Compare and Contrast Essay on Cultural Relativism vs. Universalism: A Debate on Human Rights

Paper Type:  Course work
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  435 Words
Date:  2023-03-27


Observing cultural and human rights takes various dimensions, including cultural relativism and universalism (Lakatos, 2018). While some scholars argue that universalism is the best approach to human rights, others argue that global dynamics and cultures require relativism as presented in this coursework.

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Arguments Advanced For Cultural Relativism

Based on the article, cultural relativism focuses on ultimate freedom and movements based on political correctness. Advanced arguments for cultural relativism include private and domestic violence. When determining asylum cases, it has become difficult to differentiate between domestic violence based on the culture of the people and how people view gender (Kotlowitz, 2007). Cultural values keep changing in society since men in some communities brutalize their spouses not because they are women, but their wives. In such cases, there must be clear policies to differentiate and determine claims of women seeking refuge in the US by running away from oppressive cultures.

Arguments Advanced For Universalism

Universalism is a philosophy, holding that some values and ideas have universal application. Advanced arguments in this case include the fact that asylum cases in the cases are complicated because of different cultures where victims come from. Due to cultural diversities where the victims come from, it is necessary to develop universal laws and policies that determine individuals who qualify for asylum (Kotlowitz, 2007). For example, individuals who qualify for refuge in the US should be accepted for reasons, such as persecution based on race, religion, nationality, political opinion and gender violence.

Asylum Grants from Human Rights Perspectives

From the human rights perspective, the United States should grant asylum for women fleeing accepted cultural practices in their home countries since the US has advanced in protecting human rights (Kotlowitz, 2007). Although cultural practices are acceptable in their origin countries, they may not be developed to protect human rights. The department of immigration should not send back victims to their home countries until the judges hear and determine the cases to know individuals who qualify for asylum.


Two philosophies that help to understand cultures, beliefs, and practices of individuals include universalism and cultural relativism. Through cultural relativism, it is the culture of people that determines individual beliefs, while universalism holds that rules and laws determine individual behaviors. Finally, the US should uphold asylum for women fleeing their countries because of oppression and it is a first world country that protects human rights.


Kotlowitz, A. (2007). Asylum for the World's Battered Women. New York Times. Retrieved from

Lakatos, I. (2018). Thoughts on Universalism versus Cultural Relativism, with Special Attention to Women's Rights. Pecs Journal of International and European Law, 2018(1), 1-20.

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Compare and Contrast Essay on Cultural Relativism vs. Universalism: A Debate on Human Rights. (2023, Mar 27). Retrieved from

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