Essay Sample on Discipline in the Church

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  627 Words
Date:  2023-01-16


Discipline plays a critical role in driving our righteousness in Christ by building respectful bonds in the church. Individuals should be able to see discipline as a core Christian value that drives our understanding of the Bible. In Luke 17:3-4, the bible says that when an individual wrongs you, you should rebuke them. If they ask for forgiveness, grant them that forgivingness. It continues to emphasize that no matter how many times a person wrongs you and asks for forgiveness, you should forgive them (Lariscy 23). In Mathew 18, Jesus says that the most exceptional people in the Kingdom of Heaven are those that are humble like children. Jesus says that when someone wrongs another, this wrongdoing should be brought to the attention of the offender. If that person fails to change or apologizes, the matter should be taken to the church. If no affirmative action is done in the church, that person should be treated like a gentile or tax collector. The most important part of this chapter is when Jesus says that individuals should forgive 70x7 Times. This is to mean that people should always forgive the wrongdoing of others.

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1 Corinthians 5:1-13 talks about immorality as a threat to the body while 2 Corinthians 2:1-11 reviews forgiveness for the offender. Both these sections present meaningful insight into the way Christians should handle forgiveness and immorality in various setting. Corinthians had shifted their belief in morality in Christ and continued to embrace sexual relations with their family members. These verses conclude the sexual immorality is a degradation to the church and must be judged. On the other hand, reaffirms that Christians should be forgiving and ready to show love to those that offend them (Lariscy 76). Forgiveness is, therefore, a strategy for which Christians could show love and prevent temptations from Satan since we are unaware of these schemes.

The same ideas of forgiveness are presented in Matthew 18:15-20, where Christ reminds us that the members of the church are responsible for each other, and it is our role to take care of one another. This scripture tells us that Jesus shares the same spirit with us, and we must do what is right by the church. In Galatians 6:1-2, we are reminded to bear one another burden by restoring that which is lost in a spirit of gentleness. Ephesians 5:5-13 tells us to stay morally upright according to the scripture and remain children of God. All these scriptures form strong bases for which Christians should forgive one another regardless of the situation.

James 4:11-12 says that we should not judge one another, which is a core driver for forgiveness for wrongdoings. James 5:19-20 urges Christians to be their fellows' keepers by driving them away from sin. 1 Timothy 5:19-20 says that elders who are sinning should be punished before others a lesson to the church. On the other hand, 2 Timothy 2:14 warns people against false teachers and urges Christians to never listen to such people. Finally, Titus 3:9-11 encourages Christians to avoid foolish struggle and controversy. It warms against people who blindly seek tussle and states that such people would be condemned.

When sin goes against the core beliefs of a Christian and a person or group of people, fail to acknowledge their mistake before the church. This person or group of people may require to disfellowship since Jesus says that in such an extreme case, that person should be treated like a gentile or tax collector (Lariscy 47). A way to receive a person back to fellowship involves the person asking for forgiveness from the church and God, and being ready to take action for what he or she had done to the church.

Works Cited

Lariscy, Randy. Portraits of Forgiveness: Finding the Inspiration and Courage to Forgive. WordTruth P, 2011.

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