Hamilton musical is an American Musical which is a Broadways sensation that recorded Alexander Hamilton's life, has been criticized by acclaim due to its comprehensive plotline and his cast for Latino which is a deliberate selection of the composers and lyricist from the show by one Lin-Manuel Miranda. The show and Hamilton's cast evolved into a statement of equality, union, and an indication of post-social communities politically. American community is further from post-racial communities, and reviews on Hamilton does not acknowledge Hamilton's fault, more so in social perception on the casting of the show's content. Through Hamilton's cast of racial representation, it's very positive and deserves the praise. In my study, I will evaluate the racial disparities in the musical casting and the story in the middle of the show to acknowledge and disprove the myth that Hamilton depicts a post-racial community. I will show reviews on Hamilton's exploratory to the societal perception on the musical, to improve the understanding of how minorities representation in art is advantageous to the marginalized persons in America, and also overcoming barriers in racism (Jones, Hamilton the musical).
In Hamilton the musical, three themes get employed. Theme of history gets used which depicts the test of time and pursuits of Hamilton's entire life. Telling his story to Thomas Jefferson not to slander him, he risks his wife, and this history haunts his character later. The theme of conflict builds, both the plot and characters in Hamilton musical. Conflict gives Hamilton fame and inspires the musical. Hamilton believes that war will help him achieve everything he wants. Another theme of running out of time is employed. This theme impacts almost every character. Hamilton feels that he is running out of time and without time may not succeed in his musical. Running out of time impacts Hamilton in his second act and therefore, he is not able to draw back his mind from creating history. It is until the end of the musical when Hamilton realizes that failing to attain legacy doesn't mean he didn't utilize his time in the musical.
In 2015, an American musical told the story of the life of Alexander Hamilton while premiering on Broadway at a theatre known as Richard Rodgers. The theatre journalist, critics, and civilians, practically had unanimous opinions on Hamilton that it was among the best musical theatre in today's generation. It got much praise for not only crafting good songs and rhymes which are relevant to politics, and artistry which is unprecedented but also due to the international casting of nonwhites. Majority of actors found in Hamilton are African-American, the Latinos and the Hispanics resulting in more attention to both musical actors and the musical in various Media fraternities. The praise triggered a majority of both reviewers and journalists to make wild claims on the recent status of the American community. Hamilton flickered a national conversation about the American race. Due to the pleasing representation of minority actors, the majority of people believed that Hamilton had terminated the whitewashing of Americans in the Media, therefore, supporting a narration of post-race that contributed to the election and re-election of President Obama. Hamilton is hailed as a sign of white American Twilight (Walsh, 457).
Through evaluation of reviews and existing literature on Hamilton and show musicals, I will have to disprove Hamilton's claim that, the Hamilton depicts American communities in a post-racial light. Generally, I will evaluate Hamilton, the American musical and the recent scholarship offering much information as to why American proceeds to pursue the narrative of t post-race. I will also evaluate the internal and external impact that minorities' representations in the arts Have a wider dialogue in politics and the usefulness of tomorrows inspiration of Hamilton in American media.
Racism also gets addressed in the plotline of other musicals like "Anything Goes." America is widely known as one of the communities that can afford to enjoy expensive theatres due to the restraints of their socioeconomic nature. A realization came forth that 77 of the tickets sold between 2015 and 2016 including the ones from the Hamilton musical, were bought by Caucasians, even though the Caucasian's audience outnumbers the minorities represented in the stage has increased from Broadway and America. The theatre known as "on your feet," presented the life of a Latina Singer while Allegiance cast Asian -Americans. In Hamilton, only white actors characters cast plays there. The casting of white actors by Hamilton is admirable since the show had problematic elements. On Hamilton retelling on the history of America, has made this musical to adhere to histories of whitewashing which are familiar to Americans. All character portrait in Hamilton musical are white, and it's a privilege of Alexander Hamilton being a white. An author Maranda in his documentary of "Hamilton's America," says that Hamilton is capable of writing anything under his circumstances. In Hamilton's song of Hurricane, he describes a letter written to his devastated hometown and his wife Eliza and the federal department on his plan for American financial systems. Indeed, Hamilton is a talented writer who benefited from the whites in the late 1700s.
Even though Hamilton gets praised for addressing post-race society, he does not address slavery. The slight in judgment gets revealed when he criticizes one Thomas Jefferson in the song, "Cabinet battle," and they engage in a debate about Hamilton's proposal of permitting the federal government to assume debts in the state. It got revealed that on the record he traded for slaves.
The Hamilton musical became unique regarding politics because of its underscoring of hip-hop. It can be viewed as an opera technically due to the lack of dialogue allowing access of hip-opera through a delightful portmanteau. This results in the packing of great amounts of information into every song due to the rapping speed and normal compilation and plenty of lyrics being rapped and sang. The uniqueness of this show is that it gets accessed by many audiences as compared to its peers. Music rapped in this the show sounds like music playing in the headphones, NYU type. This attracted many people to the Hamilton musical.
In placing the musical genre that normally won't emerge to playgoers, the genre itself permits the audience to access music they would not have had a chance to on their own. The dilemma brings up historical properties of the genre in a manner highlighting normal similarities in related sounds. A narrative of the musical track is essential in any available rap which permits them to think and scheme for intricate rhymes, compilation of beats allowing much information to be in dialogue form and black culture influences in the music. In Miranda's music, narratives which are already accepted get synthesized with the demographic permitting him to explore his ideologies in, slavery, racism, immigrant discrimination and sexism in a manner which is seamless. The skeletal musical history, the play's genre and the audiences emerge at the end of each other, but Miranda softens his voice to avoid getting confronted.
In the existence of negative aspects to be influential enough, Hamilton gets hindered by his legacy; they prove that a history of the artist can be light to be focused on personal events. Both negative and positive narration can be used to penetrate agendas. According to Hamilton musical, Alexander's positive legacy gets pushed, and some negative history and treatment help to develop his positive history further.
By shaping Hamilton's character in a perceived way that Hamilton will see them, permits inherent of bias for actions and talents of Hamilton and his political tension to be highlighted. His musical character is a great magnetism that makes him sympathetic throughout in spite of his mistakes. Hamilton gets used to the musical history from Chernow' biography aiming to paint the character of Titular in positive more than what his narration did. With the show's intention, both for the reason of Hamilton existence and his goals depicts that history is very fragile and not as it is considered mobile and factual. This musical take much on both artistic and historical liberties forming an immensely popular narrative achieving its goal. The show and the soundtrack cannot be accessed, but for those who can see and here, their attention gets drawn. We understand how this musical got accomplished and how history got shaped.
In this essay, there are forms and techniques used to develop the Hamilton musical. Hamilton uses dramatic devices to deliver his powerful monologue. On his song on proposing the American federal government to be allowed to state's debts, he fails to address slavery in his musical. This draws a conflict between Hamilton and Thomas. Hamilton's monologue summarizes his history and life while stirring audience's emotions making the music more influential.
Another technique of Parallelism is portrait between Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson who seem to be differentiated in their personalities. Apart from being against each other in the entire musical, both are firm in what they believe on and can't be easily opposed. In the election of 1800, Hamilton ends up endorsing Jefferson despite the differences in their point of view. The similarities in their personalities develop the theme of conflict in the play between them.
Hamilton has transformed theatres and the world too. Hamilton has proved that hip-pop with rapping can thrive in the box offices. He has also developed a diversity of ethics in the Broadways. He fills his stage with ethnicities and race panoply. Hamilton musical has developed Broadways bars for the presence of social media.
Alexander Hamilton is the founding father of the Hamilton musical in America has represented people of color to address race and ethics in the show, which has changed the musical to be a very powerful statement in politics beyond the Broadways. Hamilton's failure to address slavery in his musical creates controversy with Thomas Jefferson who which develops the theme of conflict in this paper. This draws a parallel between Hamilton and Jefferson with whom they differ in personalities and opinions, and at some point share similar points of view. His character develops the musical and builds his legacy in America by eradicating diversity of both ethics and race in the play.
Annotated Bibliography
Hamilton, Michael M. "Music annotation system for performance and composition of musical
Scores." U.S. patent No. 6,483,019. 19th Nov. 2002.This book is written to describe an American Musical by Alexander Hamilton. It refers to original peace of Hamilton music by either the song or the musical instruments he used. It talks of music creators termed as composers. In this book, it tells that musical composition uses musical notation and single authors.
Jones, John Bush. Our musicals, ourselves: a social history of American musical theatre. UPNE,
2004. This article has achieved and also maintained importance to the people of America more than any other performance. In the Hamilton Musical, the history of the genre is aimed to all readers of different stripes, providing discussion on American musical numbers and themes associated to the identity of American National musicians.
Hamilton, Andy. Aesthetics and music. Bloomsbury Publishing 2007.
This book starts by comprehending sound metaphysics, rhythm analysis, melody, and the harmony of the music. It has developed a novel account of music as an international object of perception imaginations. The argument of this book is on various dimensions of musical meaning and organization depicting exactly how music is a medium of expre...
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