Essay Example on Logic Modeling: A Tool for Program Planning & Evaluation

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  1093 Words
Date:  2023-04-24

The proposed program will use the logic model as a programming tool. The term logic model can be described as tools used to plan, describe, manage, communicate, and evaluate a program or intervention (Armstrong-Mensah, 2017). They are the graphical representation of the relationships between a program's activities and its intended outcomes (Scaffa & Reitz, 2020). The principles of logic modelling are used to plan, implement, and disseminate program activities (W.K. Kellogg Foundation, n.d.).

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Additionally, logical models show the assumptions underlying expectations that a program will be successful in achieving its goals and describes the environment in which the program will be implemented. It is worth noting that logic models are dynamic documents. That is, as the program is being conducted, the planners and implementors have a chance to revise it from time to time based on changes in the expectations, activities, resources, and context. It can be also be periodically changed based on lessons learned as the program is being rolled out.

The logic model is comprised of two parts- process and outcome (CDC, n.d.). First, the process part of the logic model consists of the program's resources (inputs), activities, and outputs. The inputs can be defined as the resources that will be invested in the intervention or the program. For example, in the proposed program aimed at decreasing the prevalence of childhood obesity in the State of Alabama, inputs can include funding or grant sources, healthcare providers, community health workers, teachers, and parents. Activities are events that are carried out by those tasked with implementing the program to attain desired results or outcomes. That is, activities are what is being done to achieve the desired state. Examples of activities in the proposed program include creating a partnership between community health workers, teachers, and parents, training of parents on the importance of physical activity in children, and training of teachers on effective ways of implementing the physical exercise intervention.

In the logic model, outputs are what is achieved following the implementation of the activities- the results of the activities (Jentleson, 2015). Examples of outputs based on the above activities include a partnership between community health workers, teachers, and parents created, parents trained on the importance of physical activity in children, and teachers trained on effective implementation of physical exercise intervention.

Second, the outcomes section of a program is comprised of the intended impacts of the program (CDC, n.d.). Outcomes refer to the desired program's results. Outcomes can be described as either long-term, intermediate, or short-term. These descriptions are based on the length and the expectations of the intervention or the program. Long-term outcomes are desired results that can take many years to attain, while short-term outcomes are the immediate results of a program.

Lastly, a logical model may also include assumptions and contextual factors (Birkhead et al., 2020). Assumptions are the beliefs that the program planners have about the program and the resources invested to achieve the desired results. Assumptions describe the way the planners think the program will realize its outcomes based on the theory used in the development of the program. They are derived from various sources, such as common sense, empirical literature, experience, and best practices. On the other hand, contextual factors refer to the environment in which the program or the intervention will be implemented or conducted and the external factors that interact with and affect the program.

How Logic Model May be Useful to my SSP

One of the benefits attributable to the use of the logic model is that it is useful for communicating the program to individuals outside the program succinctly and compellingly (Newcomer et al., 2015; U.S. Department of Energy, 2020). Therefore, the use of the model in my SSP will help to explain to the stakeholders and potential funders the intended results of the program and how they will be achieved. Second, the model is crucial in assisting the program staff to have a unified understanding of how the program works and their tasks and roles in making it successful (Centre for Epidemiology and Evidence, 2017; Grinnell, 2018). Therefore, in the proposed SSP, the logic model will enable stakeholders to understand ways in which the program will attain its outcomes and roles of each of the stakeholders.

Potential Challenges of the Logic Model

One of the potential challenges that can be encountered when using a logic model is that it focuses on intended outcomes, but does not address unintended outcomes (the University of Wisconsin System, n.d.). For instance, the model may address the overall reduction in the prevalence of a particular condition but does not explain adverse outcomes such as factors that may lead to negative results. Second, logic models do not explain direct cause-effect relationships (Haski-Leventhal, 2018; Lucius & Rietjens, 2016).

Strategies for Addressing the Challenges

To address the first challenge described above, I will explain other possible outcomes of the program, such as neutral, negative, and positive outcomes. Specifically, I will describe factors that may lead to these outcomes. Second, to address the second challenge, I will explain how each of the components of the program helps to achieve the desired program outcomes.


Armstrong-Mensah, E. A. (2017). Global health: Issues, challenges, and global action. John Wiley & Sons.

Birkhead, G. S., Morrow, C. B., & Pirani, S. (2020). Essentials of public health. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

CDC. (n.d.). Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Program Evaluation Guides.

Centre For Epidemiology and Evidence. (2017). Developing and Using Program Logic: A Guide. Evidence and Evaluation Guidance Series, Population and Public Health Division.

Grinnell, R. M. (2018). Social work research and evaluation: Foundations of evidence-based practice. Oxford University Press.

Haski-Leventhal, D. (2018). Strategic corporate social responsibility: Tools and theories for responsible management. SAGE Publications.

Jentleson, B. C. (2015). Better together: A model university-community partnership for urban youth. Teachers College Press.

Lucius, G., & Rietjens, S. (2016). Effective civil-military interaction in peace operations: Theory and practice. Springer.

Newcomer, K. E., Hatry, H. P., & Wholey, J. S. (2015). Handbook of practical program evaluation. John Wiley & Sons.

Scaffa, M. E., & Reitz, S. M. (2020). Occupational therapy in community and population health practice. F.A. Davis.

University of Wisconsin System. (n.d.). Limitations of logic models.

U.S. Department of Energy. (2020). Benefits of using logic modeling.

W.K. Kellogg Foundation. (n.d.). W. K. Kellogg foundation logic model development guide.

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Essay Example on Logic Modeling: A Tool for Program Planning & Evaluation. (2023, Apr 24). Retrieved from

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