Essay Sample on Normal Function of a Muscle and How a Stroke Affects the Muscle

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  676 Words
Date:  2022-12-04


The essential purpose of muscles is to permit an individual to be in motion, converse, and masticate. Besides, it as well lends a hand in creating automatic progress that is critical for an ordinary occupation, which is moreover necessary for helping the body to sustain the natural body temperatures and vision. Furthermore, the other functions of the muscles are to be in charge of the heartbeat, inhalation, and incorporation (Hamilton & Gillingwater, 2013). On the other hand, stroke is consequently being acknowledged to influence how the tissue acts upon, for the reason that it is recognized that the brain flings gestures to human muscles to let them be in motion. However, it is well-known that these states of affairs will ultimately spoil the mind and these will, in the long run, hamper with the indications transmission.

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For instance, the stroke will more often than not affect one part of the brain, the faction, and consciousness. Since for single region of the corpse is being restricted through the converse surface of the brain. As a result, this means that if the fondle affected the left part of an individual's mind, then the folk will have tribulations with the right region of the body. Though, if the stroke affects the right surface of the brain, then the person will have troubles with the left area of the body.

Select the muscle in which you are most attracted and explain its source, supplement, and critical role.

One of the most preferred physiques is the skeletal muscles. For that reason, they are identified to be voluntary. Also, they cooperate with the responsibility in movements and are attached to the skeleton of a human being (Hamilton, 2013). However, they are made of long fibers, and this takes place appropriate to the outlines that consign over and again of the so-called my threads. Ultimately, their source is well-known from proteins characteristics in them and the so-named myosin and these in due course builds up the filaments.

Pick a precise movement of the corpse such as flexion of the arm and indicate the muscle which is the most crucial hauler?

Deltoid in this scenario is one of the muscles that are regarded as the antagonist. However, the synergist that is responsible for that movement comprises of the biceps and triceps (Kleihues, 2012).

Point out the lobes of the cerebrum and their vital roles.

The cerebrums are mainly being separated into four segments, and therefore these are looked upon as lobes. For example, they consist of anterior lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, and the temporal lobe (Shaw, 2013). As a result, their function is to take part in the task of managing the sensitivity in the human being and to join together or transmits the performance of interpretation.

State the meninges, their task, and position.

Meninges are being positioned in the subarachnoid space. Hence, their role is to defend the central nervous system, and the pia mater is as well be considered as the meningeal that covers and decisively remain to the shell of the brain, and so is the spinal cord (Shaw & Tomljenovic, 2013).

Talk to a friend or a family member in layman's terms who has no medical knowledge about how stroke affects the function of the muscle.

A stroke can affect how the muscle performs or work because it is well acknowledged that the brain sends signals to human tissues to allow them to move (Wyon, 2013). Moreover, when all this falls short, then these conditions will ultimately spoil then intellect and mess about with the gestures transmission.


Hamilton, G., & Gillingwater, T. H. (2013). Spinal muscular atrophy: going beyond the motor neuron. Trends in molecular medicine, 19(1), 40-50.

Kleihues, P., Burger, P. C., & Scheithauer, B. W. (2012). Histological typing of tumours of the central nervous system. Springer Science & Business Media.

Shaw, C. A., & Tomljenovic, L. (2013). Aluminum in the central nervous system (CNS): toxicity in humans and animals, vaccine adjuvants, and autoimmunity. Immunologic research, 56(2-3), 304-316.

Wyon, M. A., & Koutedakis, Y. (2013). Muscular fatigue: considerations for dance. Journal of dance medicine & science, 17(2), 63-69.

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Essay Sample on Normal Function of a Muscle and How a Stroke Affects the Muscle. (2022, Dec 04). Retrieved from

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