Essential ideas and procedures for data security on the internet include episode reaction, detailing, regulation, and reclamation of the data foundation. This course included weekly in-depth research postings, writing research papers (or exams), and conducting lab experiments on (1.0) threats, attacks, and vulnerabilities. This included analyzing indicators of compromise and detecting the responsible type of malware, including crypto-malware, ransom ware, worms, Trojans, and viruses. Crypto malware is compromise programs that can mine data illegally, crypto-mining, designed such that it can perform this data mining completely undetectable. Ransom ware illegally encrypts data mostly from organizations such that files and databases cannot be accessed, and a ransom becomes the key to decrypting the data. Worms are standalone malware that primarily use a computer as a host to spread themselves and can delete or inject data on a computer system. Trojans are viruses often disguised as legitimate programs and software, primarily used by hackers to get easy access into systems and databases. A virus is a malicious program or line of code written with the intent of altering the normal functioning of a computer system. Viruses can spread from one host infecting different systems via files and shared programs. When these threats affect the intended operation, then it is said that the system is attacked. Social engineered attacks use psychological manipulation of human beings. It can happen through baiting, phishing, or pretexting an individual to give up crucial information on data. Another conventional attack is wireless attacks, where vulnerability on a system is exposed when a computer is connected to public Wi-Fi. There is more open access to default SSIDs and passwords. It is essential to categorize the threat's type and attributes to understand the attacks launched on a cyber-system. The risks can be grouped into hackers, who primarily need to manipulate and control systems, organized crime syndicates, and competitors trying to gain competitive advantage by in-house mining data. All orders need to undergo a simulated attack that is aimed at exposing vulnerabilities and missing links to prevent attacks. The tests are referred to as Penetration tests. Vulnerabilities can also be detected by vulnerability scanning concepts such as Nessus, which audits systems remotely to expose weaknesses and Security Administrator's Network Tool for Analyzing Networks.
Cyber Intelligence
Here concepts which are fundamental and processes in cyber intelligence are analyzed. This course included weekly in-depth research postings, writing research papers (or exams), and conducting lab experiments on (6.0) Cryptography and PKI. This included understanding the basic concepts of cryptography. A cryptography algorithm is a function, mathematical, that works with a key to decrypt and encrypt data and can be categorized into symmetric and asymmetric functions. The symmetric function uses a similar key, while the asymmetric key might require a large number bit keys such as 3000. Symmetric algorithms offer enhanced security and are high-performing compared to the asymmetric algorithms that are slower due to big data. Others include block ciphers, which further subdivide a bit unit for encryption purpose and hashing algorithm that stores data units in hash values and needs to be derived to obtain the original cost. Furthermore, there was an in-depth analysis of installing and configuring wireless security systems such as Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) and adding security features to achieve WPA2.
Critical National Infrastructures and National Security
Major basic framework assurance issues, advancements, and approaches identified with broadcast communications, vitality, banking and money, transportation, the Internet, and crisis administrations. This course included weekly in-depth research postings, writing research papers (or exams), and conducting lab experiments on (2.0) technologies and tools. This included installing and configuring network components, both the hardware, such as routers and a look at hardware security modules and software such as firewalls that control incoming and outgoing network traffic and are programmed to permit or block various data packets. An insight into troubleshooting is where a step-by-step approach is adopted to detect and fix a software or hardware issue. Software and configuration settings primarily depend on troubleshooting for optimum functionality. There is also the interpretation of secure technologies and security protocols, which are sequences of operations that ensure data security, especially when on transit. Secure protocols also interpret the correct usage of algorithms in data security.
Principles of Cybercrime Investigations
Legitimate and specialized parts of cybercrime examinations. Correlation with procedures of conventional examinations. This course included weekly in-depth research postings, writing research papers (or exams), and conducting lab experiments on (3.0) architecture and design. This included guides to secure configurations and the importance of a framework. The benchmarks for settings included those of web servers and operating systems. Different secure network architecture concepts, such as zones, segregation, and tunneling (commonly use of VPNs), are also introduced. It also included the implementation of secure design systems and staging deployment concepts. Further, the use of embedded systems and their security implications on computer systems. The cloud concept, where data is managed, stored, and analyzed over the data centers available to many users, is introduced and explained. The importance of automation strategies in data security is also highlighted. Finally, it included learning the importance of physical security controls, such as using secure cabinets and cameras to prevent unauthorized access to data.
Cyber Counterintelligence
Ideas and procedures of counterintelligence on the internet: counterintelligence missions, protective and hostile counterintelligence, and counterespionage. This course included weekly in-depth research postings, writing research papers (or exams), and conducting lab experiments on (5.0) Risk Management. This included explaining the importance of policies, plans, and procedures of organizational security where set standard procedures of operation must substantially contribute to cyber security. Summaries of business analysis concepts and their impacts, financially and on safety. Explanations on how to effectively assess risks and threats and consequentially being able to manage them. There is also an explanation of procedures for finding evidence on computer hardware and systems in legal processes and systems. Guidelines for recovering from disaster and how to effectively continue operations are explained, giving considerations to geographic considerations and back-up concepts.
Cyber Surveillance: Open Source
Open-source digital observation includes the dependable, legitimate, and moral utilization of information and data accumulated from unmonitored, semiautonomous frameworks, Web information mining, interpersonal organizations, and other present-day digital frameworks. This course remembered week by week for profundity research postings, composing research papers (or tests), and directing lab probes (2.0) innovations and apparatuses. This included Two of the advantages of these licenses which are: • clients can create existing programming without the dread of lawful burdens; • clients created programming is protected under the GPL, and no other can utilize it in its advantages. Open source started with the advancement of the UNIX stage, which was imagined by Bell Labs, an exploration division of AT&T. From then at any other time since, open-source programming spreads into each edge of the data framework, and to any working framework, not just UNIX or Linux. Security in Open Source Open Source Software is a remarkable piece of the Information System people group. We can say that, without this region, the Internet would not exist today in this structure as we probably are aware of it. A portion of the classes wherein open source security apparatuses have been created are • organizing like system analyzers; • interruption discovery frameworks; • programming creating devices; • databases and information assurance. The open-source programs are found in each PC programming territory, beginning with applications for amusement and arriving at the business domain.2, 2010 132 triangles can likewise be developed from open-source tolls that are covering a significant part of the security region known today by pernicious clients. The security field is also advanced in open source applications that are going to every single imaginable part of it.
Cyber Conflict
The turn of events and development of digital clash is seen in knowledge, fear-mongering, and counterterrorism. This course remembered week by week for profundity research postings, composing research papers (or tests), and directing lab investigate (4.0) Identity and Access Management. This included is the usage of development to ambush a nation, making virtually indistinguishable wickedness authentic battling. There is an essential conversation among experts concerning the importance of digital fighting, and whether or not something like this exists. One view is that the term 'digital fighting' is a misnomer since no threatening computerized exercises to date could be delineated as 'war.' Offensive advanced tasks, such as those in Estonia in 2007, Georgia in 2008, Iran in 2010, and North Korea, have happened concerning worldwide relations, simply realizing judgment and refusal by the side. An elective view is that digital fighting is a fitting imprint for advanced attacks that cause physical mischief to people and articles as a general rule. While there is exchange over how to portray and use 'digital fighting' as a term, various states, including the United States, United Kingdom, Russia, India, Pakistan, China, Israel, Iran, and North Korea, have advanced dynamic capacities for antagonistic and defensive undertakings. As states explore the use of computerized occupations and combine abilities, the likelihood of physical experience and severity happening in light of, or some portion of, advanced action is extended. In any case, meeting the scale and expanded nature of war is impossible; thus, ambiguity remains. The essential driver of dynamic military movement used to consider a computerized ambush achieving the loss of human life was seen on May 5, 2019, when the Israel Defense Forces concentrated on and crushed a structure identified with an on-going advanced attack.
Cyber Data Fusion
This course will explore collection, fusion, integration, and analysis problems selected from the following advanced surveillance technologies: acoustic, electromagnetic, sensors, special (magnetic, cryptologic, and computers) and human networks.
This course included weekly in-depth research postings, writing research papers (or exams), and conducting lab experiments on (5.0) Risk Management. This included Protection and Security Persistent information covering oversees perplexing, touchy administrative details for security, and administrative consistence. Innovation currently offers a unique chance to wire, upgrade, and change this information into valuable and intelligent digital insight. All through the present scene of progressively interconnected businesses, tremendous measures of digital pointers are gathered ceaselessly from the border, and system security frameworks.
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