Dr. Birx Warns Predictions of Coronavirus Extremely High

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  430 Words
Date:  2023-06-07

The White House coronavirus taskforce member, Dr. Deborah Birx, warned coronavirus predictions were extreme. Primarily, the models had predicted about 20 percent infection in America, which the taskforce refuted, as they did not have the information matched based on their experience (BlazeTv, 2020).

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As per the reports, predicted deaths were 500000 and 2.2 Million in the UK and the US, respectively (BlazeTv, 2020). However, there were some adjustments as the UK predicted deaths lowered to 20000 in the UK, which raised their concerns on understanding these adjustments (Schwartz, 2020). Dr. Brix maintained that 60 million infections needed a large group of a-symptomatic and particularly those who failed to take the test (BlazeTv, 2020). She maintained having an attack rate of over 1 in 1000 was unheard of, which therefore faulted the estimations (Schwartz, 2020). Besides, she argued the estimates in china and or Italy did not match the prevailing situations and thus raising more doubts. She maintained if the predictions were right, Italy, which is five times less the size of America, should have experienced over 400000 deaths, which was not the issue (BlazeTv, 2020).

Besides, she cautioned the media to stop spreading panic through claims that hospital beds and ventilators will not be enough for everyone, yet there existed no palpable evidence. Primarily, she warned it is scary to talk about 20 percent infections since the information not accurate (BlazeTv, 2020). She reassured that the nation had the capacity- bed, and ventilators and therefore warned against the spread of contrary information

She stressed that it was the responsibility of the government to reassure them and ensure there will be the least infections. The infections are more prevalent in the urban areas though some states, for instance, New York, have no positive cases yet have enough bed and ventilators; as such, she maintained that they could neutralize the situation by being responsive.

Finally, she reassured the Americans on the need to remain calm, as there existed no models showing that there will be 60 to 70 percent infections in the next 12 weeks (Schwartz, 2020). As a result, they were looking into various models and how they help in coming up with accurate predictions. Besides, she maintained that they were learning from China, South Korea, and Italy, and therefore she insisted they should look up to her numbers.


BlazeTv. (2020). Dr. Birx Admits Initial COVID Predictions Were Extreme [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUWZA43UblM&feature=youtu.beSchwartz, I. (2020, March 26). Dr. Birx: Coronavirus data does not match the doomsday media predictions. RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video, and Polls. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2020/03/26/dr_birx_coronavirus_data_doesnt_match_the_doomsday_media_predictions_or_analysis.html#!

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Dr. Birx Warns Predictions of Coronavirus Extremely High. (2023, Jun 07). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/dr-birx-warns-predictions-of-coronavirus-extremely-high

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