Communication Skills - Free Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  370 Words
Date:  2024-01-11


There are abysmal communication skills around my organization. Employees and inmates sometimes fail to understand each other due to a lack of communication skills. There is no exchange of ideas between the subordinate staff and the superiors due to a lack of good communication skills. Sometimes the organization may need new ideas to tackle specific challenges. Still, due to a lack of proper communication between employees, great ideas get shuttered due to a lack of adequate explanation of the thought (DuBrin, 2015).

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Communication Skills

There have been situations that an inmate wants to say or request something. Due to proper communication skills, they fail to communicate hence remaining with their problems, which could have been solved if they had good communication skills. Due to the diversity in prisons, people have different ideas and views, which are often not expressed. Developing the organization's communication plan will help with a better understanding of one another in the organization. It will also help build and create trust and respect between workers and inmates, thus creating a suitable environment for sharing creative ideas and solving problems. There has been a lot of negativity due to a lack of information that people should know caused a lack of good communication skills between the leaders and their subordinates (DuBrin, 2015). Poor communication skills also cause low productivity among employees because they fear doing something they do not know and fail to ask. Low morale and mistrust have been high in the organization because they do not feel engaged and connected to the workplace.


Thus, communication skills can also help my organization prevent situations from escalating due to the employers will learn to listen and talk to each other and the inmates. Learning personal communication skills such as body language, facial expression, and tone of voice, and gestures will significantly help the organizations. Staff can be able to read and understand what is happening in the environment and thus can be crucial in preventing violence in prison or attacks. A proper plan will ensure that leaders, subordinates and the inmates learn communication skills through various programs that will be put in place (DuBrin, 2015).


DuBrin, A. J. (2015). Leadership: Research findings, practice, and skills. Nelson Education.

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