Essay Sample on Law Order: Establishing Rules for Social Control Crime Punishment

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  570 Words
Date:  2023-09-17


Social order and control are essential for every society. Crime is against that order and should not be encouraged. A criminal code guides order in the community. Criminal law defines what criminal behavior is in society. It helps to establish a rule for all. The state charges those who violate the penal law. The criminal justice system helps in dealing with crime in society (Franko, 2019). In the end, those found guilty of specific crimes face incarceration in correctional facilities. The action helps in punishing offenses committed. It also helps in rehabilitation to help in reducing misconduct in society. There are fundamental concepts that relate to crime. Social workers can help in addressing crime issues in the community.

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Key Concepts in Chapter 11


Crime is considered a harmful act and is not encouraged in society. Criminal behavior destabilizes the peace that characterizes the human community. Laws and norms in society help in crime reduction. The criminal justice system must work effectively to help address crime and reduce the adverse effects on society for the common good.


Justice is an essential part of society when it comes to dealing with crime. The criminal code defines crime in society. The criminal justice system is set in such a way that justice is upheld both for the criminals and for the society members against crime. Incarceration and rehabilitation should be done in a way that promotes justice for all parties involved.

Learnt Aspects

The chapter clearly defined crime and understanding the criminal justice system. The penal code of conduct and the criminal justice system help understand what crime is and how every part of the society helps in dealing with it. Every player in the criminal justice system has a role to play in alleviating crime and promoting a peaceful culture.

The further explanation of the juvenile justice system was an important aspect to learn. Those defined as children under the law are treated differently from adults. The system is meant to rehabilitate them than punish them for the wrongs done. It is meant to make them better people in the future.

Social Work Application of the Learnt Knowledge

Applying the knowledge learnt by the social worker is essential in the promotion of a better society. The definition of crime under the criminal code helps the social worker identify the primary cause of crime in the community (Marsh & Melville, 2019). It is impossible to deal with causes without understanding what crime is.

The criminal justice system is an integral part of the change process advocated by the social work profession (Marsh & Melville, 2019). Correctional and rehabilitative facilities for those accused of a crime are essential venues for implementing the change process to ensure that those accused of misconduct go through successful rehabilitation (Marsh & Melville, 2019).


A society free of crime is suitable for everyone. Every community member should endeavor to fight crime in a personal capacity to complement the criminal justice system. Instilling personal ethical values in society helps reduce crime, which is deviant behavior.


Franko, K. (2019). Globalization and crime. SAGE Publications Limited. Retrieved from:

Marsh, I., & Melville, G. (2019). Crime, justice, and the media. Routledge. Retrieved from:

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Essay Sample on Law Order: Establishing Rules for Social Control Crime Punishment. (2023, Sep 17). Retrieved from

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