Mental health has become an important subject of nursing and there in need to equip upcoming nurses with the right skills for them to be adequate help to patients (Trauer et al., 2015). Nursing students should be trained on the fundamental principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) which is an important psycho-social approach in treating mental illness (Dobson and Dobson, 2018). Serious mental illnesses take a heavy toll on the patients, their families, the larger society hence the need to increase the opportunities for recovery (Christie and Robinson, 2013). CBT is an effective evidence-based supplement treatment to mental illnesses but access to this kind of treatment is limited due to an insufficient number of trained healthcare professionals in such an approach (Velligan et. al., 2017). Therefore, educating and training nurses in CBT will fundamentally improve the number of qualified professionals and hence better mental healthcare (Zettle and Hayes, 2015).
Treatment of mental illnesses is possible through pharmacotherapy due to improvement in negative symptoms, reduced risk of relapsing and hospitalization, and alleviating negative psychotic symptoms (Jensen et. al., 2014). This, however, is not effective since there are more cases of non-adherence to medication and failure of medicine to respond to cognitive symptoms (McKay et. al., 2015). There is then the need to have a psychotherapy approach that will respond to cognitive symptoms and improve the behavior in patients (Kaczkurkin and Foa, 2015). CBT has successfully been used to treat conditions like severe major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia (Thal and Jimenez, 2019). CBT helps in positively influencing the thinking patterns of people to help them cope with symptoms and respond to treatment (Vordenberg et. al., 2018).
Leadership plays an important role in ensuring that nurses are guided and stay focused on delivering quality care to patients. (Taylor et. al., 2014) Dealing with patients who are mentally ill is a tough job and require one to have the motivation and emotional intelligence to handle the pressures of work (Aga, Noorderhaven and Vallejo, 2016). Leadership is needed to help the nurses maneuver how to help patients who relapse into regaining their former selves (Breevaart et. al., 2014). The most effective leadership style in this case would be the transformational leadership style whose purpose is to motivate the staff to uphold higher moral values and ideas (Braun, Peus, Weisweiler and Frey, 2013). This will require the management guiding the nursing students to have a deep set of internal ideas and values (Doody and Doody, 2012). Transformational leadership will work together and closer with nursing students to set up the change needed, create a vision to direct the change in realizing CBT and execute the change as a team (Mittal and Dhar, 2015).
To implement and succeed in influencing change in the nursing students to uphold the principles of CBT, the plan-do-study-act (PDSA) model is the best choice (Flemming and Hubner, 2013). This will allow the easy handing over of roles between nurses to enhance the effective handing over of roles in a CBT program to make sure continuity in quality service to patients (Reed and Card, 2016). Also, the PDSA model is more efficient, safer, effective, timely, fair, and patient-centered (Donnelly and Kirk, 2015). Through the model, the nurses will be able to set measurable and clear objectives, plan ways for delivering change, and plan how data for measuring change will be collected (Morelli, 2016). After planning, the nurses will make the necessary changes that will make the CBT work for the patients, and document properly what they have done (NHS, 2018). Analysis of the data collected will be done, compared to the hypotheses and objectives, and finally summarized (Sideris and Stosky, 2016). Action will be the next step where the objective for change will be fine-tuned to improve results, the changes made should be documented, and the process repeated to ensure continuity of progress (NICE, 2017).
Innovation in leadership will ensure that nursing students are adequately prepared for their roles by creating mentorship programs that will put nursing students under the wings of experienced professionals (Burleton, L., 2013). This will ensure that the relevant skills, knowledge, and expertise are handed over to the younger professionals who will take over the leadership mantle in nursing and move toward better care for patients (McNicholas et. al., 2019, p358). Mentorship is a great opportunity to ensure that nurses join the profession with the courage and confidence that they have what it takes to perform and realize results (NHS, 2017). They will also acquire the right values of the organizational culture and competency, and this will be to the benefit of patients (Smeulers, Lucas, and Vermeulen, 2014).
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