Election and Ballot Advocacy Response

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  453 Words
Date:  2022-06-30

Response to Melissa’s View on Why Social Workers Should Be Involved in Ballot-Based Policy Issues.

I agree with Melissa that Social workers should be allowed to vote as they also have a right to be heard. Melissa states that social workers should be part of the political and social action that aims at ensuring all citizens have equal access to National resources, employment opportunities, and government services so that they can meet their personal needs and realize personal development. To this effect, I wholeheartedly agree with Melissa.

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According to (Jansson, 2014) social workers compared to other professionals can be termed as morally deficient especially if they do not take part in policy-related and policy-sensitive practice because they occupy a somewhat unique position in the human services system. The policy-related and policy-sensitive practices highlighted in regard to this context is functions and practices such as voting in National elections, which is why I agree with Melissa on her position on why social workers should be involved in ballot-based policy issues.

Response to Dan

On the issue of social workers being involved in ballot-based policy issues, Dan argues that it is not necessary for social workers to get involved with issues that have universal implications. In this position, I would like to differ with Dan. Social workers should not be treated as second generation citizens. They should have all the rights and privileges that other citizens in other professions enjoy. Social work should be treated like any other profession. Dan also argues that participating in exercises like voting is demanding and less satisfying. To this effect, I differ because social workers too can cope with different situations that life presents them with.

According to (Taylor, Gonzalez, et al. 2012), the people are becoming more aware of the importance of voting. In the publication "An Awakened Giant" these authors highlight the growing numbers of political awareness backed by equally increased voter numbers. This means that it is time all social and economic groups of people regardless of who they are gets incorporated in National functions. Such functions in this context should include voting.

Dan also argues that in the event social workers get involved in social-policy issues, there is a likelihood that there might emerge conflict with labor unions. While this is quite a relevant likelihood, it should be noted that relations between political leaders and union leaders are getting better each day. The concern raised by Dan about possible conflicts that would ensue can be addressed.


Jansson, B. (2007). Becoming an effective policy advocate: From policy practice to social justice. Cengage Learning.

Taylor, P., Gonzalez-Barrera, A., Passel, J. S., & Lopez, M. H. (2012). An awakened giant: The Hispanic electorate is likely to double by 2030. Aging.

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