as in solving problems, one must identify the problem and understand the problem to decide on the way forward. According to Petrillo (2016), organizations find it hard to make a decision; thus, they end up procrastinating; hence opportunities are missed and resources wasted.

Implementation of the decision also relates to problem-solving through arrangements and preparations of activities. Identification of problems gives room for decision making where the organization has to come up with the right approaches in the identification of the problem. (Cancer & Mulej, 2013). Furthermore, evaluation of the results may provide help in the decision-making process. Results provide a piece of backup information whenever the organization is faced with problems of the same nature.

Decision making and problem-solving are usually involved in the managerial and leadership skills of a good business. These skills help the organization in the improvement of opportunities that may arise on the course of the business error. Consequently, an organization with better skills of decision making stands a better chance of survival compared to that with no skills in problem-solving and decision making. Lack of skills and problem-solving techniques could lead to wastage of resources and, ultimately, bankruptcy. It's safe to conclude that decision making and problem-solving techniques are key aspects in ensuring success to an organization.

Fundamentally, having the necessary skills for decision making and problem-solving could come in handy when the organization is faced with a similar problem in the future. Since not all problems require the same approach to be solved, it is therefore recommended that the organization has a system of decision making and problem-solving expertise structured in a systematic way for future reference. Therefore, the organization is required to come up with a list of guidelines that can be used to provide solutions to the problems the organization may encounter in the future. It can prevent the organization from repeatedly solving the same problem over and over without gaining results.


Petrillo, A. (2016). Italian Translation of "Creative Thinking, Problem Solving & Decision Making" by Thomas Saaty. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 8(3). DOI: 10.13033/ijahp.v8i3.454

Spradlin, D. (2016). Are you solving the right problem? IEEE Engineering Management Review, 44(4), 47-54. DOI: 10.1109/emr.2016.7792409

Cancer, V., & Mulej, M. (2013). Multicriteria decision making in creative problem-solving. Kybernetes, 42(1), 67-81. DOI: 10.1108/03684921311295484

Shaken, M. (2003). Right Problem Solving: Doing the Right Thing Right. Group Decision and Negotiation, 12(6), 463-476. DOI: 10.1023/b:grup.0000004257.06865.3

Smith, N. (2013). Book interview: Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg. Engineering & Technology, 8(4), 94-95. doi: 10.1049/et.2013.0420

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Essay Sample on Solving the Right Problem: Maximizing Chances for Success. (2023, Apr 08). Retrieved from

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