The study of rhetorical theory allows for the understanding of human use of symbol in communication within a specified period. In the 21st Century, three aspects of the rhetorical theory are essential. Rhetorical theory must be considered as a tool for the illustration of textual erudition (Foss 7). As regards this area, it is critical to define the location and translation of rhetorical commentaries as well as determine their placement within dynamic historical and cultural milieus. Within a first globalizing environment, the adoption of language and the amalgamation of culture and the resulting communication continuity within digitized communication platforms remains critical. Secondly, it is essential to understand how enhanced interactivity translates to social nuances. In this regard, the understanding of how rhetorical theories are transferred from one generation to another is critical. The role of universities in the transfer and maintenance of rhetorical traditions is equally vital for the contemporary social environment (Turnbull 117). The changing face of human interactivity with the growth of new digitized platforms for disseminating information makes the study of rhetorical theory important.
Advancements in information and communication technology have diversified political communication channels. The dissemination of political messages through the Internet has become an inexorable trend with leading social media platforms, Facebook and Twitter, becoming central political campaign tools (Martin 25). These platforms are increasingly the preferred messaging channels for political parties, candidates, journalists, and the general public. These groups express their political opinions and attitudes. Consequently, the academic community continues to be sucked into these discussions for research on political dynamics. Rhetorical theory is central to political discourse. These dynamics in political campaign approaches capture the traditional communication revolution strains (Martin 42). The ripple effect of advancements in information and communication technology imply that modern aspects of argumentation, persuasion, and how they interact to uphold truth remains vital.
The 21st century has seen a lot of changes which impact on rhetoric and which call for the review of rhetorical theory. Unlike previously, the contemporary social space provides equal opportunities for both men and women (Foss 15). Persons from different ethnicities can either be found within shared physical environments such as higher education institutions or be united on digital platforms. There is more diversity in communicative systems. Understanding the importance of the participation of each member of the communication system is essential, particularly considering the contemporary network culture and the value of social capital. Communication transactions that involve diverse participants put pressure on communication practices. Within the contemporary context, the correlation between situation and reaction brings about an equilibrium which is multiplicative.
The 21st century has been marked by the reemergence of dialectic in the academic sphere due to a rise in informal logic. The result of the resurgence of informal logic is the overshadowing of the previously assertive deductive reasoning that graced the academic environment. Increasingly, therefore, there is an appraisal of argumentation that is different from the turn-taking model that a discussion would promote. Solo performances such as opinion articles which dominate communication media support argumentation (Foss 10). The resulting rhetoric lacks regulative principles. Therefore, the study of such rhetorical theory becomes essential for sieving out the truth in the opinions that are traded by such solo performances generate.
Globalization, the one dominant idea of the 21st century is characterized by improved power of opinion and expression. Public relation has become essential for multinational organizations to remain relevant and sustainable. Rhetoric is an integral part of public relations practice. The reputation of organizations requires to be appropriately managed. Rhetorical theory helps to understand what propositions are relevant to the audience (Foss 12). As such, the study of what works best for the consumer helps to understand why some organizations succeed in environments where others do not. Some of the areas addressed are the role of cultural nuances in the promotion of products and services. Public relations regard the use of language in a way that shared meanings are derived and promoted. It employs language as a tool for persuasive human interactions. Communicators use this language to exchange discourse and information between them.
There is an increasing focus on the demand and delivery of democracy in the 21st century. Persuasion remains central for leadership in a democratized environment. Political institutions employ this tool to maintain their reputation as well as to present and promote individual opinions. Public relations in democratic transactions need to be examined for the existence of ethical communication. In the recent past, allegations of what has come to be known as "fake news" have gained traction. As such, whether ethical rhetoric overpowers "rhetrickery" remains an area worth examining (Foss 14). In an environment where communication has become smooth and more complex through networks, the analysis of how discourse is realized and shared is essential.
Additionally, understanding how speakers and writers realize effective communication while engaging their audience is essential. Democracies are sustained by a shared understanding of values and respect for dominant opinions. In the 21st century, the tools for shaping prevailing opinion have transformed how truth is shared and perspectives controlled. Unlike in the past, multiple sources of opinion play in the public scene.
Rhetorical theory is essential for the understanding of micro and macroeconomic trends that are shaped by contemporary communication tools and shared understandings (Turnbull 115). The drawing of policy and the application of law both require reference to rhetorical theory. Democracy remains an idea in which the art of persuasion dominates the processes that define the politics of a place. On the other hand, the law must be understood as a way of assigning formal strength to words. The conduct and instructiveness of society shapes laws. In the contemporary setting, laws have been initiated to influence human interaction with the environment, drive the processes aimed at realizing new means and products for consumption. Rhetoric serves as the instrument with which certain groups exercise authority over others.
The study of rhetorical theory is essential given the potential of words to frame issues and how meaning is shaped to convey impressions. In considering rhetorical theories, the more their influence on economics becomes. In the field of economics, for instance, issues are presented in the context of economic theories and concepts (Turnbull 117). Such ideas and theories provide conditions for which perfect competition would exist. However, while considering the ideal environment, it is essential to understand that the real-world exhibits dynamism which may not promote the ideal competitive environment. As such, we may need to know why, despite the existence of laws and economic theories, an imbalance in resource distribution occurs. It may equally be helpful to understand why, with the improved performance of specific organizations, earnings among the workforce shows vast disparities. Economic discussions, therefore, deviate from the traditional formal consideration of the market as predefined to more informal concerns such as whether a more significant role for women would lead to a better distribution of resources.
The rhetorical theory applies when an understanding of the correlation between the willingness to take risks or the desire for rewards and psychological inclinations. It is noteworthy that language plays a central role in shaping decisions and perceptions thereby influencing behavior and opinions. The understanding of how communications affect economic decisions within a more connected macroeconomic environment is essential (Turnbull 120). Considering such centrality of rhetoric in global economics, it is worth considering how much style in rhetorical theory changed from being the information supplement to taking the constitutive weight.
Only a small subset of scholars has considered fashion as an area worth giving attention. The 21st century has seen the elevation of fashion in almost every aspect of human life. The pure and applied arts have for instance significantly been affected by fashion (Foss 22). Several aspects of human expression, even those previously not considered to require the elements of fashion have embraced such features as a result of the competitiveness and marketization. The higher education, for instance, is no longer about the research and innovation alone, but also how conducive an environment is created for students to contribute to the innovation and research. In general, fashion has the power to influence almost all the central content for any field. Therefore, rhetorical expression finds a way in all aspects that represent human interactions, hence making it worth understanding.
The rhetorical theory finds usage in the essential drivers of modern societies. Foremost, the rhetorical theory is worth studying today because it helps to understand social movements. Some of the dominant discussions over the decades have aimed to fight for equal social space for minority communities. Therefore, the study of rhetorical theory helps to understand how much gain is made in advancing the rights of such groups as the LGBTQ, African Americans, and other minority groups. Understanding how barriers are quickly broken today than it was previously can be vital in understanding how attitude change was initiated and sustained. Understanding how social movements lead to positive gains or confrontations with the system, or how legislative gains are made require the analysis of the rhetoric of leaders. Important events like the global economic recession, the rise of terrorism and radical groupings and dominance of some countries over others within a globalized economy requires the understanding of rhetoric used by leaders (Turnbull 127). The resulting perceptions can help to anticipate or predict future occurrences.
The understanding of public address is essential in the study of rhetorical theory in the contemporary world. Specifically, the increased use of comedy as a tool for subtle criticism of political discourse creates the impression of the public as a disinterested spectator in essential discussions. However, it must not be missed that such comic requires intelligent dissection of discourse and an attack to it in a manner that does not immediately strike as criticism (Foss 25). Besides social activism and public addresses by political leaders, popular culture also provides an excellent environment to understand why the study of rhetorical theory remains essential in the 21st century. Every person is engaged in one aspect or the other of popular culture, and expressions and interactions are influenced by it. Social media discussions, for instance, are sustained by trending topics. On the other hand, technological advancements continue to control almost every aspect of interactions. Experiences in sports, education, and practically all aspects incorporate technology to achieve some advantage. Studying rhetorical theory helps to understand these connections.
Works Cited
Foss, Sonja K. Rhetorical Criticism: Exploration and practice. Waveland Press, 2017.
Martin, James. "Situating speech: A rhetorical approach to politica...
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