"The problem will not be solved by running away. He cannot listen to the glib suggestion of those who urge him to migrate en masse to other sections of the country, from Martin Luther King's Three Ways of Meeting Oppression inspire people to face, own and resolve challenges they experience in life. Life is neither smooth nor easy, as one has to face challenges that occasionally demoralize. Individuals facing such moments feel abandoning challenges eases their burden, acknowledging that not all issues need solutions. Such thoughts stimulate impatience that convinces a disgruntled spouse to take the easy way by running away from the challenge. However, running away works in the short-term but erodes the opportunity to nurture resilience and perseverance to confront recurring and subsequent challenges. Leading a challenge-free life exists in utopia, hence compelling individuals to remain optimistic and walk through the challenges confronting them.
Running away from challenges compares to applying definite solutions to address indefinite challenges. Such occurs when one develops a feeling of inadequacy and unpreparedness to address the challenge. The cycle translates to self-doubt even when faces challenges one would solve ordinarily. The recurrence stimulates inadequacy feeling, leaving one hurt to resolve the sequence of challenges (Rajpal 4). Running away from challenges extends the burden that one would face when solving them. Consequently, avoidance of challenges resembles postponing opportunities to solutions that would improve the quality of life. A decision to avoid life challenges welcomes and nurtures fear that gradually condemns one to live in continual denial. It becomes evident in the recurrence of partially solved challenges when one is unable to handle the slightest problem when caught unawares.
Challenges still exist in the new physical place when left unresolved at their onset. From Martin Luther King quote, running away from challenges creates a wrong belief of their non-existence in other physical places (King Jr. 84). Typically, issues one abandons linger beneath the surface of the individual's life. The experiences downplay decisions to run for the hills, where still similar challenges lie ahead. From Brendan Francis quote, "The best way to escape from a problem is to solve it", running away is never a viable solution. It qualifies urgency to face challenges to avoid losing touch of solutions when the issue is still fresh. Attempts to disown the challenges resembles erecting landmines in one's paths. Instead, it wears away confidence levels to walk the same paths, thereby causing further confusion. Similarly, running away from problems yields emotional ties running deeper despite hoping on the moving wagon.
The tendency to postpone solving challenges separates one from platforms where one would secure viable solutions. The further one keeps off the challenges and neglects responsibility to address them, condemns the individual to miss out a self-discovery path. For instance, I confronted challenging moments growing up in our Hispanic neighborhood to levels of despondency feelings. However, constant inspiration from my relatives who illustrated the loss that lay ahead by giving up lit my steadfast devotion to solving personal challenges. The experience of living under inhumane conditions while relying on insufficient resources stimulated my drive towards my educational pursuit and better living. I view without the commitment to address social challenges I faced back then, I would remain upset as fellow Hispanic peers experience in our home country. The experience reminds me that running away from challenges nurtures self-oppression that harms ability capacity to create a turnaround, instead aggravates the existing issues.
Running away from challenges works to an extent beyond which makes it difficult to avoid bleakness accompanying their recurrence. It arouses a larger burden where abandoned challenges wear away the present abilities. The resulting hindrances to creativity prompt individuals to develop scapegoats and alleging external forces causing the misfortunes. The situation ushers in fear of oneself and feelings of inadequacy. This awareness boosts my understanding that abandoning challenges erodes my ability to invest self in present situation and into other persons. Since relocating to Miami, I have discovered running away real damage lies in leading unappreciated presence extending to the society. The patterns nurture hatcheries of more problems. Knowing this benefited me to leave beyond the Hispanic immigrant tag and live positively as a single mother. Although it appeared difficult, staying to solve my personal challenges have allowed me to move forward to work and study while raising my child on my own. Without tying up the loose ends, life would be different perhaps dangling in the hope of donor funds and government subsidies back in my home village.
Oppression weakens free-will that aggravates the challenges by eroding self-worth. The victim develops a feeling of inferiority and appears misplaced. Abandoning challenges ignore the reality that one can never run forever. Such instances are evident in individuals who become drug addicts though misguided of inherent empowerment to overcome their challenges. The reality in subverting to such stereotypes is that the challenges still persist when one regains sobriety. The drug addict probably feels overly burned out to deal with the issues, condemning one's life into drugs menace. The viable solution in such moments in walking through the challenges by making the conscious decision to positively address the challenges. It becomes numbing to drown oneself in aggravated pain in drugs, excessive watching, and reckless gambling assuming the problems we face will magically disappear. None works, other than facing the problems one faces by going through its cause factor
People suffering from weaker free-will become victims of typical burying their head in the sand. They fail to recognize that the unique challenges they face form part of the human life. As much as the situation becomes tormenting, no amount of avoidance will help get over the problem. Teenage pregnancy, debilitating injuries, and spouse-unfaithfulness should not degenerate into deep feelings of inadequacy. The healing process starts by walking through the problem since one can never walk away from the self. Particularly, such arises in the unfortunate incident of teenage pregnancy leaving the lady to consider abortion to resolve the perceived challenge. Abortion decisions only give temporary relieve, unknowingly of the risk of childlessness one may encounter in their adulthood. In the unfortunate of permanent damage to the womb, deeper emotional ties to such decisions translate to self-inflicted lifetime regrets.
Seeking relief from drugs, abortion and excessive watching amount to walking away from challenges that hardly resolves them. Instead, one postpones the solutions worsened by the deeper emotional ties developing wherever one goes. Taking drugs, relocating and quitting jobs hardly solves personal challenges. The conscious decision lies in acknowledging challenges comprise a unique part of human life. The only sensible option lies in W.H Fordham quote, "You can't run away from your problems. The will just chase you and get bigger and bigger. If you stand and face them, they will shrivel and disappear." Facing the challenges enables one realize the life-changing truth that it becomes easier to walk through them given the reality that one cannot run away forever.
Works Cited
King Jr., Martin Luther. "Three Ways of Meeting Oppression." (n.d.): 84-89.
Rajpal, Deepak. "Running away from problem is never a solution." Vision Shine,2014, Accessed 02 May 2018.
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