Essay Example on Exploring Positive Youth Justice: Assessing Claims of Uniqueness and Robustness

Paper Type:Ā  Essay
Pages:Ā  2
Wordcount:Ā  360 Words
Date:Ā  2023-08-31


The motivation behind this paper, subsequently, is to elucidate and assess a progression of related issues: asserts that Positive Youth Justice offers an unmistakable, confirm, full-fledged 'model' of youth equity and justice. It is in both theoretical and down to earth terms, regardless of whether these cases to uniqueness are arranged inside a legitimate, complete evaluation of built-up models of youth and children justice. The proposed new model is sufficiently hearty to withstand the study of its constituent parts and claims to inventiveness (Cavadino and Dignan 2006). In doing as such, there will be an itemized basic correlation of the particular renditions of Positive Youth Justice that have grown contemporaneously on either side of the Atlantic, so as to perceive whether they comprise a rational 'model' with shared standards, arrangements of thoughts, foci, strategies, and practices or whether their similitudes are confined to a common scrutinize of contemporary models of youth equity and the repackaging of specific components of built-up approaches (Waquant 2009).

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Children First, Offenders Second Application in Ireland

The ā€˜Children First, Offenders Secondā€™ version of positive youth justice was created by researchers in Ireland, formalized in Irish youth justice policy, and has been animated in practice in Ireland (Pamment, 2019).

ā€œChild First Offender Secondā€ is thoughtfully or hypothetically supported by social control and strain speculations that comprehend affronting is the result of separation, hindrance, and blocked chances/get to courses at the socio-basic level. The model holds the UNCRC and its related child inviting equity and justice development as building up boundaries to a progression of rules that should advise a positive way to deal with youth equity, specifically:

Children firstā€”youngsters who insult ought to be comprehended and reacted to as children first and guilty parties second, with culpable conduct standardizedā€”saw as a regular, run of the mill, energetic conduct and just a single piece of a progressively intricate and multi-faceted personality for the child (Drakeford 2010)

Child agreeable/suitable reactionsā€”Child cordial dynamic and mediation arranging by grown-ups at key phases of the formal YJS ought to be organized, ideally vivified through the important and real cooperation and commitment of youths.

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Essay Example on Exploring Positive Youth Justice: Assessing Claims of Uniqueness and Robustness. (2023, Aug 31). Retrieved from

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