Core Co-ordination & Case Management: Guiding Health & Care Interventions - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  7
Wordcount:  1694 Words
Date:  2023-04-20


The core coordination is the model that works by guiding the process of the team and task while building collaboration with parties in the table. In contrast, the case manager works with the guide on the needs of the service of the specific client agency. Case management is also known as coordination, is an integrated and complex health and care intervention making a unique contribution in the health, social care, and participation of individuals with a complex health condition (Spurrell, Araujo, & Proudlove, 2019). The strength-based management model recognizes goals that are ultimate for accessing the services. Just like clinical case management, the model identifies the value of community services and partnerships. The clients are encouraged to build nature and support, which is informational and take up their own needs. There is an urgent need in the universal language, which requires an understanding of the used terms in the description of the case management in the literature.

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Multiple perimeter influence management applied principles. There is the operation of case management in different sectors of health, social, a condition of the client range. Both planning literature range is applied in the role of task management in the manager case, such as facilitators' planners, workers f the case, planners of the discharge, and case managers. All of the different factors related to the manager's case and context influence the difference between management case task and context. Similarities include literature abundance with the description, which is an adequate component of a case management elastic demand and explorer approach in consideration of the breadth compared literature in the methods of narrowing review systematically, (Smith, Barton, Dick, Haines-Young, Madsen, Rusch, & Luque, 2018). The aim of the evaluation is to characterize maps on how the case management assesses quality and intervention into administration-the research program focuses on the component of chronic health conditions that are selected. Management focuses on the strength of the client, the direction of oneself, the use of information health network, and strength case-based. Management also stresses on the applied relationship inactive form of outreach-case management informs the heterogeneity and adequate complexity legal sector. There are several models in case management.

The theories were underpinning approach methods where the age, health, a case management description in research and practices are clinical and variable highly with quality analysis planning and policy. Case management makes a unique contribution to the integration of health care and services of the society and other services which support people involved in health condition. The model of brokerage is an approach which is brief in the case management where the caseworker's attempt in helping the clients identifies their own needs on the supportive services. There are multiple variation components in the case management, depending on the context of the population of the client. Case management is not a professional itself because it crosses the discipline and practices of the society which are interdependent. Case management is a means to improve the client's promoting health willingness through advocacy, education resource services, and identification, (Askew, Togni, Schluter, Rogers, Egert, Potter, & Brown, 2016). The case management comes from various backgrounds, which include professional services, medicine, counseling rehabilitation, and behavior of the health. The case management is mostly practical where the human services and health professions are and support system. The case management is adaptive in the practice setting and setting of health care. The case manager has a role in navigating process phases with consideration of the actual beliefs of the client. Understanding and evaluation are the core steps that are evaluated and agreed on the priority goals. Core management involves information collection about the clients' situation reviewed during the screening of the collected information.

The information includes the clients' past and present conditions of the health, the financial status of the client's safety, and the state of the client. The critical problem of the client is also identified and addressed. The assessment process is involved directly. Every person is inclined in healthcare either directly or indirectly. The underlying principle case study follows the goal of improving the health and the status of the psychological. The case management consists of nine phases, which include screening, risk of stratifying, implementation, and evaluation. The overall process of case management is interactive. Management care is affected by setting practice in the health sector. The case management and coordination care occur in the inpatient setting and mobile-based community. In the review of scoping the community based is considered. The community-based management is preferably mobile in the office health services. The case managers contract clients who are in a different setting, such as homes, community workplaces, and community venues in society (Spurrell, Araujo, & Proudlove, 2019). Management in community-based is holistic in a centered person as it meets the conjunction of clients in their component of management. The case managers of the health sector deal with different disciplines such as pathology occupational, nursing, counseling rehabilitation, and other areas of practice. There are several cases of management models, such as underpinning practice literature and health client's conditions. Temporal factors are characterized by the difference between the task of the management and the context of the client as they influence the manager's case. Factors that are identified in the health risk of the client include the nutrition and habits of the exercise.

The intensive management case gives outreach counseling services such as skill-building, consultation of the family, and intervention of the crisis. The needs intensive are supported by the short term period limiting available research on the population which is abused. The case management, which is based on the strength, was initially being developed to help individuals with illnesses that are persistent such as mental problems, to have independent institutionalized living. The models focus on the principles which include support provision to direct control asserting on the client in search of employment and housing. The client's strength is examined through the owned assets such as vehicles and management resources (Spurrell, Araujo, & Proudlove, 2019). The based strength resources concentrate on the resources which are inherent in the families and organization groups; personal strength is deployed in the aiding of empowerment. The companies which are charitable serve individuals using social services that focus on the well-being of the health and embrace the assets where positive is promoted. Evidence suggests that the approach based on the strength improves the social connection by having a positive impact psychologically to enhance the well-being. The children are helped by an improvement of the retention in the programs of treatment, and misused applications are improved and managed to enhance abuse of substances. The models receive criticism because of the contacts which are limited between the case manager and the clients. The necessary foundation is shared to improve selected situation models. The approach is appropriate for the managers to treat the social services, which are particular in the monitoring of criminal advocacy. Potential advantages allow the case managers to deliver immediately. An example includes tremendous initial agency seasons that provide ongoing services. The models are useful for clients who are economically deprived and have intent, which is significant for sufficient resources.

The case managers play the role of pivotal to their clients. They help the client in receiving the care and need resources (Spurrell, Araujo, & Proudlove, 2016). The care managers carry out their roles in a different environment such, as hospitals, clinics of mental problems, center for the crisis, a legal advocacy organization, agencies of the welfare, and in the schools. People who are interested in becoming managers of the case must complete a bachelor's degree in the related field with the degree of associated masters. They are also required to complete an internship and the agency of the clinical before obtaining full-time employment. The goals which are designed for the adults who balance work and commitment of their careers tend to have definite goals in case management.

The model assumes the clients are vulnerable in the use of the needed services once they are aware that they are available and know how they can access the services. The model works very well when the clients face the challenges of accessing services rather than when the services are available-the model of brokerage places less emphasis on measuring the outcomes. Organizations provide services of the case management for the coordination of data and collection of assessment across the provided services. One of the best ways to carry out a case study includes encourage and advocate the use of an integrated system of case management. The providers of the services, together with case managers, use the integrated services for the assessment of the needs and services tracking, outcomes measuring, and capture information, which is essential in the coordinated efforts. The model of clinical management the servers are provided with counselors and therapist, (Spurrell, Araujo, & Proudlove, 2019). The models recognize a lot of clients and the problems which they face to reach beyond the simple questions. Clinical case management includes advocacy, coordinating between managers and clients. The model requires the client to support the case managers with a system management case robust to truck the high services, which are individualized and capture data and matrix. The model views the community as resources and not contains in the practice of case management.


Askew, D. A., Togni, S. J., Schluter, P. J., Rogers, L., Egert, S., Potter, N., ... & Brown, A. D. (2016). Investigating the feasibility, acceptability, and appropriateness of outreach case management in an urban Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health care service: a mixed methods exploratory study. BMC health services research, 16(1), 178.

Spurrell, M., Araujo, L., & Proudlove, N. (2019). Capturing context: An exploration of service delivery networks in complex case management. Industrial Marketing Management, 76, 1-11.

Spurrell, M., Araujo, L., & Proudlove, N. (2019). Capturing context: An exploration of service delivery networks in complex case management. Industrial Marketing Management, 76, 1-11.

Smith, R. I., Barton, D. N., Dick, J., Haines-Young, R., Madsen, A. L., Rusch, G. M., ... & Luque, S. (2018). Operationalizing ecosystem service assessment in Bayesian Belief Networks: Experiences within the OpenNESS project. Ecosystem services, 29, 452-464.

Spurrell, M., Araujo, L., & Proudlove, N. (2019). Capturing context: An exploration of service delivery networks in complex case management. Industrial Marketing Management, 76, 1-11.

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Core Co-ordination & Case Management: Guiding Health & Care Interventions - Essay Sample. (2023, Apr 20). Retrieved from

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