Being a member of a minority community can be a daunting task for many people. Such populations do not receive adequate support similar to the one accorded to people from the majority groups. The African American people are perhaps some of the most undermined people within the United States. For example, employment opportunities may be available for members of the white race, whereas, similar chances are not offered to individuals belonging to the black community. Despite there being insinuations that factors such as racism have ended, it is apparent that they still exist in the current society. There have been constant attempts to bridge the gap between African Americans and others within the American society, though they have not been entirely successful. A lot of disparities and challengers, therefore, exist in the American society, in regards to achieving social justice among the African Americans.
The discrimination experienced by white Americans is less severe compared to that which members of other races undergo. White individuals in America are more capable of claiming to have been discriminated against compared to people from other races. There have been many attempts to understand whether the intense racism against African American individuals has declined. This has been fueled by indications that racism has shifted to members of the white race. In this case, a white individual is more likely to recount a racial incidence which affected them compared to the colored skinned individual. Most notably, however, is that the inequality between both races exists in many domains such as: Poverty, income, housing, education, employment, health, mental health, and social justice features.
The employment sector in the United States represents one of the areas where structural inequalities are high. For instance, data extracted from Baxter and Wright (200) indicates that there is a higher power level among the White Americans compared to African Americans at work; with power in this case being control over resources. It appeared that the out of every 10 managerial positions held by white individuals, 2 were occupied by African Americans (Rosales et al., 2012). By quantifying the data obtained it emerged that 17% of managers were black individuals. Moreover, for every 20 supervisors only 8 were from the black race (Rosales et al., 2012). The black supervisors in this case represented 29% of all the supervisors in a company. This kind of disparity further explains why there is income inequality between both races. If the gap between individual positions at work are high, there is no doubt that the inequality in terms of income between both groups will be high. White individuals in the United States, therefore, earn relatively higher income compared to the black people.
Home ownership, on the other hand, still remains racially distributed within the United States. In this case, it is one of the main facets that necessitates social justices in order for equality to be instituted. For instance, in 2014, data obtained by the Center of Poverty and Inequality indicated that 41 percent of black families dwelled in owner-occupied homes compared to 71 percent white families (Shlay, 2015). With home ownership, it becomes possible for individuals to take advantage of tax savings and accumulate wealth as opposed to when the feature is unavailable. A life where people live in rented houses is difficult since such people find it hard for them to avoid poverty. Also, 1 in every 6 black individuals spends more than half of their entire income on housing (Shlay, 2015). As a result, they end up having fewer resources which they can utilize on other needs such as healthcare and education. Besides, part of this disparity has been fueled by the large payment gap. For instance, in 2010, it appeared that there was a 32% payment gap between black and white individuals and the same has exacerbated over the years.
It is also apparent that minorities such as black individuals find it hard to advance in their careers compared to white individuals. This is mostly contributed by the power controlled by white individuals at work. As a result, the idea that most of the latter population are in control, makes it possible for them to influence who gets employed. It is evident that in most cases, the white people tend to be biased and thus hire someone from their race irrespective of whether an individual from the black race is more qualified than their preferred candidate. Moreover, racial inequality can be observed in Seattle`s restaurant environment. For example, some of the most lucrative positions which pay well are a reserve for white individuals. Also, 32.8% of the positions in these restaurants are held by black individual compared to 67.2% held by white individuals (Williams & Mohammed, 2009). Further still, a $2 disparity exits in regards to the income between white and black employees In the quick serve businesses such as those involving takeout, there are up to 54.4% of colored skinned individuals compared to 45.6% from the white race (Williams & Mohammed, 2009). This shows that the black people are considered for jobs which are deemed to be less significant within the society. Despite leading the nation in terms of payments made to individuals working in restaurants, Seattle is ahead compared to other places in terms of job inequality.
Inequality between the black and white individuals is widespread in the United States. For instance, when the Hurricane Katrina occurred in New Orleans in 2007 the disparity was clearly observable. Up to 72% black individuals reported to have been adversely affected by the event whereas only 32% of white individuals testified to have experienced adverse effects as a result of the tragedy (Noonan, Velasco-Mondragon & Wagner, 2016). Concurrently, there was a greater probability that the black community would report to have suffered greater losses in regard to their physical and mental health as well as their financial status (Noonan, Velasco-Mondragon & Wagner, 2016). Black individuals who are out to seek stardom, clout or status are forced to downplay the racial inequality that is imminent in the society, otherwise it would be difficult for them to excel in the manner that they desire. Moreover, such black elitists tend to feel embarrassed because of their race whenever they find themselves in charge of huge responsibilities and that the people they are commanding are from the white race. Besides, some of them tend to feel obliged to advance the interests of the white individuals rather than those of black people. This has been cited as individualism, whereby black individuals who end up successful forget others affiliated to them and are only concerned about their own selfish interests. Hence it could appear that some black persons contribute to the inequalities being experienced in the American society.
Significant disparities in health exist between African Americans and White individuals. Such risk factors have contributed in high mortality and morbidity rates amongst members of the black community. It can be observed that for the greater part of the 15 most critical illnesses such as heart ailments, African Americans hold the highest mortality rate. Moreover, it is also apparent that each year, 100000 African Americans succumb to various illnesses in scenarios where this would have been preventable had there been no racial disparities (Betancourt, Corbett & Bondaryk, 2014). This further translates to a 5.1 year life expectancy gap between white and colored skinned individuals. Identification of such occurrences are likely to contribute to the attainment of a solution to cater for the problems being experienced by black individuals. Moreover, means of attaining social justice can also be established and utilized effectively. According to article 25, every living individual in the United States is entitled to equal opportunities and hence the black people ought to be subjected to same kind of treatment that is accorded to white individuals (Betancourt, Corbett & Bondaryk, 2014).
Social Justice alludes to the equal distribution of wealth, opportunities and resources. Attaining social justice for the black population of individuals is no easy task. Through government and non-governmental initiatives some strategies have been established in a bid to address the issue. For instance, President Barrack Obama launched My Brother`s Keeper Initiative in 2014 (Betancourt, Corbett & Bondaryk, 2014). This is an incentive which is meant to promote social justice by addressing concerns emanating from inequality amongst people of color and the white individuals. It is meant to ascertain that young black individuals are able to access equal opportunities compared to others within the society. This administration has been partnering with various businesses and foundations in an attempt to popularize the agenda. In addition to this, the 100 Black Men of America, Inc. is another organization formed in an attempt to address the social justice problem (Betancourt, Corbett & Bondaryk, 2014). It attempts to enhance life among communities, especially those of minority races by ensuring that they get access to quality education and gainful employment. Much of the organization`s agendas are financially oriented, for instance, providing finances for black children in order for them to become capable of getting into college. The idea is that with more learned colored skinned individuals, there is a probability that they might successfully bridge the inequality gap.
To sum it all up, it is evident from the illustrations that numerous disparities and challenges exist among the African American community in regards to achieving Social Justice. The inequality between the white and black individuals exists in many domains such as: Poverty, income, housing, education, employment, health, mental health, and social justice features. It is evident that the income of African American individuals from the onset emanates from the low wages offered to members of this race at work. This later translates to the other social issues experienced by the individuals. For instance, with low pay it becomes impossible for them to afford decent housing, education, health and other basic necessities. In order to equate justice among the African Americans, various initiatives have been made. For instance, the establishment of My Brother`s Keeper Initiative by President Barrack Obama and also the initiation of Black Men of America Inc. It is, nevertheless, necessary for people to note that institution of equality has to start at the individual level. By eliminating self-centeredness among all races, then it is possible for social justice to be attained at all levels of the society.
Betancourt, J. R., Corbett, J., & Bondaryk, M. R. (2014). Addressing disparities and achieving equity: cultural competence, ethics, and health-care transformation. Chest, 145(1), 143-148.
Noonan, A. S., Velasco-Mondragon, H. E., & Wagner, F. A. (2016). Improving the health of African Americans in the USA: an overdue opportunity for social justice. Public health reviews, 37(1), 12.
Rosales, C. B., Coe, K., Ortiz, S., Gamez, G., & Stroupe, N. (2012). On Academics; Social Justice, Health, and Human Rights Education: Challenges and Opportunities in Schools of Public Health. Public Health Reports, 127(1), 126-130.
Shlay, A. B. (2015). Life and liberty in the pursuit of housing: Rethinking renting and owning in post-crisis America. Housing Studies, 30(4), 560-579.
Williams, D. R., & Mohammed, S. A. (2009). Discrimination and racial disparities in health: evidence and...
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