In contemporary society, equality of all citizens regarding the aspect of working out their rights despite one's sexual category, race, social and nationality origin, religious and political belief, besides social rank remains a fundamental value as assured by the law of the land. It is equally imperative to note that equality stands controlled by various laws as well as global agreements representing a vital part of the State's legal directive. The reality of the matter is that instances of discriminatory treatment tend to be ambiguous sometimes; however, for the policymakers to successfully combat discrimination, the first thing entails seeing that it's taking place. According to numerous code of practice, workforces in an organization are entittled to have all their issues of employment being treated in a just manner. In line with the principles of democracy, there is a need for having equal employment opportunities via the recognition of sustaining a culture of equal opportunity as one of the competitive advantages. From the human resources management viewpoint, a company offering employment must present equal opportunities as well as impartial treatment in the course of employment to job candidates irrespective of their political affiliation, nationality, religion, sex, race, or disability. Such a statement ought to be included in the advertisement for jobs and also included in the descriptions of a given job (Hossain 79). Discrimination in employee recruitment is rampant, and HRM ought to be more committed towards execution of impartiality policy, thereby upholding a culture supporting system via integrating organizational practices and HR policies.
Regarding employee discrimination in recruitment, it is apparent that following planning of human resources recruitment is expected to commence immediately. Recruitment is well-defined as the practice of producing a pool of candidates capable to fill vacancies in the workplace. In all aspects, whether in the areas of professionals or not, recruitment entails the attempt of locating a vast pool of applicants having required qualifications and capability as well as the ability to communicate to them concerning the available opportunity for employment. Under normal circumstances, several organizations get many job applications; hence, the truth of the matter is that the process of recruitment remains a real problem to Human resources management (Mamgain 131). Alternatively, if the available job candidates qualified ties the available vacancies, then there is no other stage going forward, meaning these candidates have already been selected. It is critical to note that the recruitment is not about only publishing the job announcement. The primary drive of the recruitment entails finding most suitable candidates hence the reason HRM ought to be having the knowledge of their industry in which they function. Discrimination in hiring does not endorse organization as the brand for a brilliant employer. The HRM must establish instruments for evaluating effectiveness and equality concerning the process of recruitment. Many people perceive recruitment as just the set of administrative operations involving coordination of jobs, management of applicants' data, including the potential applicants, and so on (Hossain 79). Nonetheless, there is much more than that when it comes to strategic recruitment.
In the contemporary world of competitiveness, effective recruitment is considered as component of HR plan in that it remains at the outset contact with upcoming workforces facilitating in actualization of the organizational plans. There is no doubt that recruitment stands to be very costly. Hence among the main strategic goals regarding employment include doing it as swiftly as possible, considering that unfilled jobs tend to hinder the work, thereby influencing the profit (Hossain 79). When there is a need for additional labor, there are several choices that organizations make. The first step entails recruitment as well as the selection process; however, often, hiring extra employees remains not the method upon which additional labor can be obtained. In several instances, the organization may take into account other options to recruitment, including outsourcing instead of just employing regular employees. In many cases where there is temporary fluctuation in the working environment, it happens that the most straightforward solutions include part-time labor or overtime by the current workforce. Careful HR planning ought to take into account the overall growth prospects of the entity along with the accurate forecasting of the labor needs in the future. One of the typical employees' discriminations in recruitment entails promotion from within. The organization's policy on promotion has a significant effect on the process of recruitment. Often it is found that when an open position avails above the entry instead of the promotion given to the already working person for the entity, a different individual gets promoted that way discriminating the employees. However, various administrations utilizes promotion as motivation tool as well as an incentive for working for many years with an organization (Doverspike and et al. 343). Promotion is mainly paramount in an immobile economy upon which people do note change organizations. Hence the chance for growing career along with augmented earnings entail moving up within the existing workplace. One of limitations of promotion internally entail that promoted individual tends to leave a gap in the previous position hence creating another job vacant to be as well filled. But the difference stands entail lower and a less skilled position; thus, it may not be challenging to fill the position. The aspect of promoting from within in itself is discriminatory in the sense that an organization does not give an equal chance to all potential candidates qualified in filling the position. Thus the organization loses out on the probability of having new ideas as well as creativity that might have been brought by unique individuals joining the organization for the first time (Hennekam 29).
Doverspike and et al. (343) notes that nepotism refers to the aspect of hiring relatives. Many organizations tend to be having nepotism policies, and it is paramount that HRM is distinct about it to create a fair and equitable environment for all potential job candidates in the absence of any discrimination in recruitment. Refusing to hire someone because he or she is related to a person working in that company is also discrimination. It is apparent that about employing relatives, various employers undertake that intimate members of family should work in dissimilar areas of the entity in that way preventing issues from doing with favoritism as well as possible morale problems amongst the workforce. It is not suitable for members of the family to be at the positions of supervisory managing their relatives.
From a legal perspective, various laws influence the process of hiring, especially in regards to the aspects of discrimination. According to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, discrimination in employment practices based on one's age, race, color, national origin, or religion is prohibited. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967 protects discrimination to a person aged forty and above to organizations that have over twenty workforces. In some countries, there is a requirement for an organization to comply with age discrimination laws concerning employees. Other than age discrimination experienced in recruitment, other biases include pregnancy discrimination and persons with disabilities. The job posting, which is the most used method of finding qualified applicants within the organization, requires that announcement of the job vacant be availed to every employee. Sufficient job posting ensures marginal workers, together with other underprivileged groups, remain informed of the job available. The shortcoming to job posting entails worker cynicism, which takes place whenever a job posted as open while, in a real sense, the entity has by this time designated a candidate. Because of the organization's practices, there is the creation of resentment along with mistrusts among the workforce when they know that job placement is nothing but a conventionalism with no chance for progression.
Recommended Solution to the Problem
Anti-Discrimination Laws and Policies
The human resource (HR) should understand non-discriminatory laws in the workplace. The law requires that no one should suffer from discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion and creed, among other characteristics. Adhering to the legal provisions would help to promote fair practices in the recruitment of employees (Stoilkovska, Ilieva, and Gjakovski 282). The human resource ought to ensure that the personnel responsible for the recruitment of the employees are also trained and understand the anti-discrimination laws. All the practices should follow the law strictly to ensure that the applicants have a fairground while seeking employment. The opportunity should be open for all qualified candidates. The human resource should make a follow up to ensure that there is no form of discrimination involved in the recruitment process. Candidates who fail to get a chance should be notified of the reasons for not being successful. HR should also develop anti-discrimination policies for the recruitment of candidates. They should focus on preventing all forms of discrimination in the workplace. The policies should also integrate stern actions to be taken against those who engage in malpractices. Candidates should also be informed that it is against the policies of the organization to participate in any form of discrimination. The HR should aim at promoting fairness to all (Drydakis 11)
Introduce an Equality Policy
An equality policy is the starting point for any business to promote impartiality. The management should consult with other employees as well as other representatives. The system should reflect the commitment to promote equality to all job applicants. The applicants ought to be subjected to the same interview and allowed to express themselves. The pledge to ensure fairness ought to spring from the top management. Equality in the recruitment should aim at encouraging and managing diverse diversity (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service 13). Due to globalization, the opportunity is likely to attract individuals from different cultures. It would assist in recruiting a diverse team that brings new knowledge and skills to the organization. The policy breach would be considered as misconduct. The organization should have a disciplinary procedure for those who breach the policy. The disciplinary action helps to ensure that employees adhere to the set guidelines. Their efforts should align with the organization's strategy of promoting equality, particularly in recruiting candidates to fill vacant positions or undertake new roles. The organization should oppose all forms of discrimination concerning applicants and the staff (Stoilkovska, Ilieva, and Gjakovski 283). It should ensure that everyone is treated fairly and equally, and decisions for recruitment and selection ought to be made objectively without any discrimination.
Developing an Action Plan to Support the Policy
Having an equality policy is not enough as it requires the action plan to strengthen it. The program brings to life the daily practices and outlines the steps to be taken to achieve equality. The action plan might include staff training on the importance of equality in the workplace (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service 14). The staff ought to be consulted while developing the plan to ensure it comes to fruition. It is necessary to check the effect of both strategy and pol...
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